Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 384: The Beast Taming Sect’s Disaster

Zhou Damao glanced at the dusty Beast Control Sect.

"It's not a good situation."

"Although we have defeated these guys now, it is only a matter of time before they come back."

After a battle, many places here were destroyed.

But now the Beast Control Sect has also realized the Red Ghost Sect's next purpose from this incident.

At the beginning, everyone thought it was just a small fight.

The real purpose of the Red Ghost Sect is just to get those so-called keys from Lin Yun.

But now it seems that the real purpose of the Red Ghost Sect is not like this at all.

From the very beginning, what they wanted was the Beast Control Sect.

"Junior brother Lin."

"The next battle will only get more intense."

"With these guys from the Red Ghost Sect, I'm afraid they won't let us go easily."

With the current strength of the Beast Control Sect, it is probably impossible to face an almost crazy Red Ghost Sect.

It’s just that no one understands why at the critical moment when the Desolate Palace is about to come.

However, the Red Ghost Sect placed all its treasures on them.

"We don't know what they want to do."

"But this time it's definitely not just for the key to Zhenhuang Palace."

At this moment, even Lin Yun couldn't figure out what his opponents wanted.

Both of them shook their heads helplessly.

Judging from the current situation, the next problem is definitely not as simple as they thought.

However, Lin Yun had already been prepared to fight hard.

"I believe that through the previous battles, the brothers of the Beast Control Sect have already understood what they will face next."

Lin Yun said calmly.

Although I also know that the Red Ghost Sect is coming this time,


But he was more willing to believe that Jiang Zhengqing had a way to deal with all this.

Soon the disciples began to move all those who were weak or injured to the Treasure Pavilion.

This place has the right time, place and people. Even if we fight to the last moment, this is an absolutely safe place.

It was a relief to send Chen Yu to the Treasure Pavilion.

Lin Yun quickly found Jiang Zhengqing.

Cao Yuke and Fang Yan have already surrendered.

Although the strength of these two people is good, they also cooperate with the Red Ghost Sect inside and outside.

But after all, they still underestimated the ability of the Beast Control Sect.

In this battle, the Beast Control Sect showed extremely terrifying and tenacious resistance.

Because of this, they were completely defeated and unable to compete.

After seeing Lin Yun, Jiang Zhengqing also breathed a sigh of relief. He was originally worried that he would encounter some troubles in the previous battle, but now it seems that he is overthinking it.

With this kid's ability shown here, I'm afraid no one can bully him.

And Shen Miaokong had also known for a long time that since Lin Yun had the help of the Eight Realms Tower, it would be difficult for the entire Red Ghost Sect to find someone who could deal with him.

As long as this kid wants to run away, it's generally difficult to keep him.


"As you can see, the Red Ghost Sect is coming towards our Beast Control Sect to protect the mountain this time, and there is no way to activate it."

Zhou Damao next to him said very seriously.

The situation is urgent, and they all hope to make a decision as soon as possible and come up with a solution.

Today's enemies are far more powerful than they can handle.

And everyone present did not want to see things continue to deteriorate like this.

Shen Miaokong looked at it

Eyes Jiang Zhengqing.

"We already know about the mountain protection formation."

"But there is no way to solve this matter for a while. You can rest assured that it will not take long to complete the repair of the formation."

Now the Beast Control Sect does not want to confront the Scarlet Ghost Sect head-on. On the contrary, they need to delay time.

Various sects and sects in the spiritual world have long been connected with each other.

In this case, if they are in danger, they have to delay until others come to support them.

At that time, even if they face the powerful Red Ghost Sect, they don't need to worry about anything at all.

Jiang Zhengqing also nodded.

"I have arranged for people to pass on the news here, and various sects should receive my news soon."

This war came very suddenly. No one expected that at this juncture, the Red Ghost Sect would suddenly bite the Beast Control Sect.

But now that the battle has begun, they can only bite the bullet and continue fighting.

"The top priority is to seize the time to repair the mountain protection formation."

Jiang Zhengqing and Shen Miaokong knew that this was the key.

At this moment, they saw Duan Wuya walking in hurriedly.


"We have just inspected it. The formation has been severely damaged. There are currently as many as seventy-eight damaged places."

It is not easy to maintain such a formation.

Not to mention, if you want to repair such a formation, you need a very professional formation master.

From this point of view, the Red Ghost Sect had already guessed all possibilities when attacking.

Therefore, he used his own methods to break these formations in advance.


There were actually seventy-eight places damaged. In this way, even if the Beast Control Sect wanted to repair it successfully in a short time, it would probably be too late.

Jiang Zhengqing's face was full of solemnity.

"These damn guys have already started planning. This time we are just getting started."

He took a deep breath and never thought that the situation would change so much in such a short time.

If it continues like this, no one knows what will be waiting for them in the future.

Even Jiang Zhengqing now is full of doubts about all this.

"There is no need to rush."

"Since these guys are determined to destroy the entire Beast Taming Sect, let them try."

Since the mountain protection formation is no longer effective, they can only choose to fight them head-on.

Jiang Zhengqing is a little scared, but Shen Miaokong is not afraid at all.

Shen Miaokong also understands that the Red Ghost Sect must have thought of many possibilities when they are determined to take action this time.

For them now, it is even more difficult to deal with all this.

However, since things have come to this point, there is nothing to say next.

"Since there is no way to repair the formation in a short time, we should think about how to resist the next attack of the Red Ghost Sect."

Deng Pengzu walked in swaggeringly.

"In this situation, everyone's strength should be concentrated, let's deal with it together."

The Red Ghost Sect is indeed powerful, but the Beast Taming Sect is also full of hidden talents. If they really fight, they are not doomed to fail.

At least they can still withstand it for a short period of time.

Jiang Zhengqing was silent.

He was also undecided for a while.

If they continue to resist, the Beast Taming Sect

will suffer more casualties.

And facing the upcoming Zhenhuang Palace, he really doesn't have any particularly good solutions now.

At this time, Lin Yun said: "Let me go."

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