Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 385 Using oneself as bait

Although Lin Yun didn't know what the Red Ghost Sect's purpose was this time.

But I understand that these guys are ultimately for themselves.

So he must take the initiative to stand up at this moment.

But unexpectedly, several people present rejected Lin Yun's opinion.

"You brat, we all know what you want to do."

"But this time we can't let you continue to act like this."

"The Red Ghost Sect is indeed powerful, but it is not a problem that the Beast Control Sect cannot solve."

Jiang Zhengqing immediately rejected Lin Yun.

Asking Lin Yun to withstand the entire Red Ghost Sect's offensive was something he couldn't do.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, was very serious.

"I know what the sect leader is thinking."

"But it's the best we can do right now."

"You can't say that the sect master really wants to give up like this."

The reason why Lin Yun said this answer was because he knew that this might be the only opportunity offline.

Just now he also looked at several people's panels.

If the battle with the Red Ghost Sect continues, there will definitely be casualties. This is not what Lin Yun wants to see.

Although this time I don’t know what the purpose of the Red Ghost Sect is.

But since the other party is coming for him, he only needs to let Lin Yun leave the Beast Control Sect.

Maybe it can alleviate this offensive.

Deng Pengzu also objected immediately: "With your current strength, so what if we agree to you, can you deal with this group of lunatics from the Red Ghost Sect?"

"They won't joke with you. If they really want to take action, there are many ways to make you die here."

Seeing Lin Yun still looking serious, Deng Pengzu and others couldn't believe it.

Obviously this matter is very dangerous, but Lin

Yun was still able to be so calm and composed.

Shen Miaokong said at this time: "I just want you to get out."

"How long do you think you can handle it?"

"Since the Scarlet Ghost Sect is not making a small fuss this time, you can be sure that there are quite a few masters in charge, and many of them even have conflicts with you."

"Do you think you can escape unscathed after you go out?"

Not like others.

In the eyes of others, Lin Yun's current statement may very well be risking his own life.

But Shen Miaokong probably knew Lin Yun's methods.

But even though they knew what he was capable of, they also knew that the Red Ghost Sect they faced this time was not easy to deal with.

Even if Lin Yun goes all out, he may not be able to escape unscathed.

So going to trouble the Red Ghost Sect at this time is definitely not a wise choice.

In his opinion, Lin Yun did this just to help them.

"This is our only chance now. We can't really let them break through the Beast Control Sect."

"Although I don't know what the purpose of these guys is, I do know that once their plan succeeds, it will be a major blow to us."

Everyone has their own opinions, but after a long discussion, no unified decision was made.

While they were discussing, the Red Ghost Sect launched another attack.

But this time Lin Yun did not let things continue like this.

Instead, he turned around and left the hall.

No matter what the final result is, he will definitely not give up easily.

Seeing Lin Yun's firm departure, Deng Pengzu and Jiang Zhengqing were both a little worried.

"This little

Zi must be looking for trouble again. "

"No matter what, we cannot put him in danger this time."

The two people were about to go out as they spoke.

But at this time, Shen Miaokong let out a long sigh.

"It's not like you don't know this boy's character. So what if you go out? Can you really convince him to stay here? If it is really possible, why waste so much time before doing so?"

Shen Miaokong slowly stood up.

"Now we all have to stand on the overall situation."

"Since the Scarlet Ghost Sect wants to destroy the Beast Control Sect, we must persist."

"Next, you will try your best to resist the attacks of the Red Ghost Sect and do everything you can to keep the Beast Control Sect's formation running as quickly as possible."

"As for Lin Yun, leave it to me."

Shen Miaokong knew that the Red Ghost Sect would not use all its power yet.

So there is no need to think about a fight to the death with the Red Ghost Sect as the top priority.

What he wanted to do was to protect Lin Yun's safety.

In the next period of time, as long as Lin Yun is safe, everything can be settled smoothly.

Although she was still a little worried, she had to admit that what Shen Miaokong was doing now was probably the best way to deal with this problem.

On the other side, when Lin Yun left the hall, Zhou Damao immediately chased after him.

"Senior Brother Zhou."

"I'm afraid there are still many things going on within the sect."

"Senior Brother Zhou, it's best to stay here."

With Zhou Damao's appeal, he will definitely have a very positive impact in the subsequent battles.

Therefore, Lin Yun also hopes that Zhou Damao can stay in the Beast Control Sect, so that when facing the Red Ghost Sect's offensive, they can somewhat rely on Zhou Damao

Influence here to solve problems together.

But who would have thought that Zhou Damao would just smile indifferently when faced with Lin Yun's statement.

"Of course I know that I can influence many people, but no matter what, when things have developed to this point, many people are no longer able to stay outdoors, even me now."

"Do you want me to watch you die at the hands of others?"

"I'm sorry, I can't do this."

Although I also know that my behavior is somewhat reckless.

But in the head-on battle with the Red Ghost Sect, even if Zhou Damao is missing, it is nothing.

But Lin Yun's safety is crucial.

Zhou Damao understands the importance of Lin Yun better than anyone else.

Originally, he wanted to use some methods to make Zhou Damao change his attitude.

But seeing how serious he looked, Lin Yun had no choice but to give up this idea for the time being.

He understood that no matter what he said, it was just a waste of time, and what Zhou Damao decided would not be changed easily.

"You don't have to worry about things on the sect's side."

"Master has issued emergency measures. The disciples who are out on missions should be able to return soon."

Lin Yun nodded blankly.

The two then rushed towards the mountain gate at extremely fast speeds.

Groups of black clouds could already be seen in the distant sky gathering towards them.

Those are all disciples of the Red Ghost Sect.

Facing this group of Red Ghost Sect disciples rushing over, Lin Yun could not see the slightest bit of nervousness in his eyes, but was as calm as ever.

But Zhou Damao still looked serious.

After all, this side

The right one is an elite disciple of the Red Ghost Sect.

Even he is not completely sure that he can solve all these guys.

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