The Red Ghost Sect once again launched an siege-like offensive against the Beast Control Sect.

And after the previous wave of battles.

It is now difficult for the Beast Control Sect to form an effective resistance force.

However, due to the geographical advantage, the Red Ghost Sect was never able to gain the upper hand.

And this group of vanguard teams quickly arrived at the forefront of the battlefield.

Their targets were naturally Lin Yun and Zhou Damao.

I thought I could handle this situation easily.

But they never thought that things were far more complicated than they thought.

Lin Yun and Zhou Damao were seen standing at the front.

But there was no trace of nervousness in their eyes.

Even facing the mighty troops and horses coming towards them, they excitedly raised their weapons.

"Senior Brother Zhou, facing so many enemies, I am going to kill everyone."

After holding back for so long and facing these enemies, Lin Yun was finally able to go all out unscrupulously.

How powerful the sword cultivator is on the battlefield can finally be verified at this moment.

The two of them stood there, facing a steady stream of Red Ghost Sect monks rushing forward.

There is a feeling that even though tens of thousands of people have gone there, I am gone.

At the moment when these monks rushed over, Lin Yun calmly summoned the sword box.

Several flying swords flew out instantly.

At the same time, countless sword shadows condensed behind him.

Although Zhou Damao had great energy in the previous battle, this time he summoned a pure white wolf.

The White Wolf's strength is very powerful, and its speed is far superior to others. It poses an extremely terrifying threat in battle.

However, although the two of them are in good health, they

But it still failed to make these Red Ghost Sect monks feel the slightest fear.

In fact, these guys started shouting even more crazily, hoping that this way they could inspire their own courage.

Lin Yun looked at this coldly and rushed towards his monk. Without any unnecessary nonsense, he just waved his hand and countless flying swords flew out.

Screams and wails merged into one in an instant.

The power of the sword cultivator was fully demonstrated at this moment.

These so-called powerful monks of the Red Ghost Sect had no resistance at all in front of Lin Yun, and they would die almost instantly like mowing grass.

After Lin Yun finished all this, he continued to step forward without hesitation.

Zhou Damao beside him also controlled the white wolf to suppress these monks.

Originally, the morale of the Beast Control Sect was not high.

Even if he won the first battle before.

But everyone also knows that this is just a stop-gap measure. Soon, the second wave of attacks will cause them to lose more people.

But now the appearance of Lin Yun and Zhou Damao gave them a different view on this war.

Everyone thought they were destined to die, but Lin Yun gave them a new choice.

However, under Jiang Zhengqing's control, these disciples did not rush out easily.

And this is certainly not what Lin Yun wants to see.

Soon Lin Yun had given a huge impact to the entire Red Ghost Sect camp.

After doing all this, Lin Yun and Zhou Damao immediately fled in another direction.

At this time, the Red Ghost Sect had not reacted at all.

Everyone will think that Lin Yun's attack this time is just to fight off Chi.

The attack of the Ghost Sect.

But who would have thought that he would leave the Beast Control Sect directly at the critical moment?

At this time, in the camp dozens of miles away, Peng Yuanbai had just received the news.

"Elder, Lin Yun and Zhou Damao have already left the Beast Control Sect, and it seems they are not ready to come back."

A disciple knelt in front of Peng Yuanbai and truthfully explained what had happened before.

After hearing this answer, the expression on Peng Yuanbai's face changed slightly.

Although he knew that Lin Yun was quite ambitious.

But I never thought that Lin Yun would give up on this at a critical moment.

"This brat gave up his entire sect for the sake of his own life?"

Another white-haired old man next to him asked: "What should we do now?"

"Are we going to continue attacking the Beast Control Sect, or are we going to capture that kid back?"

Peng Yuanbai smiled and said, "It doesn't matter."

"His little trick can't hide it from me."

"Mobilize all our people to destroy the Beast Control Sect at a faster speed. I don't believe he can really stand by and watch."

His eyes were full of coldness.

Although Lin Yun looks like he is really ready to give up on the Beast Control Sect now.

But they only had to think hard to realize that it was highly unlikely to happen.

So everything they saw now was just a smoke bomb thrown by Lin Yun to them.

If you really believed in Lin Yun's choice at this time, you might miss the best opportunity to seize this boy.

What's more, it took a lot of effort to get the Beast Control Sect when it was at its weakest.

If they waste this time, then wait until the Beast Control Sect will

When all the sects in the cultivation world gather together to deal with the Red Ghost Sect, it will be too late.

Peng Yuanbai is not a fool. Although Lin Yun is important, he still knows his priorities.

Lin Yun and Zhou Damao also left the battlefield quickly. The two of them thought that they would soon become the target of many people's attention.

But I never expected that the Red Ghost Sect would remain unmoved.

"Junior Brother Lin, it seems that we have miscalculated a bit."

Even Zhou Damao was very surprised. Everyone thought that this time everything was caused by Lin Yun.

But now even Lin Yun has left.

But these opponents still have no intention of letting them go. It can be seen that the Red Ghost Sect's target from the very beginning was the Beast Taming Sect.

And dealing with Lin Yun was just a side job.

Lin Yun's face sank, and he knew this situation very well.

But at this moment, he seemed to have no choice.

"I thought the Beast Taming Sect was not their target."

"If I leave, these guys should take the initiative to find me."

Lin Yun glanced at his panel and confirmed that even if he left the Beast Taming Sect, he would not be hunted down by the Red Ghost Sect.

This was indeed a very unexpected thing for him.

Is it really nothing to do with me this time? Is the purpose of the Red Ghost Sect just to kill the Beast Taming Sect?

Lin Yun didn't know how to describe this matter, but at the same time he didn't dare to make a bet easily.

If they bet wrong, they will be doomed.

At the same time, the pressure inside the Beast Taming Sect is not small.

Before this, although some people thought that they suffered such crazy attacks from the Red Ghost Sect because of Lin Yun.

But at this moment, Lin Yun has already tested the law and left here.

They should have been safe.

But the enemy's attack did not stop, but became more crazy.

This also made them realize that they would not survive even without Lin Yun.

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