Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 387 Humanoid Self-Propelled Nuclear Bomb

The disciples of the Beast Control Sect were very desperate when they received the news.

They thought that letting Lin Yun leave here would allow them to regain their freedom and give the Beast Control Sect some opportunities to buy time.

But now it seems that the Red Ghost Sect will never let go of such a good opportunity to deal with the Beast Control Sect.

"damn it."

"The goal of these guys from the Red Ghost Sect from the very beginning was that we never thought about giving up."

Looking at the Red Ghost Sect who continued to attack like a tide, God knows how many troops these guys sent out this time?

But after all, these are just disciples who are like cannon fodder.

The Beast Control Sect can still withstand this wave of offensive.

And Shen Miaokong also glanced at Jiang Zhengqing beside him.

"Our judgments were all wrong. From the very beginning, these guys were only targeting us and had nothing to do with Lin Yun."

He sighed as he said this.

And Jiang Zhengqing also looked solemn: "We can still withstand this wave of offensive."

"Now we just need to bear the pressure and seize the time to repair the mountain protection formation. The longer we delay, the more advantage we have."

This is the only thing he can do now.

Just when they thought they could withstand it this time, the ground shook violently.

The disciples who were standing on the ground almost fell to the ground.

Then from the distant horizon, extremely terrifying puppet giants appeared in their sights.

Jiang Zhengqing's face was already quite solemn. He did not expect that this time, the Red Ghost Sect would actually show its housekeeping skills.

These puppet giants are at war

The power is very terrifying.

The resources required to create a puppet giant are also quite terrifying. Who would have thought that this time the Red Ghost Sect actually sent eighteen puppet giants.

"These guys really put their money where their mouth is."

"I will spare no effort to eliminate the entire Beast Control Sect."

Jiang Zhengqing let out a long sigh. Facing such a powerful opponent, he no longer knew what to say.

No matter how hard I try, I still lag behind these guys in the end.


"How about retreating to the Treasure Pavilion?"

Without any advantage at present, this is the only way Jiang Zhengqing can think of.

Just survive for the time being and wait until the enemy has no advantage before launching a counterattack.

"We don't have much time right now."

"Once this strategic depth is lost, how long can the people in the Treasure Pavilion hold on?"

Shen Miaokong shook his head and rejected Jiang Zhengqing's idea. They now needed to be able to withstand these waves of attacks.

Just when everyone thought they couldn't withstand this fierce attack, they saw a flying rainbow in the sky.

It was an arrow flying from a distance.

It was extremely fast, dragging a red tail flame, and almost in an instant, it was already in their sight.

Immediately afterwards, he fell directly into the vanguard of the Red Ghost Sect disciples.

Along with a deafening explosion, a huge mushroom cloud rose from the sky.

At the same time, a terrifying wave of air roared directly from the ground, and the entire ground was also shaking violently.

At that moment, it was like a magnitude 10 earthquake.

And in the wave of the Red Ghost Sect's attack,

, a huge gap appeared throughout.

Many disciples of the Beast Control Sect were dumbfounded.

The power of this attack is too terrifying.

Lin Yun's arrow almost wiped out all the vanguard of the attack.

Of course, this also dealt a heavy blow to the morale of the Red Ghost Sect.

But soon this effect was completely offset, and Lin Yun could see the eyes of these disciples turn red instantly.

Obviously at that moment, they seemed to be bewitched in some way.

And these disciples became even crazier.

He no longer even feared pain during the battle.

It can be seen that the Red Ghost Sect really spent a lot of time to win this war.

And those puppet giants are also quite difficult to deal with.

Lin Yun prepared to continue summoning his sword to attack.

"Junior Brother Lin, the blow just now has consumed too much of your energy."

"If you continue to fight like this, I'm afraid it will cause irreversible damage to you."

Seeing that Lin Yun continued to use his sword skills, Zhou Damao was a little worried.

But Lin Yun just smiled calmly.

He knew what he was doing, and he also understood that under the current execution, he had no choice.

"Senior Brother Zhou, the enemies have already attacked in a big way."

"Where do we have time to wait?"

Even if you know that doing so may cause a huge burden on yourself.

But it would be great for him to be able to delay this battle for a while.

Even if he knew it would cause harm to himself, he would not hesitate.

Although Zhou Damao still wanted to stop him, Lin Yun wouldn't listen at all.

The disciples of the Red Ghost Sect had just endured a nuclear bomb-like attack, and then

Countless sword energy condensed behind Lin Yun.

With the expansion of the murderous realm, the speed of these disciples was greatly slowed down.

At the same time, the dense sword energy fell like a downpour.

The roars were deafening.

The battlefield was filled with smoke.

The average survival time of these Red Ghost Sect disciples on the battlefield cannot reach an hour.

Lin Yun seemed to be tireless, and single-handedly suppressed the entire Red Ghost Sect company.

And using such an offensive made Lin Yun look pale.

But at this moment, he still persevered.

As long as the mountain-protecting formation can be put into operation in a timely manner, everything will still be possible.

With the current disciples of the Red Ghost Sect, there is no way to defeat them.

As Lin Yun and Zhou Damao went all out, they withstood the offensive.

The morale of these disciples of the Beast Control Sect was finally boosted.

Many people rushed out.

For a moment, the Beast Control Sect actually had the upper hand and completely suppressed the Red Ghost Sect.

However, Lin Yun was not complacent. He knew that if he wanted to solve the problem, he must maintain this advantage at all times.

Not to mention that the Red Ghost Sect they see now may only be a small part of its power.

There is even more terrifying power that has yet to be unleashed.

As time passes little by little.

Lin Yun also understood in his heart that this matter could never be as simple as he thought.

And the other side.

Faced with the sudden change, the Red Ghost Sect didn't seem so confused, as if it had guessed this outcome a long time ago.

When Peng Yuanbai got the news, he just ignored it.

Ran smiled.

"I've said it a long time ago, this kid can't ignore it at all."

"In this case, we can start the next plan."

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