In Lin Yun's opinion, Qian Baobao looks like a mad dog now.

He doesn't care who you are or what you're talking about.

For Qian Baobao, as long as he can perform well in front of Qin Xiyan, that is enough.

He didn't even realize at this moment that this green slime had nothing to do with Lin Yun.

Even a few people around Qian Baobao realized that this green mucus had no connection with Lin Yun and was completely a product of Zangfeng Valley.

But unfortunately, no matter how they remind Qian now, it is impossible for the baby to wake up.

In his opinion, Lin Yun was just trash competing with him for Qin Xiyan.

"Let's get ready to get out of here."

Lin Yun glanced at Qin Xiyan beside him and said lightly, there is nothing to talk about with this guy.

Being entangled in this green slime, there was basically no hope.

"You want to leave now, do you think you can?"

Qian Baobao asked coldly.

Lin Yun said it lightly.

"I've said it before, you guys will not be my opponent."

"And since you are here to escape, you should focus all your attention on how to escape."

"Now you still want to use your own strength to pick up girls. I don't even look at your abilities. Just take a piss and look in the mirror. Do you think you can still leave now?"

Lin Yun laughed sarcastically, and then left directly with Qin Xiyan.

When Qian Baobao saw it, of course he was very angry.

But just when he wanted to take the initiative to counterattack, he saw this green mucus slowly eroding his barrier.

Qian Bao

Bao was instantly shaken out of his wits.

Although he didn't know what it was, it was already quite extraordinary to be able to destroy his own magic weapon.

Qian Baobao's hands were trembling as he looked at the magic weapon in his hand that had lost its effect.

Then he saw with his own eyes the green sticky mist corroding the barrier and then contaminating himself.

At that moment, he felt as if his body was starting to lose control.

At this time, Lin Yun, who was leaving, suddenly stopped, and then slashed back with the sword in his hand.

Accompanied by a shrill scream, an invisible creature slowly emerged behind Lin Yun, and then he staggered back.

The scream just now came from this guy.

But his scarlet eyes were flashing with pain and confusion.

According to the original plan, it would not be a problem for this tree man to solve Lin Yun, and Lin Yun's attention should have been there.

Qian Baobao and others.

But who would have thought that at this most critical moment, Lin Yun would have time to observe their every move.

So when they took action, Lin Yun also struck decisively.

The tree men's first attack failed to produce any effect, so they decided to retreat.

He also knew that Lin Yun was not an easy opponent. It would be best if he could defeat this guy.

But for now, it is not easy to achieve this step. Lin Yun has a very strong will to fight, and he is more than enough to deal with them.

It was at this time that Qian Baobao finally realized how stupid his behavior was.

He was half kneeling on the ground and could feel his control over this body.

The force is getting weaker and weaker.

Everyone else stood far away from Qian Baobao.

Although they don't know what the mucus on Qian Baobao's body is.

But I can feel that this thing should have a spreading effect.

Qian Baobao felt very uncomfortable. He could feel something taking root in his body, so he raised his hand and looked at Lin Yun in the distance.

"Please help me."

This is also the only thing Qian Baobao can do now.

He originally thought that he would be able to regain his life after begging hard.

"We are all practitioners. There is no need to kill them all like this. I admit that I was too arrogant when I spoke before. Dahai, please let me go."

"After all, it's not too late to find your way back."

It has to be said that Qian Baobao is very capable in admitting his cowardice. He explains almost all his advantages and disadvantages very clearly.

Originally, he wanted Lin Yun to spare his life.

But unexpectedly, Lin Yun just sneered and shook his head.

"I've said it before, if you had left earlier, you could still have saved your life, but you have to stay here and cause trouble for me."

"This is all your own choice. I have no way to change your destiny."

"As for you, you will definitely die today. Even if the King of Heaven comes, it is impossible to change everything."

Of course, Lin Yun would not have any sympathy for Qian Baobao.

After all, he had made it clear before that as long as this guy did what he asked, there would be a solution to everything.

But it is a pity that Qian Baobao is very confident in his own strength, which is why he can become what he is now.

Qian Baobao was naturally upset when he realized the problem.

Regret endlessly.

But now it's too late to turn back.

He could only watch helplessly as the green mucus slowly invaded his body, and then a green vine penetrated from his body.

The vines soon began to entangle Qian Baobao.

Lin Yun frowned, which seemed to be the same as the guys he saw in the Huangzhen Palace.

It can also be seen from this point that the tree man is likely to be related to the previous medicine garden.

Of course, Lin Yun was not completely sure.

The tree man who had just been injured by Lin Yun slowly stood up.

He was not in a hurry to take action, but said sarcastically: "This guy is hopeless."

"You humble humans, don't you still think you can survive here with your own abilities?"

Lin Yun did not answer this guy's question directly.

Instead, he carefully observed Qian Baobao's changes, and even took out the image-keeping crystal.

He wanted to hand this precious record directly to the court.

As for whether you can get help from others, it depends on the ability of the court.

But for now, this matter cannot be solved at all by relying on one Daye Dynasty. This requires several dynasties to unite and exert pressure.

It is still possible to eliminate this powerful ancient remnant.

If all parties adhere to the idea of ​​​​being alone.

Soon, these ancient relics will spread throughout the Qianlong Continent. At that time, it will be even more difficult to deal with them than to reach the sky.

And everyone watched as Qian Baobao slowly lost his vitality from his arrogant look just now.

His face instantly turned pale.


That's the scary thing about Zangfeng Valley.

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