Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 436 The Five Elements are Immoral

These people claim to be powerful, but facing the changes in Zangfeng Valley, they still can't find any solution at this moment.

When he saw Qian Baobao completely transformed into a tree man.

They subconsciously stepped aside, and then looked at Lin Yun with pleading eyes.


"Since you have the strength to deal with these tree people, you might as well save us too."

"Although we don't have a distinguished status, as long as our friends can save our lives, we will never frown even if we go through mountains of swords and seas of fire."

Lin Yun has never been a religious man, and he doesn't have a good impression of these guys.

Before, Qian Baobao just said a word, and they could take action against him.

So these guys may not take Lin Yun seriously.

Before Lin Yun could speak, he heard Qin Xiyan next to him sneer.

"When he was ridiculed like this before, you never had the intention to take action. You even almost followed that guy and laughed at him."

"It's okay now. After I realized that I couldn't leave here because of my ability, I wanted us to give gifts and leave here."

"I don't know who you are, you have such a big face."

Don't look at Qin Xiyan's very ladylike appearance in front of Lin Yun.

But when facing these outsiders, there is no ambiguity at all.

She is very disgusted with these double-standard guys, and even feels disgusted.

Several people also showed embarrassment, and of course they knew that Qin Xiyan was right.

So now I don’t know how to refute it.

But in her heart she still hoped that she could survive, so she looked at Lin Yun's eyes

, also full of expectations.

In any case, after all, this guy is from a well-known and upright family, so he can't really abandon them like this, right?

"If you think that I will be lenient to you at this time and let you survive, you are totally wrong. It doesn't matter to me what your identities are."

"You are the ones to blame this time. If you had left earlier, you might still have a glimmer of hope."

"But if you stay, you will definitely die. This is your own choice, and I can no longer change it."

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he showed no mercy.

He did not choose to attack the tree man, even though he now had the ability.

But for him it was not worth the loss.

The tree man also felt very strange.

This kid isn't afraid of what he looks like.

And with the methods Lin Yun had shown before, Shuren also knew that this guy could pose a threat to him.

Therefore, he did not dare to provoke Lin Yun easily.

But I didn't expect that this guy could really let himself go like this.

"You're just leaving?"

The tree man asked curiously.

Lin Yun didn't even look at it.

"For me, the existence of this guy has no special meaning. If I want, I can erase you from this world at any time."

"So of course I won't attack you easily now. After all, this kind of thing is just a trivial matter to me."

Lin Yun's words were not a joke. After all, he held the mysterious fire in his hand. If he used the mysterious fire, he would be a tree man.

Even if all the hiding trees in the entire Hidden Front Valley appear, there will still be

There was no way to threaten Lin Yun.

However, during this process, Qian Baobao had already been completely taken over by the vines.

There is no trace of anything related to humans in this guy's appearance.

Instead, they became these weird tree people.

Lin Yun could only regard the green mucus as their seeds.

Once this mucus touches the human body, whether you are an ordinary person or a practitioner, you will react immediately.

These strange vines will take root in your body and gradually assimilate you into a part of the tree people.

The power of these guys is naturally quite terrifying.

However, Lin Yun has never seen these guys outside, which means that even though they are quite terrifyingly contagious.

But there seems to be no way to leave Zangfeng Valley easily.

This was just a conclusion drawn through the panel in a very short period of time, so Lin Yun did not take action against the guy in front of him.

Keeping him alive might help at a critical moment later.

The tree man looked at Lin Yun curiously, never expecting that this guy was actually thinking about these things.

Qian Baobao was quite desperate at the last moment of his death. He watched his consciousness being swallowed up bit by bit, and at the same time, he gradually lost control of his body.

Although he was angry, he had no choice but to watch this feeling.

It's like watching a first-person movie.

No matter what happened inside, the only thing he could do was to stand by and watch.

In the end, Qian Baobao's consciousness was completely wiped out and he became a walking zombie.

The remaining people were kneeling

In front of Lin Yun.

"You should be Lin Yun from the Beast Control Sect."

"Didn't your Beast Control Sect say that you want to save the entire practice world?"

"Can't you even save ordinary practitioners like us? If you don't do this, how will you gain a foothold in the entire sect?"

The man who spoke was also cautious.

He had long recognized Lin Yun's identity.

But I dare not say anything, and now I am watching myself getting closer and closer to death.

So I didn't dare to say anything more. As for being able to stand up and expose Lin Yun's identity, I hoped that he could spare his life.

Faced with what this guy said just now, Lin Yun was just stunned for a moment, and then he threw his head back and laughed.

"You see, this is the bad nature of you idiots."

"Now that you have realized that the problem cannot be easily solved, you want to tie me up in this way."

"But you will still be disappointed in the end, because I am immoral in the five elements."

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he turned around and left without hesitation.

Others naturally wanted to follow Lin Yun and leave.

But as soon as they moved, the tree people transformed by Qian Baobao rushed towards them.

The tree man from before had no intention of stopping Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan, although he also knew that he should take action against them.

But Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan seemed to be too powerful, and the tree man simply didn't have the guts to take action.

Lin Yun knew this even more, so he didn't take it to heart at all and just walked away with Qin Xiyan.

The guy who just wanted to kidnap him morally looked at Lin Yun's back and shouted loudly: "

If you give up like this, we will be punished. "

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