Although Qin Xiyan and Lin Yun are now in a safe environment.

However, Qin Xiyan still felt uneasy.

Seeing that Lin Yun had fallen to the ground and fell into a deep sleep, Qin Xiyan looked around in confusion.

I was afraid that something would catch up at the critical moment.

Qin Xiyan knew that they were the target of public criticism now. Even if they encountered some troubles before, they could always overcome difficulties and overcome difficulties.

But it won't be easy if there are other monsters coming later.

But what really impressed her was that Lin Yun was able to sleep in such an environment.

Judging from the peaceful look on his face, it was obvious that he was not nervous at all.

On the other hand, Qin Xiyan didn't know how to control her emotions now.

"I really didn't expect that I could be considered the reincarnation of the Empress."

"This time I'm so nervous."

Qin Xiyan said in a low voice.

He himself had never thought that the reason why he was so nervous was because he was getting closer and closer to his own cause and effect.

This also means that danger may befall you at any time.

The ignorant practitioners they met before could not survive here.

But this time, Qin Xiyan and Lin Yun needed to challenge a rather mysterious and powerful being.

Cang Xuan's power is definitely not that easy to handle.

Although Qin Xiyan had a lot of questions, she could only sit there quietly and practice slowly to improve her strength.

Even if it's just temporary, this is the only thing she can do now.

"I hope this time everything can be resolved smoothly."

Qin Xiyan murmured in a low voice, now that she knew how pitiable Cang Xuan was,

After getting scared, I came up with this idea.

Cang Xuan is a very difficult opponent, and now he can only do his best.

Just when Qin Xiyan was thinking wildly, Lin Yun suddenly opened his eyes.

That sharp gaze startled Qin Xiyan.

"Senior Brother Lin, you are awake."

Lin Yun nodded. The chat with Haoze Tianzun just now was very effective. Now he probably knows what these ancient survivors want to do?

And Cang Xuan's power was as powerful as Lin Yun had guessed before.

Looking at the entire ancient remnant clan, there are quite rare masters. It is definitely not a good choice to compete with him.

But at this time, it was no longer important whether Lin Yun was willing or not.

He himself has been involved in this huge whirlpool and all he can do is go all out.

Seeing the worried look on Qin Xiyan's face, even though she tried her best to pretend at the moment.

But Lin Yun still saw through it at a glance.

"Don't worry, this time things won't trouble us."

"Don't forget, we encountered a lot of troubles along the way, but didn't we resolve them all with ease in the end?"

"Cang Xuan may be a really powerful guy, but only by fighting against such a strong person can we truly improve."

"So instead of worrying about this here, it's better to think about how you can defeat Cang Xuan."

Lin Yun was naturally nervous, but his optimism was not fake.

At this time, Lin Yun knew that no matter what he was thinking, it would be useless.

If Cang Xuan is really that powerful.

Then the only thing he has to do now is to be in the process

Increase your strength as much as possible.

In this way, when facing Cang Xuan one day, there can still be a glimmer of hope.

Since this guy is also famous among the entire ancient relics.

Then his method will definitely not be as simple as they thought before.

Qin Xiyan was a little worried at first.

However, after hearing Lin Yun's explanation, all the suspense in her heart was slowly wiped away, and she now gained some confidence again.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Lin. If you hadn't done this, I'm afraid I would have been nervous all the time."

Qin Xiyan said with emotion.

Being able to maintain such a calm attitude in the face of such a crisis is enough to show that Lin Yun's strength is far superior to them.

And this man's ability may have only shown a small part.

Since we are all companions, we naturally have to help each other.

So to me it's nothing, just a trivial thing.

Lin Yun just smiled and did not dwell on this issue.

During Lin Yun's conversation with Haoze Tianzun just now, he also learned the next target of the Red Ghost Sect.

He originally thought that it would be difficult for him to cooperate with Demon Lord Hongyuan.

But what he never expected was that Demon Lord Hongyuan was actually nearby?

Originally, according to Lin Yun's previous deal with Song Jingshu, after the matter was settled, Lin Yun would naturally be asked to let Haoze Tianzun go.

But under the circumstances at that time, Lin Yun had no such thoughts at all, and all he could think about was how to escape.

And Demon Lord Hongyuan could not specifically target Lin Yun. After all, he also had a very important mission at that time.

If he failed, the result would be something he couldn't bear.

So I can only put these things aside for the time being and devote myself to my tasks wholeheartedly.

After all this was over, Demon Lord Hongyuan discovered that Lin Yun had already left.

At this time it was too late for him to regret it.

However, I have some confidence in my son and think that he will not die like this in a short time.

For now, Lin Yun knows too little about Cang Xuan.

That's why they are so nervous, an enemy that has never appeared before.

However, Lin Yun has been observing the changes in Qin Xiyan's and his own panels recently.

He can detect any clues about Cang Xuan immediately.

But the strange thing is that many things about Cang Xuan have never been seen until now.

Could it be that many of the questions they had about this guy didn't exist?

This idea flashed through Lin Yun's mind, but he quickly rejected it.

It was obvious that Cang Xuan was in more trouble than they thought.

"Although the opponent is very strong, this is a fateful battle after all."

"We have no choice. If you want to make yourself stronger as soon as possible, perhaps this method is the only choice."

After Lin Yun thought for a while, he said calmly.

Qin Xiyan is not satisfied with her own strength and hopes to become stronger.

And if he can defeat Cang Xuan this time, maybe everything will fall into place.

Qin Xiyan thought for a while and nodded.

"Actually, when I came here, I immediately felt that my power was changing very quickly."

"My strength has improved recently.

Much faster than before. "

Qin Xiyan said in a low voice.

She had no doubts about this.

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