Lin Yun didn't know what direction things would develop next.

But a battle with Cang Xuan is inevitable.

As they got closer to the place Qin Xiyan mentioned.

All kinds of clues are pouring in.

Lin Yun also got some news from Haoze Tianzun.

Although Demon Lord Hongyuan failed to successfully trade with Lin Yun last time.

But Haoze Tianzun is confident that his father will never abandon him.

What's more, Haoze Tianzun still holds some key evidence in his hands.

Because of this, he believed in his father, and now he must be trying his best to find him.

So if Lin Yun wants to cooperate with Hongyuan Demon Lord now.

The best way is to reveal your identity and location.

Although this is very dangerous, but think about it, for now, there should be very few people in the entire Red Ghost Sect who want to kill him.

After all, after so many things happened, Lin Yun no longer played a very important role in the Red Ghost Sect.

On the contrary, the Beast Control Sect still has a grudge against him.

If anyone else wants to kill Lin Yun, it must be related to guys like the Beast Control Sect.

After getting the news, Lin Yun was more relaxed than Qin Xiyan.

He knew that Song Jingshu was eager to expand his power.

This person is completely different from what he thought before. Although he is in the devil's path, he has his own set of rules.

This is also why Lin Yun was not killed by Song Jingshu before.

According to Song Jingshu, Lin Yun's life or death is not important to him.

But if he keeps it, he might one day be able to become his most effective general.

Therefore, Song Jingshu was willing to give Lin Yun a chance on this issue.

Of course, Song Jingshu also knew that the probability of this happening was extremely low.

So this time even Lin Yun exposed his identity.

It was absolutely impossible for Song Jingshu to abandon his great cause and arrange for people to come and capture Lin Yun.

So in the next few days, Lin Yun started making a big fuss of his own.

Although it is very dangerous here, it is only for some casual cultivators who are not strong enough.

Although Lin Yun is still in the realm of Tongyou, he is already one step away from the realm of Wanfa.

As the battle continues to improve, his realm also matures step by step.

Lin Yun had a feeling that he had already stepped into the realm of ten thousand arts and could break through at any time.

At this time, Qin Xiyan suddenly asked: "Those ancient relics from the Zhenhuang Palace have come to this world."

"Then what will happen to the ancient survivors who were originally trapped in this world?"

It was just an idea he had out of curiosity.

At this moment, several shadows flashed in Lin Yun's mind.

Several big demon kings who had a chance encounter with him before.

All of these guys are quite difficult to deal with.

At the beginning, they even fought to snatch the treasure.

And behind these great demon kings, there must be powerful forces that are even more difficult to deal with.

None of these guys are fuel-efficient. They are extremely dangerous existences to Lin Yun, and they should be avoided in the first place.

But now that the Desolation Palace has arrived, it is very likely that these great demon kings will become the subordinates of the ancient relics.

After all, these great demon kings are branches of the ancient relics.

Even though they have been in Qianlong Continent for so many years, their bloodline is not as pure as it was before.


It's not clear if these guys all surrender to these ancient remnants. "

"The practice world of the Daye Dynasty alone cannot stop this. Even if the sects of other dynasties cooperate, it will still be of no avail."

When Lin Yun said this, he was very sure that there was no emotion in his eyes. He already knew the outcome of the matter and it must be like this.

What they were dealing with was not a simple matter, and Lin Yun also knew that it was not easy to solve this problem.

After getting a positive answer from Lin Yun, Qin Xiyan was still a little nervous.

After all, what they will face next are the best among these ancient survivors. If it is true as Lin Yun said, these guys have not abandoned the ancient survivors.

After the ancient relics arrived on the Qianlong Continent, they quickly chose to join their ranks.

The threats faced by various cultivation circles are definitely more terrifying than they thought.

"When I think about this, I understand that what we have to face next is not easy."

Qin Xiyan sighed, but he also knew that the challenge he would face next would be very difficult.

But for them, now that the matter has reached this point, there is obviously no room for retreat.

"The ancient relics and these big demons were originally on the same side, and now it is normal for them to surrender to the ancient relics."

Lin Yun didn't think there was anything wrong with these big demons standing on their opposite sides at critical moments.

On the contrary, this is the normal choice they should have,

But for Lin Yun at this moment, dealing with these guys is not an easy task, and he has already felt in his heart

Already prepared.

While the two were chatting, they suddenly heard a strange drum sound.

Then the heartbeats of the two of them seemed to stop at this moment.

Lin Yun covered his heart and his face sank slightly.

Qin Xiyan's face next to her also became uglier.

The two looked at each other.

"Did you feel it too?"

Qin Xiyan nodded.

The sound of the drums was thunderous, but the strange thing was that they did not perceive it through hearing.

It felt more like the sound was transmitted directly to their sea of ​​consciousness.

Lin Yun slowly stood up and looked into the distance.

Although the sound came suddenly.

But he quickly located the source of the sound.

There is a land of high mountains and lofty mountains.

The endless mountains are covered with dense forests.

And there was a white mist in the sky.

The white mist is like a ring, surrounding the entire mountain range.

Strangely enough, in the vicinity of this mountain range.

Although Lin Yun saw many ancient survivors, these guys did not dare to act rashly.

Lin Yun even discovered some Red Ghost Sect disciples among them.

"That's it."

Qin Xiyan suddenly pointed to the mountains in the distance: "I can feel that that's where I want to go."

The moment Qin Xiyan finished speaking, the strange drum sound sounded again.

Both of them had a feeling of heart palpitations and difficulty breathing at the same time.

At this time, Lin Yun immediately used his skills to resist.

Although it's getting better.

But it's still not optimistic.

Qin Xiyan, who was beside Lin Yun, also looked increasingly pale. It seemed that the sound of the drum was quite a threat to her.

"Junior sister Qin, are you okay?"

"If you can't hold it any longer, just rest here for now."

Looking at Qin Xiyan Zhenyi

With a sad look on his face, Lin Yun reminded him from the side.

Qin Xiyan shook her head.

"There are already so many practitioners there."

"There will be more and more in the future."

She was also obviously afraid of getting into trouble.

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