The moment Lin Yun rushed into the gate of Sanli Realm, he only felt the endless cold air enveloped him.

The bone-chilling cold made him faint in an instant.

The Cold Flame Sword summoned at the critical moment exuded warm energy and barely stabilized his condition.

In this way, Lin Yun had been unconscious for an unknown amount of time before slowly waking up.

When he opened his eyes, he found that he had arrived in another world.

There is no light here.

The sky was gray.

From time to time there will be a black wind blowing in my face.

He didn't know where this place was.

But Erzu knew.

"It seems the legend is true."

"This is indeed the Sanli Realm."

Before this, no one could be sure whether Sanli Realm really existed.

However, Lin Yun relied on his own ability to prove this this time.

And he will inevitably be linked to the legend here.

Lin Yun immediately stood up and looked at the dead man.

But no clues about Song Jingshu were found.

Er Zu said, "After you and Song Jingshu come here, you probably won't be able to use your Yuan Power. Everything will depend on your physique."

"It won't be a problem for you, a little guy, to deal with ordinary brats with your skills."

Lin Yun remained silent as he looked around and saw many wandering souls here.

It is now almost certain that the so-called theory of reincarnation does exist.

Lin Yun had roughly known the purpose of Song Jingshu's coming here long before this.

He has successfully obtained the soul, but what he lacks most now is probably the means of resurrection and a certain body.

If Lin Yun had been the original sealer, I'm afraid he would have chosen

Choose to seal the opponent's body in Sanli Realm.

After all, it will take a lot of time to open this place.

And it is even more difficult to get that body from Sanli Realm.

Without Yuanli, no matter how powerful you are outside, you will still be an ordinary person here.

"Perhaps this is the real reason why Song Jingshu cultivates demons, relying on ordinary practitioners."

"No matter how powerful they are outside, they will not be able to show any useful methods after all."

Lin Yun murmured softly, already able to understand many of Song Jingshu's behaviors.

It's just that they have just arrived in Sanli Realm, and they don't understand it at all.

Even Lin Yun was confused by Monk Zhang Er.

I don’t know what I should do and choose next to better solve this matter.

"The first priority is to find a place to stay temporarily. Ordinary brats won't notice anything unusual about you. As long as you don't tell them, they won't take the initiative to attack you."

"So you have to pretend to be like them."

Erzu just knew a lot of legends, so he passed all this information to Lin Yun, so that he could immediately understand what to do.

Lin Yun nodded and started to move forward.

The world of Sanli is actually not much different from the normal world. The only difference may be that the soul and the normal spirit body exist at the same time.

The so-called kid here seems to have been punished in some way and is trapped here unable to leave.

Lin Yun saw many small villages and towns along the way.

These villages and towns are all made up of imps.

The kid is not very strong.

Even Lin Yun can knock someone down with one punch.


But the real problem is that the ghosts here are a big problem.

Of course, ghosts will not take action on ordinary trivial matters.

But if you get into big trouble, these guys won't let you go easily.

Therefore, Lin Yun became much more honest after knowing these things.

He walked around Sanli Realm for a day before he found a village and planned to take a rest first.

If I keep searching like this, I don't know when I will find Song Jingshu. It seems that I have to understand the situation here first.

I originally thought it was Sanli World, but this is a small world.

Now it seems that the vastness of this place is far beyond his imagination.

And Song Jingshu and I ended up in completely different places after entering Sanli Realm.

Even the distance between the two of them was huge, otherwise Lin Yun would have seen Song Jingshu long ago.

The town is called Guyuan Town.

According to the mayor, they have been living here for a long time.

It is difficult to see an unfamiliar face in a place like Sanlijie.

Therefore, the entire Guyuan Town residents showed extraordinary enthusiasm when they saw Lin Yun.

The mayor took Lin Yun's hand and immediately threw himself into the welcome party.

"It's such a rare sight, and you know we've been pretty lonely all these years."

The location of Guyuan Town is very remote, which means that almost no kid from their side will pass through here.

After so many years, they are all old faces, and some of them have completely lost their minds due to some reasons.

And the remaining people can only linger here.

Unexpectedly, today, they would be able to see a new face.


Yun looked at these enthusiastic guys, although he was wary.

However, they still cooperated with their actions.

Lin Yun has not forgotten that he is just a human being after all, different from the little devils in front of him.

The lost will exude some special flavor in Sanli world.

The average kid can't notice it.

Once a powerful ghost is discovered, he will capture you.

The best solution is to cover your scent.

And this happens to be the most suitable for Lin Yun.

Although he couldn't mobilize his energy here, Lin Yun could still develop a murderous field.

This is also Lin Yun's biggest killer weapon now.

Therefore, before he really encounters trouble, Lin Yun must ensure that he develops his murderous aura at all times.

In this way, when trouble occurs, he will be able to stop it in time.

He didn't know exactly what these enemies wanted to do.

But in a short period of time, he also understood that these guys couldn't do anything to him.

The mayor's enthusiasm made Lin Yun slowly let down his guard.

Maybe these guys are just too lonely.

In these endless years, they could not see any strange faces.

He can only keep company with these little devils around him.

Anyone else would have gone crazy.

The welcome party continued like this until late at night.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, drank and lay on the table.

The moment he fell.

The originally lively atmosphere came to an abrupt end.

The mayor stepped forward cautiously and pushed Lin Yun's arm.

"Lin Yun."

"Wake up quickly."

Lin Yun still had no reaction. He looked like he had drunk too much.

The others looked at each other.

At the beginning, they still had some worries

Worried, but then everyone's face showed a ferocious and excited smile.

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