Originally, Lin Yun was not too wary of these guys.

In his opinion, he just needs to go through some disguise.

That's actually not very different from these brats.

But Lin Yun soon realized that the situation was not as simple as he thought.

Although Lin Yun's side is already prepared.

But these enthusiastic brats also caught his attention immediately.

Lin Yun didn't know what the purpose of these guys was.

But he understood that when dealing with these guys, he had to be very alert.

Any carelessness may put you into a passive situation.

So under the watchful eyes of all the kiddies.

Lin Yun pretended to be drunk.

He knew that only in this way could he find out what these brats were going to do.

He is not afraid of these kiddies. After all, the kiddies in the entire town don't have any special abilities if they unite.

At worst, Lin Yun could just kill all these guys, but he might still be able to get some useful information.

But as long as these brats don't cause trouble for him, Lin Yun won't do anything easily.

Unexpectedly, the moment I pretended to be drunk, these guys' true nature was revealed.

But the one who looked the most charitable before was now laughing at him.

“The lost are the lost.”

"It's just stupid. We just played a little trick and we were able to deceive him."

Another kid also echoed: "The boss is so smart. This idiot really thinks that we welcome him."

Several little ghosts surrounded Lin Yun.

Their mouths were drooling.

O lost one.

To know

A long time ago, some lost humans occasionally broke into the Sanli world.

At that time, these humans will become their food.

But gradually, for unknown reasons, very few humans were able to enter the Sanli Realm.

At this time, these little devils in Sanli Realm will not be able to eat the lost ones.

But those powerful big shots have their own methods, and it is even rumored that they will keep humans in captivity themselves.

Use this to satisfy your own oral desires.

It's just that the kiddos here in Guyuan Town don't have such good luck.

They cannot eat the lost.

So when they met Lin Yun, their enthusiasm was truly enthusiastic.

After all, the Lost One has not been seen in so many years.

Now that I can see such an ignorant newcomer like Lin Yun, how can I not be happy?

"Okay, stop talking nonsense here, tie up this kid and send him to the kitchen."

"Cook a good meal."

The mayor waved his hand and said loudly.

Suddenly the little devils all cheered, this time they were truly happy.

Just when a few brats were about to step forward and tie up Lin Yun Wuhuada.

But to his surprise, Lin Yun opened his eyes and stared at them.

Several brats screamed twice and then backed away.

"Old...Boss, it's not good, this kid is alive?"

The mayor also calmed down at this time. When he saw Lin Yun open his eyes, he was indeed a little worried.

He knew how powerful Lin Yun was.

The Lost themselves possess powers completely beyond their own.

If they really take action, they won't get any benefits.

But the current situation is particularly

However, Lin Yun is probably not fully awake yet.

"What do you want to do?"

Lin Yun asked lightly.

The mayor hurriedly explained with a smile: "It's nothing, we just want to play a little joke with you."

The moment the mayor finished speaking, he found that the man in front of him had disappeared.

You know, no matter what kind of creature.

After entering the Sanli Realm, their entire body cultivation will be completely stripped away and they will become ordinary people.

But there are still some differences between Lin Yun and normal practitioners. His physical fitness is strong enough.

So even if you have no cultivation, you can still do things easily.

When the mayor came to his senses, he discovered that one of Lin Yun's hands was already around his neck.

"Were you planning to eat me just now?"

Lin Yun sneered and asked lightly.

When the little devils saw that the mayor was subdued by Lin Yun so easily, they screamed and backed away.

The previous battle had long since lost the feeling of strategizing. At this time, the body was trembling and did not dare to move at all.

He knew that the most terrifying creature in the world was Lin Yun in front of him.

This guy could break his own neck at any time if he wanted to.

The mayor had no choice but to plead softly.

"Little brother, if there is any matter, we can have a good negotiation. There is no need to go to war like this."

"Killing me won't do you any good, will it?"

The mayor was quite polite when he spoke.

Lin Yun continued to ask: "What I want to catch

There are many things, are you sure you can really tell me these? "

"If I can't do that, then I'm afraid I will have no choice but to kill you."

Feeling the strength in Lin Yun's hand.

The mayor knew that he was no match for this guy, he was just a little ghost.

If the lost ones did not resist, they might still have a chance to survive.

But if Lin Yun was ready to react, it would be different.

Even if these little ghosts rushed forward, they would not be Lin Yun's opponent at all. This is an absolute advantage.

This is why all the little ghosts in Guyuan Town were so enthusiastic about Lin Yun before.

Because this is their only way to solve the problem.

If they really choose to stand on the opposite side of Lin Yun, I am afraid that Lin Yun only needs one thought to kill all these little ghosts.

It's a pity that their original plan could succeed, but they didn't know that all this was Lin Yun's trick.

"Tell me about Sanli Realm, what's going on here?"

When Lin Yun said the word Sanli Realm.

The mayor's face was a little ugly.

There is only one possibility for those who can say these two words, they are not lost in Sanli Realm.

But they choose to enter Sanli Realm by themselves.

Such people are far more dangerous than ordinary lost ones.

The police also made it clear that if such a guy is found, he must be reported no matter what.

There is a price to pay for not reporting.

They didn't think too much about it and thought that Lin Yun was really a special lost person.

"You'd better not think of acting rashly. If I find one of you dare to escape, I will kill you now."

As Lin Yun finished speaking, he threw a flying knife in his hand.

And a little ghost who had already escaped to the door fell to the ground with a scream and disappeared into a wisp of black smoke.

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