Although it was said simply before.

It seemed that everything Lin Yun did would be carried out according to their trajectory.

But now hearing Xie Chenan's cautious attitude towards Lin Yun made Zhu Pingcang nervous.

After all, this matter cannot be solved in a few words.

"I will do as you wish and be careful."

Zhu Pingcang looked solemn, no matter what they had to face before.

But at this moment, things are always developing in a weird direction.

Zhu Pingcang didn't know what kind of guy Lin Yun was.

But if you think about the current situation, it may not be as complicated as you think.

Ye Sha is indeed a very difficult guy, and he wanted to kill Lin Yun as soon as he saw him.

Therefore, it is impossible for this kid to do good deeds with Karma.

It's just that they still have a lot of unknown information.

After thinking of this, Zhu Pingcang immediately called the inspector who had been watching Lin Yun's every move these days to his side.

"There shouldn't be anything unusual about this kid these days, right?"

The inspector smiled and patted his chest.

"Don't worry, sir."

"That guy's progress is not too fast, but he has gradually suppressed the karma."

After Zhu Pingcang heard this answer, he breathed a sigh of relief.

But the current situation is more than enough.

They have more to do next.

"Keep watching his every move."

“If something doesn’t feel right, be sure to tell us as soon as possible.”

Although Xie Chenan's worries may not be correct, they do not dare to take this issue too lightly.

At this time, Fang Wenshuo also looked for

Come over here.

"Sir, you seem to be very nervous about this matter."

"But in my opinion, this kid may not be as difficult as we thought."

During this period, Lin Yun had been honestly following their requests, which made them feel more relaxed.

Although this kid is very strong, he cannot threaten others in a short period of time.

After all, Lin Yun's understanding of Lichen Palace was limited to their own descriptions.

In addition, there are many things that Lin Yun doesn't know, so he can only be controlled by others here.

"This is the closest we've come to success. We can't take it lightly no matter what. Although Xie Chenan doesn't know much about this guy, he at least knows some of his types better than we do."

"The treasure in that boy's hand."

"Even now, I don't know exactly what it was."

Zhu Pingcang always thought that he was well-informed, and he could tell the function of many treasures in the world at the first time.

But only when facing Xiaomi, his methods seemed to have lost their original effect.

No matter what, he couldn't tell what abilities this kid had.

However, when faced with such a difficult opponent, he quickly changed his attitude.

"We can't make any more mistakes this time."

"Everyone is well aware of this guy's methods, and we also understand that there is a heavy price to pay for going against him."

"No matter what the final odds are, we must seize the opportunity this time."

In the following time, under Zhu Pingcang's emphasis.

Fang Wenshuo has also been paying attention to Lin Yun's every move.

A move.

He was curious about how this young man would arrange his destiny next.

The strange thing is, even being imprisoned deep underground.

But Lin Yun seemed to have no intention of leaving.

Even the thought of hostility towards them was non-existent.

So Fang Wenshuo told Zhu Pingcang the truth of the matter intact, and told Zhu Pingcang that the evil spirit was weakening at an extremely fast speed.

If this state continues, it is not difficult to imagine that before long, Karma will completely disappear from this world.

And they will finally have their moment of freedom.

For such a long time, they have been pursuing the moment of freedom, but they have never received any response.

After Zhu Pingcang received the news, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As I thought before, not all problems can be solved easily.

And in this process, the price they have to pay and the pressure they bear are beyond what most people can imagine.

Of course, Lin Yun didn't know what Zhu Pingcang and the others were going to do, but he knew that he was facing a huge danger at this moment.

"Today is the only chance."

“So keep a tight grip on this.”

At this moment, Lin Yun was still refining Karma.

But just after the supervisor left, it didn't take long for him to swallow Duerdan directly.

This is a very dangerous choice for Lin Yun now. If successful, his strength will increase many times instantly.

But if it fails, the consequences can be imagined.

Gu Santong also spontaneously sat beside Lin Yun to protect the law.

He knew it could be this

The boy is now at his most vulnerable moment, and if someone disturbs him, all his previous achievements will be lost.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, closed his eyes tightly.

Normally, in such a dangerous situation, one would have to use pills to forcibly improve one's cultivation level.

This is an extremely crazy move.

If successful, you will naturally gain great gains and benefits.

But in such a dangerous environment, if you are not careful, you will lose your life.

Therefore, what Lin Yun is doing now is incomprehensible to many people.

However, Lin Yun himself behaved quite calmly.

He has no choice when facing a strong enemy. If he is not strong enough, he will only die, even if he can really deal with Zhu Pingcang and others.

But don't forget, there must be more mysterious beings in this Lichen Palace. These guys are the ones who really make Lin Yun feel afraid.

So on this issue, Lin Yun's attitude has also undergone a huge reversal.

He didn't care what was waiting for him next.

If you want to survive, you must firmly seize the opportunity in front of you and completely eliminate these powerful opponents.

"Give it a try, I'll keep an eye on it from here."

"Don't worry, no one will disturb you."

Gu Santong stood at the entrance of the cave holding a sword in one hand and said calmly.

Of course, the weak Karma could not stop Lin Yun.

Lin Yun had a smile on his face: "More seniors!"

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying energy burst out from the body.

This is the last fight, you can't lose no matter what.

Not to mention, Lin Yun now can't afford to lose such a big thing. He must become the final winner to alleviate all the troubles.


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