Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 636: Dantian Becomes an Ocean

The elixir was slowly swallowed down the throat and into the abdomen.

This feeling was very strange, as if Lin Yun had drunk magma.

At that moment, the whole body was almost on fire.

If he hadn't persisted with his strong willpower, he might have gone crazy at this moment.

Is this Duerdan?

Coupled with the use of Xuanming Strange Fire to enhance its own medicinal effect, the Duer Dan in this state is too terrifying.

Gu Santong glanced at Lin Yun. In their eyes, this young man had completely changed his appearance.

Lin Yun folded his hands on his Dantian, and the energy fluctuations on his body were also very obvious, just like the waves in the sky.

The whole person looked even more ferocious, with red blood seeping out bit by bit from his pores.

The whole person looked very scary.

This is the most real situation before Lin Yun.

How easy is it to completely control these powers?

Even if there is just one carelessness in this process, it will be a disaster.

Not to mention that Lin Yun has just entered the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm not long ago.

Even though the foundation I have gained from previous experience is very strong, I want to completely break through my own power in such a short period of time.

too difficult.

When he thought of this, Gu Santong didn't know what to say.

Lin Yun is not only following the path of a cultivator, but also constantly increasing his physical strength just like himself.

"If we continue at this speed, it won't take long for this kid's energy and blood to widen the gap between me."

I don’t know how much effort Gu San Tong has expended in order to reach this point.

Situ Junmao next to him was completely dumbfounded.


Are you kidding me?

You must know that Gu Santong was able to forcibly kill masters in the Wanfa Realm with his terrifying physical fitness. If Lin Yun could also do this.

Oh my god, it can only be said that this guy has transformed himself into a weapon.

Even when the Yuanli is very close, he can still kill his opponent instantly with the force of his qi and blood.

This is too BUG, ​​right?

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but start to worry about the future battle between Ren Xiuzhu and Lin Yun.

Ren Xiuzhu is a very proud person and has rarely encountered strong enemies before.

He has probably never lost a few battles in his entire life.

But if he met Lin Yun this time, Situ Junmao could no longer imagine how tragic the battle would be.

Lin Yun let out a low roar.

He couldn't yell so loudly that it would attract the attention of those guys outside.

Being able to silently absorb the power of the elixir is definitely not an easy task for Lin Yun now.

It's just that I have a very firm belief in my heart, so I have to be strong no matter what at this time.

He thought this in his mind, then took a deep breath and began to seriously refine the efficacy of Duer Dan.

Although this process is not easy.

But Lin Yun believed that he could do it.

"Hmph, I'm just a Duerdan. If I can't even pass this level, how can I help others?"

After coming to the great world of Shenhua Realm, Lin Yun has been thinking about how to return to Bailuo Realm.

I'm afraid it can only be done if you become truly strong.

With this thought in his mind, his movements began to become more determined.

The liquid of Erdan begins

It penetrated into Lin Yun's limbs and bones, and he felt like a big mountain pressing on his body.

At the same time, there were many needles piercing the depths of his soul. The trembling pain was impossible to describe in human language.


Not only the body but also the soul was tortured simultaneously.

The power of Duerdan's medicine was like a rushing train, and Lin Yun could hear the sounds of the muscles and bones in his body cracking inch by inch.

And this pain will be fed back to the mental state in multiples.

If an ordinary person faced such horrific torture, they would most likely go crazy.

But Lin Yun didn't.

Baptized by the long years of loneliness, Lin Yundao is determined at this moment.

No matter how severe the torture was, it still couldn't destroy his will.

"I can't fall here."

"Bailuo Domain is waiting for me, and the Beast Control Sect is also waiting for me."

"This is not the place where I will die."

Lin Yun opened his arms and roared to the sky.


As the terrifying energy waves dispersed, terrifying energy and blood energy burst out from Lin Yun's body.

Gu Santong breathed a sigh of relief.

When the Duer Dan took effect, what he was most worried about was that Lin Yun would not be able to withstand the early pain.

The effect of this kind of magical elixir is really terrifying.

If you are not careful, your body and body will be destroyed.

"You brat, your willpower is extremely firm, and you won't be shaken by this little incident at all."

"It's a bit different from what I thought before."

However, although Lin Yun has resisted the effects of the medicine now, the subsequent situation will definitely be more than what is seen on the surface.

At this time, Situ Junmao next to him moved.

Gu Santong's cold eyes immediately looked at

He came over and said: "I advise you not to have any bad thoughts now, so as not to get yourself into big trouble."

The words seemed to be spoken very gently, but they were still full of threats.

If anyone can threaten Lin Yun now, it is precisely this inconspicuous Situ Junmao.

"Hehe, old senior, what are you talking about?"

"I will definitely stand here obediently and never dare to have any idea."

Situ Junmao smiled awkwardly, feeling helpless.

Gu Santong's strength is here. If you want to make trouble at this time, you must be prepared to lose your head.

At this time, Lin Yun only heard a crisp sound coming from the Dantian.

It was as if something was broken.

Through internal observation, he unexpectedly found that the Dantian at this moment had changed into a world.

The Panlong Ding was located in the center of the Dantian, and a ball of golden liquid appeared below it.

Although it looked only the size of a fingernail, it could store a huge amount of Yuanli.

Lin Yun saw that the Yuanli in his body was being absorbed from afar, and this ball of golden liquid was also constantly increasing in size, getting bigger and bigger.

At this speed, Lin Yun's cultivation level could be quickly raised in a very short time.

Is this the effect of the Deliverance Pill?

As the initial torture passed, the drug began to really work, reshaping Lin Yun's tendons, bones and meridians.

At this moment, he unexpectedly discovered that the golden liquid in his dantian actually split into stars and spread to all parts of his body.

It was like the universe exploding in an instant.

Lin Yun found that his body actually took on the appearance of stars,

and the scene was particularly spectacular.

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