Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 640 I don't think this is necessary.

The moment the barrier opened, the expression on Zhu Pingcang's face immediately became serious.

He even turned around to see that Xiang Lin Yun was ready to take action.

To be honest, after seeing the situation on Ye Sha's side just now, Zhu Pingcang couldn't be sure whether Lin Yun had really broken through the realm.

After all, judging from the current situation, the probability of this happening can be said to be quite low.

No matter how powerful Lin Yun's methods are, some things cannot be changed easily.

Now that he was shrouded in this barrier by Lin Yun, Zhu Pingcang immediately realized that perhaps he had thought of this young man too simply.

To be able to come here alone, he would definitely not be a good man, and Lin Yun must have his own purpose.

"Little friend, what does this mean?"

Zhu Pingcang asked with a sneer.

When Lin Yun saw Zhu Pingcang's expression, he was not in a hurry.

"Senior, don't worry for now. I don't have any ill intentions at all. The reason why I did this is to discuss a business deal with senior."

As soon as these words came out, the expression on Zhu Pingcang's face became increasingly difficult to look at.

"You want to discuss a business deal with me?"

"You don't even know who you are."

"To me, you are just a dispensable little character. Now you actually dare to talk to me about business?"

Naturally, he sneered at what Lin Yun said about Zhu Pingcang.

After all, in his eyes, such a young man poses no threat at all.

He didn't kill Lin Yun, which was already his luck. Now he still wants to cooperate with him without looking at his identity.

Lin Yun had long known that Zhu Pingcang would definitely think so.


So the mood is still unhurried and unhurried, with no intention of being disrupted.

"Senior's strength is indeed quite powerful here, but I believe there are some things that senior cannot control."

When Lin Yun said this, he looked at Zhu Pingcang and smiled slyly.

This smile made Zhu Pingcang realize that he seemed to have some secret that had been discovered.

Cold sweat broke out on his back.

I don't know why, from the time I dealt with Lin Yun until now, I always feel that this young man has countless secrets.

But at the same time, this young man can always find a way to deal with you.

Zhu Pingcang squinted his eyes and looked at Lin Yun, with a hint of hostility in his tone.

"You should also know who I was before."

"It's too simple to think that you want to deal with me based on your current situation."

Lin Yun had already seen through Zhu Pingcang's thoughts.

"I know your master a little bit, so I also know that this matter will not be solved so easily this time."

If Lin Yun had hesitated even a little bit when he said this, Zhu Pingcang wouldn't believe his answer just now.

But the problem is that Lin Yun was very serious when he said this.

And there was no intention of joking at all. Zhu Pingcang's expression immediately became even uglier when he heard this.

He had long known that there was more to this kid than what he saw.

But I never would have thought that this guy could actually know his master.

The master has always been mysterious and quite powerful.

For such a long time, Zhu Pingcang didn't know how to defeat his master.


Now looking at Lin Yun's meaning, it seems that this matter is not very difficult.

"Whatever you want to do, you might as well say it now."

Zhu Pingcang whispered.

He was also curious about the methods Lin Yun was showing now.

It's still unclear what exactly this young man is up to.

But he must be mentally prepared in advance.

If one day he really wants to be on the opposite side of Lin Yun, he will also take action to solve the problem.

"Although you have always been doing things for Lichen Palace."

"But you should not be satisfied with the current situation at all in your heart."

"You are still a strong person, but due to certain conditions and rules, you can only become someone else's lackey."

The moment Lin Yun finished speaking, a powerful aura erupted from Zhu Pingcang's body.

What he hates most is when others call him a lackey.

Even if the truth of the matter is this, for Zhu Pingcang, he has no way to accept this.

But now that he heard what Lin Yun said, it touched his bottom line, and he wished he could kill Lin Yun now.

But Zhu Pingcang knew that this young man had a more important role.

If he killed Lin Yun now, I'm afraid the impact of this incident would be irremediable.

"I don't know what you are talking about, but this time I just hope you can meet the master."

"Of course this is also the master's invitation to you, but if you don't want to, we won't force you."

Zhu Pingcang snorted coldly when he said this.

But I want to make it clear that I have no intention of answering this question at all, but rather continue to talk about Zhu Pingcang’s difficulties.


"With your current strength, you naturally want to be able to completely break free one day. After all, no one wants to be inferior to others all the time."

"But it's a pity that you never found a suitable opportunity."

"But tomorrow might be a good time. What do you think?"

When Lin Yun said this, Zhu Pingcang's expression suddenly became quite ugly.

If he had some trust in Lin Yun before, he began to doubt it at this moment.

He had clearly seen Ye Sha disappear.

But Lin Yun was so sure now, it was very likely that he had joined forces with Ye Sha.

How did he hide Ye Sha from the world?

Lin Yun was also taking a gamble by doing these things.

If these guys in front of him were willing to cooperate with him, then it would not be a problem to eliminate the powerful Fan Wujiu this time.

Zhu Pingcang was afraid of this. He agreed to Lin Yun and then told Ye Sha all the information. The impact caused later was unimaginable.

But in order to win more easily.

Lin Yun could only take a gamble now.

No matter what the final result was, Lin Yun had placed all his hopes on this matter.

"I know that you won't make a choice easily now, but what if Fan Wujiu really intends to kill you tomorrow to refine his own strength and become stronger to deal with us?"

If Zhu Pingcang had some doubts before, then he began to worry when he heard this.

Because some of the contents are impossible for Lin Yun to know.

But in this case, Lin Yun

can say it easily, which inevitably makes people begin to doubt the authenticity of this matter.

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