Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 641 Planting the seeds of rebellion

"You also know that we are not optimistic about the current situation, so I am curious, where did you get these boring news?"

After confirming that what Lin Yun said was indeed correct, Zhu Pingcang would not admit it.

Instead, he directly denied these things, but his unusual behavior just inspired Lin Yun.

"It seems that senior already has the answer in his mind. In this way, things will naturally be much simpler."

Lin Yun was very satisfied with Zhu Pingcang's changes at this moment.

If you want to solve a problem, be prepared for bigger troubles.

Obviously, Zhu Pingcang had already made this preparation at this time.

"Senior should also know the adverse impact this matter can have."

"Of course I don't need you to agree now. I just hope that when this thing really happens, senior can stand on the right side and solve the problem."

"Otherwise, a wrong decision of yours may involve everyone in a bigger whirlpool."

Of course, Lin Yun didn't want Zhu Pingcang to agree to him at this time. This was unrealistic for him.

There is a relationship of interest between the two parties.

If he wants Zhu Pingcang to cooperate with him.

Then at this moment, Zhu Pingcang must know that cooperating with him is a very wise choice.

Then give him all the choices and wait until the critical moment to make his own arrangements.

When the barrier dispersed, Zhu Pingcang fell into silence for a long time.

He didn't know who the young man in front of him was.

How can he understand the structure of the entire Lichen Palace so well?

You must know that they have been dealing with Lin Yun throughout the entire process.

And they also acted like they were the owners here.

They originally thought that Lin Yun didn't know that there was another person above them, but they didn't expect that Lin Yun revealed many clues about Fan Wujiu in just a few words.

And he also knew that Fan Wu Jiu was in absolute control over their relationship.

If Zhu Pingcang might have chosen to refuse before.

So after so many things happened, they had to seriously think about whether they should cooperate with Lin Yun.

This young man does have many means, far beyond what they can think of.

"I will seriously consider it."

"But that also depends on whether you have the ability."

Zhu Pingcang patted Lin Yun on the shoulder with satisfaction: "In that case, come with us to meet our master."

"After all, you have successfully refined Karma, and the master is very happy. This is a good day for us to celebrate."

Seeing Zhu Pingcang's serious look, Lin Yun just smiled indifferently without much emotion.

For others it may be quite complicated.

But for Lin Yun right now, everything is under his control.

He knew that Zhu Pingcang would definitely agree to him.

After all, the lives of these people are all controlled by Fan Wujiu. As long as Fan Wujiu is willing, he can kill them at will.

This is definitely a trouble for Zhu Pingcang.

After finally cultivating to the yin and yang realm, I believe that no strong person would want to be pinched by others.

Lin Yun did not continue to say anything to Zhu Pingcang. Firstly, he was afraid of being discovered by others.

See through your own thoughts.

The second reason is also because under the current situation, there is no need for him to continue to emphasize this issue.

Zhu Pingcang is far smarter than himself, and he also knows what the right choice should be in this situation.

Zhu Pingcang didn't want to get into big trouble.

But now even his own life is in the hands of others, how could he let it go so easily?

If Lin Yun wasn't joking.

Then when Fan Wujiu encounters trouble in the future, it is really possible that he will choose to directly kill Zhu Pingcang.

If it were before, Zhu Pingcang might not have considered it so much.

But under the current situation, Zhu Pingcang had to prepare for himself in advance.

If Fan Wujiu really had this idea, he would be able to arrange everything in advance.

How could Fan Wujiu know that Lin Yun had already successfully changed everything with his own efforts before things happened?

In this way, Zhu Pingcang led Lin Yun to the top level quickly.

And here, Lin Yun finally got his wish and met Fan Wu Jiu.

At this moment, Fan Wujiu was dressed in white and looked like a banished immortal.

There was also a kind smile on his face.

If you can't see this guy's faceplate, you'll know what kind of person he is.

I'm afraid even Lin Yun will be deceived by this guy now, thinking that he is a very talkative senior.

【Name】: Fan Wujiu

【Realm】:Return to True Realm

[Fate]: The spirit of king and tyrant (gold)

[Fate]: Sinful karma (black), endless reincarnation (black), obsession (white)

【ending】:? ?

[Recent turning point]: The seal on the body is lifted,

This allowed his originally dead wildness to rise again.

When he saw Fan Wujiu, Lin Yun immediately realized that the hypocrisy shown by this guy was all fake.

In fact, he is the true incarnation of sin, even worse than Zhu Pingcang and Xie Chenan.

Such a guy is truly dangerous.

I behave like a very good friend to you on weekdays.

Wait until you take it easy.

He will use even more terrifying ways to make you regret becoming his friend.

Lin Yun squinted his eyes and looked at Fan Wu Jiu, then walked forward and said hello first.

"Junior Lin Yun has met senior."

Fan Wujiu looked at Lin Yun carefully, and then his eyes fell on Gu Santong and Situ Junmao behind Lin Yun.

"I have never seen such a strange practitioner."

"It seems that you haven't practiced any skills, but you have developed your current strength just by relying on your strong body."

Fan Wujiu saw through Gu Santong's strength at a glance.

Although it looks ordinary, there is nothing special about it.

But I have to admit that Gu Santong's ability is here, and he is indeed a very powerful master.

Facing Fan Wujiu, Gu Santong just smiled indifferently and didn't say a word.

And Gu Santong didn't make anything difficult because of this matter, he just nodded aside.

"It's really thanks to you that Lin Yun was able to lift the constraints on us this time."

"Of course I know that you have offended a lot of people outside, so I will let this person solve these troubles for you personally this time."

Fan Wujiu looked at Lin Yun next to him and said with a smile.

Lin Yun shook his head

"Senior can have

The junior is naturally grateful for such an idea, but relying on the senior's ability to solve the problem is just delaying time. "

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