Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 677 The Night Patrol’s Back-up Plan

"Uncle Long, of course I know that everything you have done is for our family."

"But under the current situation, with all due respect, it is certainly impossible for us to abandon our old friends and ignore them."

Under the current situation, it can be said that Murong Chunfu already understands things quite well.

So what if we have to face the Night Patrol Division this time? Is this Night Patrol Division selfless and incorrigible?

"I knew the head of the family would definitely say this. You trusted these two people at the beginning."

Seeing Murong Chunfu's appearance, Uncle Long didn't say much at this time, he just smiled and shook his head.

Some things had already been revealed a long time ago, and even if he wanted to stop them now, it was too late.

Of course he knew that when Murong Chunfu decided to do these things, he would only have one choice left.

That is to stand on the same front as Murong Chunfu no matter what, and try to solve the problem as much as possible.

At this time, he looked at Lin Yun with extremely serious eyes.

"Little friend Lin."

"I don't know if you understand how the Night Watch Division will deal with you in this matter?"

He squinted his eyes, and there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

What will happen next is completely beyond everyone's imagination.

If it can be handled properly, this is of course the best fear, but I am afraid that the subsequent problems will be more troublesome than they thought.

Lin Yun shook his head.

"Of course I also know that the Night Watch Division is powerful during this period, but if they really want to stand against me, I won't mind fighting them to the death."

Lin Yun had already prepared for the worst.

Even if you really want

Even when he reaches this field, he will not give up.

The Night Watch Division is naturally very powerful, but in this situation, where does he have any choice?

Look at Lin Yun like this.

Uncle Long sighed and shook his head.

"Young people still think of things too simply. If all this is solved as smoothly as you thought before."

"How did it become like this?"

"You have killed so many bounty hunters this time. The Night Watch Division will definitely use the most cruel method to deal with you. With your current strength and cultivation, there is no way to escape from them."

The Shenhua Realm is not a lawless place.

This time Lin Yun can be regarded as touching the bottom line of this practice world.

Therefore, the Night Watch Division would treat Lin Yun in the most cruel way.

If Lin Yun can successfully overcome this difficulty, everything will be easy to say in the future. I am afraid that Lin Yun simply cannot handle it with his current strength.

"I know you are very strong, but no matter what, you must be prepared later and don't choose to confront them head-on."

"With the strength of our Murong family, it is not a problem to protect Murong Chunfu. No matter what you do in the future, it is best to honestly admit that you will stay here with peace of mind."

"As for Xiaoyou Lin, you have already killed people from the Night Watch Division, so if you don't accept punishment, they will not let you go. Even if the Murong family comes forward, it will be of no avail."

Murong Chunfu next to him widened his eyes.

"Uncle Long, do you really want to be like this? If you let me ignore it, it would be unfair to me."

Murong Chunfu was very angry. Now that he was the head of the Murong family, could it be that he was the head of the Murong family?

Can't you protect your two important friends?

When he thought of this, he was still a little angry.

Uncle Long next to him looked helpless.

"I told you, Master, please stop messing around in there."

"You have no idea how important this matter is to the Night Watch Division. It is already very difficult to keep the two of them alive this time."

"If you don't want them to be punished, it's simply impossible."

After experiencing so many things, Uncle Long knew very well what the Night Watch Division was going to do next. It was already very difficult for Lin Yun and Murong Chunfu to stay alive.

Not to mention that the subsequent situation will be more complicated.

Murong Chunfu frowned when he heard this.

It was rare to see such a situation, and even Uncle Long said there was no way to solve the matter.

Could it be that the current reputation of the Murong family cannot deal with such a thing?

Although he was filled with many doubts.

But since Uncle Long had already mentioned this, Murong Chunfu knew that this was probably true.

He looked at Lin Yun and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Lin Yun smiled.

"The Murong family has helped us solve many problems."

"Since murder is paid with life, then let me bear the responsibility this time."

Lin Yun looked calm when he said this, and there was no trace of panic in his eyes.

Uncle Long looked at Lin Yun and sighed.

Zhou Damao rushed forward.

"Junior brother Lin, this time you are in such trouble because of me."

"So I should be the one to shoulder this responsibility with you."

Looking at Zhou Damao's serious look, Lin Yun

Shaked his head.

"Brother, don't forget your current situation."

"We can't give up so easily, not to mention that you are already injured now. You should take a good rest instead of getting involved in these things."

When Lin Yun said this, there was a little helplessness in his tone.

Zhou Damao is like this now. If he really encounters these people from the Night Watch Division, he will probably do something reckless, which is what Lin Yun is most worried about now.

Therefore, he said so much in the hope that Zhou Damao could realize the seriousness of the problem and stop messing around here.

If only this matter could be solved so easily.

But the problem is that the current situation is not as easy as they thought before.

Even Uncle Long nodded aside.

"If this friend doesn't want all the efforts made by Lin Xiaoyou to be in vain, then it is best to follow our requirements."

"In this current situation, we don't know what will happen next, but we will try our best to protect Xiaoyou Lin. You can trust us."

With Uncle Long's guarantee, Lin Yun felt at ease.

At least this time there was the Murong family, and he believed that these people from the night watch department would be fine.

But the moment he finished speaking, Lin Yun felt a strong pressure.

At the same time, the whole person was stunned and unable to move.

He frowned and immediately looked at his panel. At the same time, the expression on his face changed from peaceful at the beginning to complete shock.

Who is it that suddenly appears here at this moment?


And the changes in the world caused by the other party were enough to shock everyone.

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