Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 678: Transcendence into Sainthood!

The expression on Lin Yun's face was extremely solemn, and his eyes were also different at this moment.

"I thought this matter could be resolved smoothly, but what I didn't expect was that the final result turned out to be like this."

Lin Yun thought that even if the Night Watch Division mobilized troops this time, they wanted to cause trouble for him.

That shouldn't use much power.

But he still thought of this matter too simply.

I saw a crack in the sky above Lin Yun's head.

A huge shadow slowly fell from it.

And behind him were three more people.

The moment these four people appeared here, the entire Wugu City seemed to have been drained of its spiritual energy.

Everyone subconsciously raised their heads and looked at the strange phenomenon that suddenly appeared in the sky, and their expressions became extremely frightened.

"Looking at their clothes, they should be from the Night Watch Department."

"Why did the people from the Night Watch Department suddenly appear here? Did something happen?"

Many people nearby were muttering quietly, as if they were very unfamiliar with what was happening in front of them.

When Lin Yun saw these guys in front of him, he didn't have much emotion.

Just like what he thought before, he knew that these people would come to him one day, but Lin Yun never thought that these people would be so powerful.

The leader turned into a shadow, and his appearance could not be seen clearly.

However, I can feel that the other party's level of strength should reach the level of transcendence and sainthood!

Strong men in the extraordinary realm are particularly rare.

Even in this Shenhua world, he does not appear often.

As for the other three people, except for only one who is in the realm of ten thousand laws, the remaining two are strong men in the realm of yin and yang.

This kind of

A strong man of this level can conquer everything wherever he goes.

But who would have thought that they would appear here today.

Lin Yun glanced at Murong Chunfu next to him. He was very worried about whether Murong Chunfu could handle such a big event.

But after taking a quick look, I was surprised to find that Murong Chunfu was actually glowing with golden light, able to withstand the pressure of the extraordinary master.

This is the heritage of a big family.

Even when faced with an extraordinary and powerful person, he can still resist.

And Lin Yun himself relied on his strong willpower to persist.

Otherwise, he would have been kneeling on the ground long ago. The strength of this guy in front of him was too strong for Lin Yun to cope with.

Chong Qingniao's voice sounded in Lin Yun's mind: "I really didn't expect that in this world, there are actually people who have reached the realm of transcendence and sainthood."

"A strong man at the saint level is quite rare."

It was obviously the first time for Chongqingniao to see such a big scene.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, had no mood swings. He just looked at these guys in front of him with a rather fearful expression.

"Boy, now that we have found it, don't try to escape from our hands."

"You also saw the lineup we dispatched today. Even the King of Heaven can't save you."

"So be obedient and surrender. If you are willing to cooperate with us, we can spare your life. Otherwise, today will be your death."

At this time, the powerful man in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm said lightly.

Lin Yun squinted his eyes and looked at the four people in front of him. Is this the power of the Night Watch Division?

The Night Watch Division, which has grown up over a long period of time, is far better than Lin Yun imagined.

Any power organization in the elephant is much stronger.

Just the few people dispatched at this moment can make people feel desperate.

Even in the entire Shenhua world, there are very few strong men in the extraordinary realm, but for him, he actually mobilized masters of this level.

"This really surprises me. Even if I am a sinner in the Bailuo Realm, I didn't know that so many people would be dispatched."

"Don't you think too highly of my abilities?"

The powerful man in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm wanted to say more, but at this moment the shadow just raised his hand.

"Young man, it is a major crime for you to enter this place by mistake."

"But Nian didn't do anything extra before you, so we can spare you this time."

"It's just that you killed so many bounty hunters this time, which brings disgrace to our night watch department."

This man's voice was vast and ancient, as if it had been transmitted from ancient times.

The terrifying pressure is like stacking waves.

Lin Yun felt like he was almost out of breath, but even so, he still stood here without kneeling on the ground.

"Senior's strength is indeed superior to mine. According to the rules of Bailuo Domain, the weak will eat the strong. This is the rule of survival in this world."

"I am no match for senior, so of course I will let senior take care of me."

"But I'm very curious about what the rules senior said mean. Should the Bailuo Domain be completely abandoned?"

"Is what the Night Watch Division has done over the years really justice?"

Lin Yun laughed ferociously when he thought of this.

It's a rule for these guys to keep their mouth shut.

It's like I created something myself.

Indeed, the current God

Compared with the Bailuo Realm, the Hua Realm has more rules, and some ordinary people with low strength can live a good life.

But this does not mean that what they do is worthy of praise.

After all, all of this is based on the suffering of Bailuoyu.

Lin Yun looked at the other party and immediately called up his panel.

【Name】: Jiang Taihua

[Realm]: transcendental and holy

[Fate]:? ?

【Fate】:? ?

【ending】:? ?

[Recent turning point]:? ?

Jiang Taihua looked at Lin Yun coldly.

"You are the first young person who dares to talk to me like this. Do you know that when these people talk to me, they are all respectful and dare not speak loudly."

"But you don't seem to care about me at all."

Lin Yun snorted coldly.

"Senior is indeed powerful. If you want to suppress me forcefully, junior really has no good way."

"But now I just want to seek justice. We in Bailuo Domain have never done anything."

"Why should we, Bailuoyu, have to bear this trouble ourselves?"

Lin Yun just stared at Jiang Taihua without any emotion on his face. Just like what he said before, there was no room for compromise at this point.

Either figure it all out yourself, or the consequences will be unimaginable.

Jiang Taihua said calmly: "It has been a long time since the Night Watch Division formulated the rules for the entire Shenhua Realm."

"Of course we don't know what the people who made the rules were thinking, but we can also see what the Shenhua World looks like today."

"As for Bailuo Domain, since it has been sealed, of course we can't let it

The seal is loose, otherwise it will only be more dangerous for the things inside to escape. "

When Jiang Taihua said this, his tone was as calm as ever.

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