Just when Li Shuang thought that the flying sword in Lin Yun's hand couldn't do these things at all.

But unexpectedly, a deafening roar was heard, and then the whole earth trembled.

Li Shuang glanced at her left side and almost screamed. Everything was fine here just now.

But now his left hand side has become an abyss.

It was pitch dark and no one knew what was underneath.

Lin Yun was looking in Lishuang's direction.

"You should understand by now that I already know of your existence."

"So the purpose of my coming here today is very simple."

Lin Yun looked at Li Shuang with a smile.

If Lishuang had some luck before.

If you thought that everything Lin Yun did before was just to deceive yourself, then you feel differently now.

She knew that Lin Yun was likely to know many things about herself.

So Li Shuang slowly walked out of the mountain and took a look at the bottomless ravine.

He couldn't imagine how this man did it.

The long sword in his hand can do such a terrifying thing without even leaving the body.

"You don't seem to be very strong."

Lin Yun looked at Lishuang. No wonder this guy would run away with his head in his arms when being chased. His own strength was not strong enough.

Therefore, when facing some dangers, we can only place all our hopes on others.

But for Li Shuang, no one can be relied on, and in the end she can only rely on herself.

Including this time, when she met Hou Xuan, she thought she could get through this difficulty quickly and safely.


Unexpectedly, Hou Xuan used some means to track down his clues, and he kept chasing her over and over again.

Lishuang originally thought that she would die in Hou Xuan's hands soon.

After all, these ten evil men in Heavenly Prison are not joking.

But they really have such terrifying strength, even he doesn't know how sure he is.

But at this critical moment, Lin Yun's appearance successfully reversed the entire situation and gave him a glimmer of hope.

Maybe if this man took action, he would still have hope of survival.

"It seems that your recent situation is not very good."

Lin Yun saw that Li Shuang didn't say a word for a long time and knew that this guy must be worried.

However, he was not in a hurry to say anything more, but sat down with a smile.

Li Shuang originally wanted to escape from Hou Xuan's hands.

Originally, this plan could be successful, but to my surprise, I did not escape from Hou Xuan.

Not to mention that he has now gotten himself involved in a bigger trouble.

Looking at Lin Yun now, he looked completely unprepared to take care of things.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know what to do.

"What do you want to do? Although I am not as powerful as Hou Xuan, but if you really want to kill me here, I can only choose to die with you."

"Don't underestimate me. If I want to die with you, you can't escape."

Li Shuang looked at it carefully, and Lin Yun was also very scared now.

Before he knew what Lin Yun's purpose was, Hou Xuan treated him like a prey.

As for the guy in front of me, since he can be so light

If Hou Xuan is killed easily, he may also have some unique hobbies.

Lin Yun looked at Li Shuang's nervous look, then smiled and shook his head.

"Don't worry, I'm not as complicated as you think. On the contrary, I'm just an ordinary person."

He patted Li Shuang on the shoulder.

"But I think you have been here for a long time. The reason why I found you this time is that I hope you can help me leave the hell."

Li Shuang stared at Lin Yun dumbfounded, and he couldn't even believe what he heard.

The first choice many people make when seeing him is to eliminate him completely.

But Lin Yun was indeed different. This guy actually wanted to cooperate with him and then leave this place.

This is simply the sound of nature to Li Shuang now.

She had been thinking about how she could leave this damn place, and she had already paid a lot for it.

But it's a pity that there were no good results.

However, Li Shuang also knew that there were some places that he could not approach with his own strength.

Unless he can cooperate with Lin Yun in front of him, he might be able to find a chance of survival.

"It's not impossible if you want me to cooperate with you, but on these issues, I don't know how to trust you."

Li Shuang glanced at Lin Yun suspiciously.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, looked at Li Shuang as if he were an idiot.

"Didn't I make it clear enough? I came here just to find you and see if you have other abilities that I can use."

"It doesn't matter to me how you can trust me."


Yun Da waved his hand and said with contempt.

He didn't care at all whether Li Shuang would trust him.

For Lin Yun, how to find a means of transportation and then leave this place is what matters.

Of course, if you encounter some powerful person along the way.

Lin Yun wouldn't mind having a good fight with them.

It was just like the previous battle with Hou Xuan, except that Hou Xuan's strength was too poor.

So much so that Lin Yun's mentality was about to collapse completely. He thought he could find an opponent who was equally strong.

Unexpectedly, this guy was a hopeless case. It was a joke that he could become one of the ten evil men here.

And Li Shuang finally understood something at this time.

Lin Yun's strength was far above hers.

If this guy really wanted to kill him.

Maybe he could just move his fingers to accomplish this.

But now he was suppressing his temper and talking to her.

These were enough to prove Lin Yun's current attitude.

"Sorry, I was too reckless just now."

As for what the future would be like, this was of course something that Li Shuang could not understand.

At the same time, she did not think so much. It was good enough to be alive at the moment. Why should she think about so many things?

"Since you've said this, I know what I should do."

"But it's very dangerous to go to these places. You may encounter some very powerful masters on the way."

"Senior, are you really ready to fight them?"

After all, these troubles are not so easy to solve, so Li Shuang directly made things clear.

And Lin Yun smiled confidently.

Looking at him, it seems that he is not


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