Soon, Li Shuang let down her guard and formed a team with Lin Yun.

After all, he is just a mortal, and his own strength is not strong enough. He was caught here because of some minor problems.

I thought I would be able to escape from here after a while.

After all, what Lishuang is best at is escaping and hiding.

So even though she was imprisoned in the hell, she didn't think she would stay here forever.

But what she didn't expect was that after spending a few days in hell.

Li Shuang finally realized that she seemed to have thought of things too simply.

This place is another space.

If she wants to leave here, she must do everything possible to leave this space.

But with Li Shuang's strength, there is no way to do this.

So I can only place all my hopes here, the already existing teleportation exit.

It was at this time that Li Shuang finally realized that his strength was completely inferior to these powerful monsters.

So the situation during the battle is also quite tragic.

This is also due to his superb escape skills and concealment methods, otherwise the secret would have been exposed long ago.

It's just that this time he didn't expect that he would be able to meet such a powerful opponent, and it even almost killed him.

"According to what you said, Heavenly Prison is now divided into three major factions."

Lin Yun asked with narrowed eyes.

Li Shuang nodded.

"There is a city established in all three places, southeast and west."

"And the adults in these cities have summoned all their juniors here to guard something?"

After experiencing these things, Li Shuang has understood that if

If you want to gain Lin Yun's complete trust.

Then everything must be explained in detail, and there must be no concealment.

Otherwise, wait until Lin Yun truly knows the truth about these things.

The two people will have a grudge, and future cooperation will only become more difficult.

Li Shuang saw how powerful Lin Yun was, since Hou Xuan, one of the top ten villains, could easily defeat him.

Then I think Lin Yun's memory will be able to deal with it easily even when facing other people.

"That is to say, if we want to leave this ghost place, we must go to these three cities."

Li Shuang thought for a moment, then nodded.

"These three cities are not only well-defended, but also have many elite soldiers and generals."

"If you don't have a first-line ability, it may be difficult to get in."

Li Shuang looked at Lin Yun. He didn't know what Lin Yun would choose next.

Just like what he said before, if the investigation continues, it is very likely that the interests of several other forces will be touched.

Lin Yun can say that everyone in Shenhua Realm and other places is acting according to the rules.

But if you come here, the situation will naturally be different.

The idlers in Heavenly Prison have only one choice, either die at the hands of others, or join these three major cities.

Get some benefits of your own from it, and then let her slowly become stronger.

Li Shuang is one of them.

In addition, over the years, he has been investigating how to leave the Shenhua world.

So she was very clear about the situation in front of her.

“Although I think the location is very good

It could be here, but no one can be sure right now. "

"Let's not go there rashly."

Lishuang murmured in a low voice, not yet sure whether the surrounding area had been searched.

But if the investigation continues according to Lin Yun's character, it may make things very difficult.

What they least want to see now is this result.

Lin Yun also glanced at Li Shuang beside him at this time.

"You seem to be very nervous, but so what, some of their guys can't kill me at all."

Lin Yun just smiled casually.

He also didn't expect that the hell would turn into what it is now.

"I know you think that after we pass, we will most likely become lambs to be slaughtered in their hands, but I don't think you need to be so nervous."

"What's more, things have already come to this. At this stage, do you think we still have any choice?"

Lin Yun smiled and shook his head, too lazy to say anything more about this situation.

Lishuang felt even more worried after hearing Lin Yun's answer.

"I know that the seniors are very powerful, but those guys are the top experts in the entire Heavenly Prison."

"It's not easy to deal with them. Does Senior want to kill them all by himself?"

Lin Yun shook his head.

"Don't worry, I naturally have my own arrangements, and of course I won't stand against them for no reason."

"But I will also let these guys slowly understand what they are going to do."

Lin Yun had a cunning smile on his face, and it seemed that he had already

Everything is fully prepared for this matter.

So no matter what Lishuang said at the moment, nothing could change his opinion.

What's more, Li Shuang said so many things, but not only failed to stop Lin Yun.

On the contrary, it made him more interested in this matter.

This time, no matter what, we have to figure out what are the key issues among these things.

Li Shuang watched Lin Yun ponder for a moment and then nodded.

"Since senior has said so, I can only go there with you. I will accept it even if I encounter trouble."

She grinned, as if she completely trusted Lin Yun.

So under the leadership of Li Shuang, Lin Yun began to move towards the first city.

Purgatory City is the most famous one in Heavenly Hell, and it is also the one with the largest population among the three cities.

There are four heavenly kings in heaven.

The top ten villains.

Twelve constellations of ghosts.

Among them, the strength of the four heavenly kings is the most terrifying and also unfathomable.

Not only their own strength, but also their cultivation is very terrifying.

Even their racial ancestry is absolutely pure and pure.

Because of this, they can be said to occupy a dominant position in the Heavenly Prison, and no one dares to challenge them.

As for the top ten villains below, they are much more normal.

The leader of Purgatory City is Yang Qianhua, one of the four evil men.

Although Yang Qianhua's strength ranks at the bottom among the four heavenly kings.

But the four heavenly kings do not distinguish between high and low.

Even Yang Qianhua, no one dares to underestimate his ability.

After all, no one knows what Yang Qianhua’s trump card is until now?

This is the power of the Four Heavenly Kings.

So far, there is no

A person in hell can make them show their trump cards.

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