Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 747: Sword formed from black fog

"I have to say, you kid is really lucky, now that this sword has fallen into your hands."

"Then use it well. Maybe with your power it can really play its original role."

Gu Santong didn't know what to say now. Lin Yun's luck was indeed better than he imagined.

This kind of thing is something that no one can easily imagine.

But it happened to Lin Yun.

Lin Yun had one hand on the hilt of the sword at this time, and he could feel a powerful force bursting out from his body.

For him now, it is indeed not easy to master this power.

But at this moment he was still gritting his teeth and persisting.

No matter what the final result is, Lin Yun will not give up easily.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yun could feel the power pouring out of his body.

"hold onto."

Lin Yun and others had been in there for some time, but at this time, Ren Changze didn't take their actions to heart yet.

He believed that these guys would eventually have to pay the price for their recklessness.

Lin Yunzhen really thought that he could bring out some treasures from it with this method, but he had no idea that this place was very dangerous to begin with.

Anyone who wants to get some benefits here will have to pay a heavy price for his recklessness.

No matter how strong Lin Yun is, the final result will be different and he still can't change his destiny.

But at this moment, the entire depths of the canyon began to tremble violently.

"What's going on? Is something about to be born?"

Ren Changze's voice trembled.

He looked quite confused about everything that happened in front of him.

At this moment, the younger brother standing next to him pointed to the location of the cave entrance.

"Boss, look, there seems to be some energy dissipating over there."

Sure enough, when Ren Changze looked at the cave in the distance, he could feel a terrifying energy being released from inside.

Even if he is a fool, he still understands that all this must be related to Lin Yun.

I originally thought that Lin Yun and others would definitely die if they entered inside.

Unexpectedly, he actually found the treasure, and Ren Changze felt really sad and jealous for a while.

Originally, this opportunity should have fallen on his head.

But unfortunately he gave up at the most critical moment.

"I didn't expect that they would actually know what's inside. From the looks of it, they should have found the treasure this time."

Behind Ren Changze, someone whispered.

And such an answer made Liu Mengqi feel even more angry at this moment. He obviously had the ability to stop it.

But unfortunately, it was not possible to do this successfully.

Under this current situation, he didn't know what would happen next.

Ren Changze is indeed in a bad mood now.

But even with his little ability, he couldn't solve any problems.


"With their abilities, what can they bring out?"

"Don't worry, it's nothing more than a piece of garbage."

Ren Changze said with a smile, now he can only comfort himself in this way.

After all, seeing Lin Yun get such a treasure felt much more uncomfortable than killing him.

At this moment, Lin Yun's people slowly walked out of the cave.

Just now Lin Yun has been completely

The sword in his hand is fused at the end.

But what surprised him was that the sword was not made of stone.

Rather, it is similar to the surrounding black mist.

A bold idea formed in his mind.

It is very likely that this sword was originally formed by the condensed black mist. It was only through some means that the black mist was completely finalized, so it became what it is now.

When he knew this result, Lin Yun could be said to be very shocked, but at this moment he could only suppress all his thoughts for the time being.

The problems he has to face in a short period of time are obviously not just as simple as the immediate one.

When Ren Changze saw Lin Yun coming out, he rushed forward immediately.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, you are really lucky."

"I thought you might run into some trouble inside, so I waited outside to see if I could help."

"I didn't expect you to actually get the treasure inside."

Seeing Ren Changze's fiery gaze, Lin Yun just smiled awkwardly.

The sword had already been put into the sword box by him.

So now, no matter how sharp this guy's head is, it's impossible to find him.

Ren Changze finally realized this and smiled awkwardly without saying anything more.

Although he also knew Lin Yun, he must have received some protection this time.

But since Lin Yun was not willing to tell him easily, all he could do now was pretend that nothing had happened.

However, Ren Changze secretly remembered all this in his heart.

Lin Yun was going to die in the end anyway. In this case, he had to get some benefits from Lin Yun.


You know, where do we go next moving forward? "

Ren Changze nodded.

"Of course, it's still early to go. Of course we have to move on."

"But if you think there is a treasure somewhere along the way, you must tell us in time."

If he was still doubting Lin Yun's ability before, that has changed now.

Perhaps in their eyes, Lin Yun was just an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary.

But now this situation has indeed changed.

Maybe this young man really can change his destiny.

After hearing his answer, Lin Yun just smiled indifferently.

"I think not all treasures can be easily obtained."

"It was really lucky that we were able to come out alive this time. We almost died like this."

Gu Santong was there to help.

After all, although this is an opportunity, it also requires a price.

There is simply no way that ordinary people can afford such a price.

It is very possible that he will die inexplicably like this.

Lin Yun only had good luck to come out alive this time.

According to Gu Santong, even if they really have this ability, it will not always go smoothly.

But Ren Changze didn't take it to heart at all.

For them, they are now focused on Lin Yun's ability in this area.

The group of people continued to move forward, but their attitude towards Lin Yun was completely different from before.

It seems that because of Lin Yun's unique abilities, they have begun to have some recognition of Lin Yun.

How did Ren Changze know?

All of his current performances are under Lin Yun's control. He originally wanted these guys to behave like this.

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