Lin Yun is very smart.

He knew that if he told Ren Changze directly, he would have the ability to see through everything.

I'm afraid Ren Changze won't believe it easily.

But this time he was able to go to the cave and find the treasure despite all the objections, which shocked Ren Changze.

So what Lin Yun had to do next was to make Ren Changze even more convinced.

Only in this way can they ensure that their subsequent plans can be implemented smoothly.

Therefore, in the following time, Lin Yun once again saw some changes on several people's panels, and they were all able to get some benefits after this.

But at the same time, the dangers they face are definitely not simple.

Even if they are able to benefit in the end, they may be left with a lifelong disability.

After all, Lin Yun could not be obtained so easily by any chance, but he was very lucky.

But for Lin Yun, this is an excellent opportunity.

In the following period, whenever he discovered some special opportunities, he would immediately tell Ren Changze the news.

And Ren Changze will also tell himself and the people under him the news accordingly.

At the beginning, everyone was still a little skeptical.

Although Lin Yun was able to walk out of the cave and get the treasure.

But no one is sure what happened inside.

It is very likely that they will be deceived by Lin Yun, so they are naturally cautious on this issue.

But slowly, when Lin Yun helped them find more and more treasures, their attitudes also changed.

Even Lin Yun was very surprised.

He originally thought that it would be difficult to find anything deep in this rift valley.

But who would have thought that this place is like a

Like a cornucopia, all kinds of treasures emerge in endlessly.

After some doubts at first, Ren Changze is now completely relieved.

In a short period of time, it was certain that Lin Yun was not his enemy.

At least in a series of events, Lin Yun showed unique abilities that helped him obtain too many treasures.

No matter what Ren Changze thought, he would never think that Lin Yun would be his opponent.

But then their speed suddenly slowed down.

"what happened."

Lin Yun glanced at Ren Changze.

And Ren Changze also had a solemn face.

There were a large number of corpses of practitioners right in front of them, and no one knew how they died here.

But looking at the skinny faces of all of them, it looked more like their energy had been completely sucked dry.

"Although I knew this place must be dangerous, I didn't expect so many people to die here."

After Zhou Damao saw the corpses in front of him, he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Just this scene is hard enough to accept, and not to mention, the subsequent situation may be much more complicated than this.

Even Lin Yun looked solemn at this time.

"Looking at this, what we are going to face next is likely to be a more dangerous situation."

"Even though I was mentally prepared before this, under the current situation, I am still not sure whether I can figure everything out."

They must not dare to act rashly until they figure out what is going on here.

Otherwise, once you get involved, you may end up like these people.

At this time, Ren Changze glanced at Lin

Yun, hoping to use Lin Yun's ability to guide them on what to do next.

And Lin Yun was indeed observing the changes in the faces of the people around him.

Soon after passing the panel, Lin Yun knew what was going on here.

"These people encountered some special races and other creatures here on the road."

When he heard Lin Yun's answer, there was a solemn look on his face.

Someone smiled and shook his head.

"Mr. Lin, although your performance before was indeed good, you also helped us solve a lot of troubles."

"But I'm afraid what you are saying now is just a joke."

"You have to know that this rift has just begun. It doesn't take long. It is impossible for other creatures to be born in such a short period of time."

This person acted very casually when he heard what Lin Yun said.

In their opinion, Lin Yun's most proud ability may just be guessing where the treasure is.

But when it comes down to it, there isn't much he can do when he's in trouble.

Just like now, they would not easily believe what Lin Yun said.

After all, they had known too many possibilities before, and what Lin Yun said now was just a guess.

But this is impossible for them.

"I know you won't believe me easily in your hearts, but that's the fact. There are indeed other creatures alive here. If you don't believe it, you will see them soon."

Lin Yun was not surprised at all by the performance of these guys.

Of course he knows that in the eyes of these people, he looks like

It's a big joke.

But Lin Yun, who now holds the absolute initiative, certainly cannot bow his head and admit his mistake to them.

I don't even think I have any other problems with this issue.

Everything is under Lin Yun's arrangement, and the future results will only develop in a better direction, and these people will also pay the price for their arrogance.

Ren Changze just nodded and did not comment on whether this matter was right or wrong. However, when Lin Yun said that there were other creatures here, Ren Changze was a little reluctant to believe it.

After all, they know this place well.

And there have been people who have followed us down before, but they have never encountered such a problem.

Why had there been such huge changes here before their time?

When he thought of this idea, Ren Changze was really unhappy, feeling like he was being targeted by someone.

But there is no particularly good way to deal with this situation in a short period of time.

"If there are other creatures, they will definitely leave their own flaws."

"We just need to search carefully next. As long as we find these guys, everything can be reversed."

This is the only solution that Ren Changze can find now. He really doesn't dare to act until he understands what's going on here.

Although what Lin Yun said may not be right, this is the only hope they can have now.

A group of people just started searching.

But no matter how hard I searched for them, there was no way to connect this situation.

A whole day passed like this.

Ren Changze could only give up temporarily. He even harbored thoughts in his heart.

I wonder if Lin Yun really deceived himself on this issue.

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