Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 749: Don’t listen to the old man

"Did those people really die when they were attacked by a specific creature?"

Gu Santong glanced at Lin Yun. To be honest, even he found it unbelievable.

Although the information they had obtained before could tell them that there had been other living people here.

The information they have seen so far is a little more special than they thought before.

But Lin Yun was still very serious at this time and nodded.

"Although we don't know much about the situation here, one thing that is certain is that there were indeed other life forms here."

"I don't know when they came here."

Lin Yun was also quite helpless about the current situation.

Everything was just as they had guessed before.

At night, many people expressed doubts about Lin Yun's decision.

"Boss, we don't have much time. If those who are ahead continue to search, I'm afraid all the treasures here will fall into the hands of others."

"So what if we follow them, we will just compete with others for food."

Ren Changze's younger brothers looked at him and said with dissatisfaction, it was precisely because Lin Yun said that there were other creatures here,

Therefore, talents like them can only stay here honestly, not daring to act rashly for fear of getting themselves into trouble.

But if you think about it carefully, their current situation is already very dangerous.

If you remain indifferent at this time, the consequences will definitely be terrible.

"That's right. We are here just to find treasures. We should give up as long as we can."

Before Ren Changze sneered, he was really worried

What unexpected changes occurred in my mind on this issue.

If that's really the case, I'm afraid there's no way I can control this situation.

But looking at these long-dead bodies, nothing has changed.

Moreover, he had not seen any other creatures along the way. Thinking about what Lin Yun said just now, it is very likely that he made an error in judgment.

Lin Yun, because of his own dignity, did not dare to tell them the truth easily. He just asked them to wait here for a while before leaving.

When Ren Changze stepped in on his own behalf, he quickly concluded that the situation must be what he thought.

Therefore, there is no need to keep them waiting.

Ren Changze and others quickly followed suit.

Lin Yun still made no other moves at this time. He originally wanted to see if these people would be in danger after taking action.

So at this time, he said kindly: "Didn't I tell you? The teacher is still here to stay."

"If you continue to move forward, you may encounter danger. These enemies are not easy to deal with. I advise you not to act too rashly."

Lin Yun certainly knew that these guys would not obey his arrangements at all.

After all, their boss is Ren Changze. Everything now comes from Ren Changze. Naturally, this guy will not listen to Lin Yun.

"Friend Daoist Lin."

"I originally thought you were a very brave person, but now it seems that you are quite different from what I thought."

In his opinion, Lin Yun did not dare to act because the previous reasons had hit him too hard.


At this moment, the only thing he could do was give up.

After thinking of this, Ren Changze became quite proud, while Lin Yun quietly watched these people's performances.

Gu Santong said with a smile: "They are really a bunch of ignorant guys, they don't realize that you just tried to dissuade them."

"But that's fine. Only when these guys seek death can we implement the next plan smoothly. Only in this way can we truly control our own destiny."

It is indeed not easy for the current ancient three links to achieve this step.

What will happen after this, they are not sure yet.

But now that all the farce has unfolded, they absolutely cannot back down.

These guys won't understand after all.

In my eyes, their power is just a small role that is not worth mentioning. Now even if they die here, it will not give me a headache.

After all, these people are not from the same group as Lin Yun.

So there are various ways to torture these extremely evil people.

Soon Ren Changze and others started to take action.

When they came to these corpses, they squatted down and inspected them. It seemed that there was nothing special about them.

Originally, Ren Changze was a little nervous before.

After all, what Lin Yun said before had come true, and he was still afraid that he would really run into some trouble this time.

However, after an inspection, Ren Changze felt completely relieved. It seemed that all his previous worries were unnecessary.

No dangerous loopholes were found here at all.

everything is so

of normal.

"Friend Daoist Lin."

"You are still too nervous. We haven't found any clues here at all. It seems that the creature you mentioned does not exist."

Ren Changze said with a smile.

And Lin Yun didn't answer in a hurry.

After all, he can already see through the panel what the fate of these people will be next.

Indeed, they did not listen to what Lin Yun said just now.

But it also means that they will make some choices for their own destiny later.

Lin Yun did not rush to answer anything, nor would he stop these guys from making their own choices.

Just when they naively thought that they were indeed safe now, a strange sound appeared in their ears.

It was a sound they had never heard before.

Like crying, and like wailing.

Then, gusts of cold wind slowed down everyone's movements.

Ren Changze's eyes fell on one of the corpses. He actually looked at the corpse's eyes opened, and blood and tears flowed.

His heartbeat became more rapid, and he wanted to stand up and leave.

But unfortunately, at this time, he was like being fixed in place and could not move.

Even opening his mouth could not make a sound.

Lin Yun also sat up immediately at this time and carefully observed the situation here.

From this point of view, it should be the mysterious creature who took action.

But what exactly this guy is going to do, Lin Yun is still unclear.

At this moment, he saw a younger brother who was originally beside Ren Changze stand up, and then his body began to fold in half, twisting like a twist.

This scene can be said to be quite terrifying.

And the man was wailing in pain, but

his movements did not seem to stop at all.

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