Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 750: A Deadly Situation

If these people were still very tough-talking before.

Then when they saw their companions making this move, they were completely frightened.

No matter how confident they were in their own strength before, they should now understand what their situation is.

If this doesn't end quickly, the end result will be far more terrifying than they imagined.

But unfortunately, their bodies were completely trapped in place, unable to move. They could only watch all this happen, and they couldn't even make a sound.

Lin Yun, who had long known the ins and outs of this matter, was watching quietly without any emotion.

Gu Santong glanced at Lin Yun and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Boy, I'm afraid you already knew this."

Lin Yun nodded.

"I'm not sure exactly how this creature is going to kill people, so someone has to help us figure out the risks."

Just like what he said, so many strong men have died here, so Lin Yun must be fully prepared before taking action.

Soon the screaming boy was twisted into a twisted ball.

But the strange thing is that the blood flowing out of his body condensed into a crimson bead in the air.

Until now, none of them could see what kind of creature it was that was attacking?

They could only feel the terrifying cry of the monster and the powerful pressure it brought to them. No matter how strong these people were, they could not break free now.

Lin Yun saw all this in his eyes, and even if he really wanted to help, it was still to no avail at this time.

After all, their abilities are still a little short of the mark, and this is the only way they can do it.

I'm afraid I can only turn a blind eye.

of watching everything happen.

But I can only try my best to protect myself in this process.

If you have a general understanding of all this before.

So at this moment, even Lin Yun couldn't help but sigh, these guys' abilities were far beyond their imagination.

"You don't even need to show your body shape to kill so many people easily."

"This guy's ability is far beyond my previous expectations, and the things he can do in the future may be even more terrifying than we thought."

Lin Yun muttered quietly, now having a general understanding of the entire situation.

No matter how powerful these people were before, nothing they did now could reverse the situation.

And Ren Changze was almost scared to the point of peeing his pants.

He has tried to use the Force to break free from its restraints.

But the end result was a complete failure.

There is no way Ren Changze can do it so easily.

Throughout the process, he will face more difficult challenges.

Just when the monster was about to hurt the second person, perhaps it was because it swallowed the first blood bead.

His figure was gradually revealed.

It was an extremely ferocious monster that looked like a crazy woman.

The whole body is pale, with sharp teeth and claws.

The whole person is floating in the air, and with the movement of his palm, he can easily kill a person.

Even Lin Yun would be ashamed of such a power.

As expected, this guy is somewhat capable of possessing such terrifying means.

Taking a deep breath, countless thoughts flashed through Lin Yun's mind.

He also admired the opponent in front of him a little.


What is it? It looks like a hungry ghost. "

Zhou Damao said while staring at the ferocious monster in the distance.

Lin Yun frowned, most of the people around Ren Changze were destined to die.

They did not choose to believe Lin Yun, so they rushed into this situation.

When night falls, monsters will appear as quickly as possible.

It's just that Lin Yun doesn't know yet whether they will also encounter this trouble during the day, but it's time for him to take action.

"This guy has formed the rules of the field around him, so whenever they step into this field, their life and death are in the hands of others."

"Fortunately, I am still outside the realm, so I can naturally help them and suppress this monster for the time being."

Lin Yun whispered, it can be said that these guys are quite lucky.

If Lin Yun wasn't still outside now, I'm afraid they would have died inside.

No matter how powerful these people were before, what they can do now is just a drop in the bucket.

Several people in the distance were still wailing in pain, but they couldn't do anything about it.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, looked at the scene in front of him quite calmly.

Now that this guy has revealed his figure, Lin Yun can use this opportunity to kill him completely.

The moment he finished speaking, Lin Yun slowly raised his sword and looked into the distance with cold eyes.

Now that this guy has revealed his figure, Lin Yun certainly cannot miss this opportunity.

It must be killed as quickly as possible. It is not advisable to make any mistakes in the process.

Yuan Li was condensing at an extremely fast speed. The sword in Lin Yun's hand seemed to be able to cut through everything between heaven and earth.

And this time.

That strange creature seemed to be aware of Lin Yun's murderous intent.

After all, with such murderous intent, even if he didn't want to discover it, there was no way he could do it.

But this guy didn't take Lin Yun to heart at all.

In her opinion, he is just a human being. No matter how hard he tries, he is still a little short of the mark.

But now Lin Yun is not as simple as he thought. Lin Yun is not angry that this guy underestimates him.

Anyway, for him, the more this guy despises her ability, the more Lin Yun will be able to take the initiative in the next battle.

It's not easy to deal with such a guy.

The next moment, the sword energy surged, and it was a direct move of Dahe Sword Technique!

This time Lin Yun showed no mercy.

He knew whether he could kill this guy or not, just in such a moment.

If he succeeds, everything he does next will be worth it, but if he fails, it will also be a big trouble for Lin Yun.

The female ghost was originally immersed in the pleasure of hunting prey, but the next moment he suddenly felt the overwhelming murderous intent.

His eyes finally fell on Lin Yun.

At that moment, the two sides faced off, and Lin Yun felt as if his spirit had been hit hard.

I almost couldn't bear it and fell to the ground.

However, he still took a sharp breath and managed to hold on to the situation.

At the same time, the sword in his hand slashed down without hesitation.

"The evildoer shall be punished."

Ren Changze was about to be frightened to death.

But seeing Lin Yun take a strong shot, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously Lin Yunzao

I just guessed that this would be the result.

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