Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 756: Died from Disbelief

Lin Yun has always trusted his own panel.

So he can be sure that he can easily change the fate of these people at this moment in this way.

Of course Shan Changxin also heard Lin Yun’s cry.

He just turned his head and glanced. Lin Yun secretly thought to himself that this guy had his brain kicked by a donkey, right?

At this time, Liu Mengqi is clearly here to fight to the death.

If Shan Changxin gives up resistance at this time, his life will not be in vain.

Even if Shan Changxin is really a fool, he can't just watch all this happen and remain indifferent.

So he just glanced at it and Lin Yun didn't take it to heart.

After Lin Yun saw this scene, he knew what Shan Chang was thinking, and shook his head helplessly.

"I have tried my best. I originally wanted him to survive, but now it seems that it may be a little difficult."

After having the panel confirmation, Lin Yun was sure that his idea was correct.

But it's a pity that the guy in front of him has no intention of being obedient at all, and even responded to Liu Mengqi in a more violent way at this time.

Liu Mengqi could not be successfully dealt with in this way.

Instead, it will only make your death worse.

As time goes by, Shan Changxin's power is also declining at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, he could already feel that he was shaky, and it seemed that he might lose this battle at any time.

"We can't lose, we can't lose now no matter what."

This is already the firm will that is immersed in Shan Changxin's mind. He doesn't want to lose just like that. After all, he doesn't want to lose.

In Liu Mengqi's hands, there was only one way to die.

Moreover, the reputation of his family will be ruined in his own hands.

But now he really has no ability to resist.

The strength Liu Mengqi displayed was too powerful and was completely superior to Shan Changxin. No matter how hard he tried, he could never close the distance between the two parties.

But for Shan Changxin now, repeated attacks will only make him feel desperate.

Only when he was truly on the cusp of the storm could he understand how terrifying Liu Mengqi was.

Lin Yun had already told Shan Changxin how to solve the problem, but in the end he still failed to change everything.

He also understood that it was not strength that defeated Shan Changxin.

But arrogance.

But it’s normal if you think about it.

In such a situation of certain death, it is simply crazy for you to ask a person to simply give up resistance.

At this time, Shan Changxin was just distracted for a moment, and was slapped on the chest by Liu Mengqi.

Then the whole person drew an arc in the air and hit the ground heavily.

At this time, Shan Changxin was seriously injured, and even if he was given some more time, he might not be able to recover at all.

If he still doesn't believe Lin Yun now, then you can imagine what will happen next. Liu Mengqi will not let him go easily.

But it was a pity that even after Lin Yun said so much, he still couldn't change his previous thoughts.

Therefore, there is a high probability that he will continue to fight with the same attitude as before.

Thinking of this, Lin Yun was quite helpless and shook his head. He had tried his best, but this guy didn't want to listen to him, so there was nothing he could do.

Good words are hard to persuade, damn ghost.

Since he had tried his best to prevent this incident, every situation that happened in the future had nothing to do with Lin Yun.

In this way, Shanjangxin resisted with all his strength even at the last moment.

However, Liu Mengqi's strength continued to improve in this battle, which was confirmed by Lin Yun.

So no matter how Shan Changxin struggled, as long as he couldn't do what Lin Yun said, the result would be the same and there would be no change.

Just like now, Zenaganobu has obviously worked very hard, but when facing this powerful opponent, the final result will still not change.

Although the group of people nearby looked worried, no one had the intention to step forward to help.

In this way, they watched Shan Changxin being beaten to death.

And until the last moment of Shan Changxin's death, he did not give up resistance.

It can be said that Shan Changxin was quite aggrieved this time.

It was obvious that he had tried very hard to survive.

But in the end, he still failed to change his fate against fate, and was beaten to death by Liu Mengqi.

Lin Yun witnessed all this with his own eyes.

Seeing that even Shan Changxin was no match for Liu Mengqi, the group of practitioners next to him did not dare to take the initiative to step forward.

Liu Mengqi did not hesitate after killing Shan Changxin, and immediately began to transform Shan Changxin and absorb his power to restore his previous losses.

After Shan Changxin died, everyone fell into a short period of sluggishness, not knowing what to do now.

"What should we do now? Even the people from the exorcism family can't solve it. Doesn't this guy say that we are really going to be trapped here this time?

In? "

Everyone looked at each other. For them, being trapped here was obviously not good news, and they even felt a little fear in their hearts.

But even in such a short period of time, they really couldn't come up with a better solution.

At this moment, Lin Yun was preparing to take Gu Santong and Zhou Damao in directly.

After everyone saw this scene, they were dumbfounded.

"Is this kid crazy? Is he going to go in like this when he couldn't even defeat Shan Changxin?"

"I think so. Anyway, his brain must not be very good, otherwise he wouldn't have made such a crazy decision."

Everyone was slandering him mercilessly, and now everyone was crossing their arms and looking on with cold eyes.

They just wanted to see Lin Yun embarrassed. After all, no one believed that Liu Mengqi would not deal with them without any resistance.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, had no intention of paying any attention to these guys.

For him, his mission is to break through as quickly as possible at this moment, and other things are no longer important.

Now that you already know the best way to deal with Liu Mengqi, why bother waiting here for time to pass?

Although with Lin Yun's strength, there wouldn't be much problem even if he forced his way in.

But at this moment, he knows better than anyone else what kind of challenge he is about to face.

Gu Santong and Zhou Damao are still murmuring in their hearts.

If they didn't have great trust in Lin Yun, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to do such a thing now.

After all, in their eyes, Liu Mengqi had just caused a huge psychological impact on them.

No initiative

The attack was already good, not to mention that they now had to completely open their hearts and give up resistance.

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