Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 765 Starry Sky Ancient Road

【Name】: Lin Yun

[Realm]: The ninth level of ten thousand laws

[Fate]: Sword Saint (gold)

[Fate]: Immaculate Sword Body (Gold), Shura (Purple), Pure Sword Heart (Gold), Dantian Xinghai (Purple)

[Ending]: You have outstanding talents and an extremely hard-working character, and you are destined to surpass ordinary practitioners. But unfortunately, you have set foot in a place where your destiny cannot be controlled, and you will perish within one month.

[Recent Turning]: Using the Secret Palace of Wanzang Valley to successfully materialize the ancient road in the starry sky, and embarking on an unknown journey with his companions.

Looking at the prompts on the panel, Lin Yun murmured quietly.

"Starry Sky Ancient Road?"

"I have never heard of this kind of place in this world before."

Lin Yun now only knows that the one with the highest strength in Henan can only achieve the level of the Great Emperor.

And masters of this level are quite rare.

But so far, I have never heard of any clues about the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

Everything here seems so mysterious.

"Lin Yun, where are we going now?"

At this time, Ren Changze also looked at Lin Yun curiously.

"What are those huge balls?"

"And how was this staircase built?"

Now he is like a curious baby, and everything he sees here feels so incredible.

After all, no matter what he thought before, in the end, everything he learned here was still a little bit worse.

Seeing Ren Changze's curious face, Lin Yun could only shake his head helplessly.

"Although I really want to answer these things for you, I'm sorry, but now I can only tell you that this place is called Starry Sky Ancient Road.

. "

"Other than that, I can't tell you any other useful clues."

Lin Yun currently only knows the name of Starry Sky Ancient Road through the panel.

Other than that, everything about this place is unknown, but since this is an opportunity for me.

Maybe I can really take advantage of this opportunity to successfully enter the Yin and Yang realm.

Of course, after arriving here, Lin Yun immediately wondered whether this place was related to the Xinhai Dantian in his body?

"I originally thought we would just be sent to some more dangerous places. This is the worst possible outcome."

"But now you've brought us to this inhospitable place, and you can't even tell us how to get out of here. You should tell us what we should do next."

Seeing Lin Yun's serious look, Ren Changze almost collapsed at this time.

They don't know how dangerous it is here.

But one can probably imagine that the probability of surviving in such a dangerous place with one's own strength is extremely low.

It would be great if they could find some clues about this place, but Lin Yun didn't understand everything here at all.

At this time Gu Santong stepped forward and stopped them.

"You asked Lin Yun to open that door before, and you also said that no matter where you go, you will accept the result."

"It's okay now. Although we were transported to a place we don't know, this is what you promised before."

"Isn't it a little unreasonable to ask people for trouble now?"

Ren Changze's face looked very ugly.

"What's the matter with you here?"

"I just

In search of treasures, but I didn't see any treasures here. "

Lin Yun did not answer their questions, but looked at the end of the ancient starry sky road.

At this moment, he vaguely felt his heart beating faster and faster.

At the same time, someone seemed to be calling his name deep in the starry sky, and he subconsciously took a step forward.

The road to the stars beneath their feet was stronger than they imagined.

The other people didn't dare to move before, but when they came to their senses, Lin Yun had already walked some distance away.

Zhou Damao glanced at Ren Changze and others without saying anything, but directly chose to follow Lin Yun.

As Lin Yun's senior brother, he would unswervingly choose to believe in Lin Yun every time.

Although he was sent to a place that looked extremely weird this time, Zhou Damao still did not waver in his thoughts.

And Gu Santong also said coldly.

"Now that we have been sent here, even if you have a huge quarrel, it is impossible to send you back. You must either pass here or find a way to commit suicide."

"Anyway, this may be the only chance for you now."

After Gu Santong said this, he left.

The few remaining people looked at each other, not knowing what choice they should make.

Indeed, just like Gu Santong said.

Now they are on the cusp of the storm, and if they can't find a suitable solution, they are likely to be trapped here forever.

"There is no other choice. Let's see what kind of surprise it can bring us this time."

They come, the security,

No matter how much Ren Changze yelled before, he really can't go back to the past now.

So I can only put aside my dissatisfaction for the time being and take the initiative to see if there are any other solutions.

On the other side, Lin Yun continued to move forward, but when he took a few steps, he began to realize that the difficulty was increasing day by day with each step he took.

What's even more frightening is that the passage of time here doesn't seem to be normal.

"Did you enter that mysterious space again just like before?"

Lin Yun muttered in a low voice. Because of his previous experience, he was not surprised now.

But these people behind him couldn't accept it all in such a short period of time.

"We don't know how long we have been walking, but we still haven't seen any useful clues so far."

"Is there really an end to this road?"

Ren Changze asked curiously, he really couldn't imagine it.

If he continues on this path, what will be waiting for him in the end?

Is there really an answer at the end of this road?

Lin Yun just turned his head and glanced.

"You certainly had the choice to stop at this point, no one ever stopped you."

"After all, not everyone can withstand the pressure here."

As they gradually stepped forward, the pressure they endured became greater and greater. Liu Mengqi and others could not resist, which was quite normal.

But now after hearing Lin Yun's answer.

It made them feel as if they had been insulted, and their faces suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Who said we can't withstand the pressure? We are just curious, when will the end come to this?"

Lin Yun just hummed

He sighed and did not answer the question again.

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