Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 768 Want to survive? Keep moving forward

At this time, several younger brothers around Ren Changze also stepped forward to advise.

Although they are equally sad, there is really no other good way now.

Ren Changze clenched his fists and could only roar angrily.

"Okay, then what do you think we should do now?"

"I don't know how long it will take to get out of this damn ancient starry sky road, and in this void, I don't know how many existences are the same as those monsters just now."

"If we continue like this, we will die here one day."

Even if there is a glimmer of hope it would be nice.

But now they have been walking for so long without seeing any changes.

On the contrary, there are fewer and fewer people around him, and the enemies he faces are getting stronger and stronger.

In such a difficult environment, even the strongest people may not be able to withstand the pressure.

Only people like Lin Yun who have truly experienced despair can stabilize their mentality in such an environment.

"I'm sorry that your companion died. After all, if I had a choice, I certainly wouldn't want anyone to die here."

"But you have also seen that now we have no choice at all. I don't know what the situation will be like ahead."

"But I understand that if you stay where you are and don't move, you are waiting for death."

Lin Yun said it very simply. In this case, they can only believe that there is a ray of light ahead.

Even if this possibility is very slim, do they have other options?

Ren Changze roared for a long time, but finally fell silent. In fact, he knew it in his heart.

Under the current situation, Lin Yun's choice was indeed the right one.

put in front of them

There is only one way, either move forward or stay where you are.

If these terrifying creatures really exist in this endless void, then standing still is waiting to die.

The guy who has always been very cunning now has no emotion on his face.

He knew that the little Jiujiu in his heart could not have any impact on the current matter, and he felt even more exhausted when looking at Lin Yun.

"If this continues and more people die, shouldn't you make some changes?"

"At least let us see that there is hope for survival."

Seeing Ren Changze's sad face, Lin Yun just shook his head indifferently.

"Although I also want to give you some hope, unfortunately I don't see any possibility here, but now I just don't give up."

"Whether you want to believe it or not, you can only choose to move on with me now."

After Lin Yun said this, he ignored a few people and just sat on the ground to recover quietly.

As they walked all the way here, everyone gradually got used to the feeling of being suppressed by pressure all the time.

Some people even improve their strength faster during this process.

After Zhou Damao entered the realm of Wanfa, it became very difficult to improve again.

Unexpectedly, just two days on this ancient starry sky road would allow his strength and cultivation to reach a higher level.

This also made Zhou Damao certain that there was definitely a shocking secret waiting for them at the end of this ancient starry sky road.

It was precisely for this reason that Zhou Damao had no doubts at all.

Even intentionally or unintentionally

Intentionally put more pressure on yourself to achieve the purpose of tempering your body.

If they want to help Bailuoyu eliminate all enemies, they themselves must become strong enough.

Just relying on what you see now is obviously not enough.

Lin Yun also saw Zhou Damao's changes at this moment, and couldn't help but admire him in his heart.

As expected of his senior brother, he really surpasses many people in these matters.

Ren Changze went from not understanding it at the beginning to slowly accepting this fact.

And the people around him were speechless.

In this vast sea of ​​stars, where is their shelter? Cooperating with Lin Yun is indeed the best choice at the moment.

Even if it is possible that he will eventually fall into a place of eternal destruction.

But it's better than staying on this dark ancient road in the starry sky and waiting for death.

In this way, they kept moving forward for the next week.

And along the way, we did encounter a lot of trouble with most of the starry sky creatures.

There is no interest in these tiny humans, and only a few will get close to them because of their actions.

As powerful as these void creatures are, they are not impossible to kill.

But the price that needs to be paid during this period is indeed not small.

After a week passed like this.

Even Lin Yun's body had hundreds of injuries, large and small.

Looking around, they seemed to be still standing still, without any movement.

Ren Changze can no longer say a word now. After so many days, he has already become accustomed to this feeling.

In his opinion, he was just a hair away from collapse. The reason why he hadn't shown it yet was

It's because he still wants to go back alive.

"Lin Yun, I advise you to stop first, think carefully, and see how we can get out of this damn road."

"According to what you said, we have been walking on the Starry Sky Ancient Road for many days."

"Until now, I still haven't seen the end of this road, and even the surrounding environment has not changed."

"I'm starting to wonder, are we really moving forward?"

Ren Changze spoke in a very calm tone, indicating that he had completely given up after going through some torture.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, ignored Ren Changze and just looked into the distance quietly. As he said before, there are indeed many extraordinary things here.

But there are more challenges waiting for them at this moment.

"Don't be so nervous. Just because you can't see hope doesn't mean that all hope in the world has been extinguished."

Lin Yun looked at Ren Changze and said with a smile

At this time, Ren Changze was too lazy to argue with him anymore.

"Okay, okay, you are right. I hope you can bring us to see that ray of light as soon as possible so that we can know what is at the end of this ancient road in the starry sky."

Lin Yun did not answer Ren Changze's question, but looked towards the distance at the end of the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

“Running toward hope in the darkness.”

"Even if you don't see the last trace of fire, you must never give up."

"Is this what you want to teach me?"

The moment Lin Yun finished speaking, there was a deafening roar all around.

Then there was a dazzling light that made them unable to open their eyes.

This process lasted for a quarter of an hour.

Wait until the surrounding light returns to normal.

Ren Chang

Ze's eyes widened.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

An extremely majestic hall appeared in front of him.

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