Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 769 Is this the Heavenly Palace?

The moment this hall appeared in front of me.

They can't see any hope until everyone's original fatigue is gone, and they can only keep moving forward with faith.

After all, if they want to live, they can only continue to break through their own limits.

But now when they saw the main hall, they finally understood that their previous efforts were not a waste of time. This boy really had a way.

"I knew I believed you, and you were right."

Ren Changze immediately beamed with joy, even though several companions died around him.

But for him, being able to see a glimmer of hope in leaving here is much better than despair.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, just glanced at Ren Changze coldly.

"Don't get too happy now."

"What we're seeing now is probably the beginning of something else."

"There's more danger here than what we've seen before."

"But now that we are here, we can only try our best to break through the difficulties they set again and again."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yun could only try his best to leave here at this moment.

But he also knew in his heart that it was not easy to do such a thing.

Any change in details during this process may put you in an extremely dangerous situation.

Seeing the few people Lin Yun was talking about, they nodded, and then they headed towards the palace in front of them at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Yun was still observing his own panel during this process.

Soon Lin Yun and others had arrived at the square in front of the palace.

There are more than a dozen stone pillars with no visible tops erected on both sides of the road.

It's like they're holding this up

Like a starry sky.

Lin Yun took a closer look and found that some human names were engraved on these stone pillars.

"What's this?"

Lin Yun looked at one of the stone pillars, then subconsciously leaned forward and gently stroked the stone pillar.

Just the moment his hand touched it, he immediately felt a terrifying and clever sword energy coming towards him.

Lin Yun hurriedly harnessed his vitality to resist.

But even so, the right hand that was originally touched became bloody and bloody in an instant.

"What a terrifying sword energy."

Lin Yun's voice was trembling.

At that moment, he could feel the other party's murderous aura.

It was a terrifying murderous aura that could only be cultivated after countless experiences on the battlefield.

For Lin Yun now, that was a completely irresistible power.

"Junior brother Lin, are you okay?"

Zhou Damao looked at Lin Yun with a worried look on his face.

He didn't know what happened just now, but he could feel that Lin Yun's current situation was indeed not good.

Lin Yun shook his head.

"We haven't reached a truly safe place here yet. Anything could bring us fatal danger."

"If everyone wants to live, then don't touch things here easily."

Lin Yun muttered softly, only now did he realize that what he saw was far from being as simple as he thought before.

There are still more terrible dangers waiting for you behind.

But now Lin Yun absolutely cannot back down because of this.

After experiencing the previous farce, several companions around Ren Changze already knew that this place was far more terrifying than they thought.

Any mistake in detail may cause them to

No chance to regret again.

So before danger comes, what they have to do is to ensure that they are as safe as possible.

Lin Yun and others continued to move forward, and a person's name was engraved on these stone pillars.

And they are all human surnames.

Lin Yun even saw a woman's name here.

Qin Ningshuang.

This seems to be a place of inheritance.

As for the material of these stone pillars, Lin Yun could not leave a single mark on them despite all his efforts.

They had already tried to destroy things here before.

But it's a pity that no matter how strong the force is, it can't leave even a mark on it.

It is enough to see that the degree of danger here is far from what they can imagine now.

For Lin Yun, there are still more challenges waiting for them.

After the group passed the square at the front, they finally arrived at the main hall.

At that moment, Lin Yun felt as if a Sanskrit sound was ringing in his ears.

The originally chaotic consciousness gradually calmed down at this moment.

Suddenly, a terrifying aura enveloped them.

Then in front of Lin Yun, a stone pillar turned into white sand.


Ren Changze asked curiously.

But the next moment, he felt like his chest was hit hard by something, and then his whole body flew out.


Ren Changze's whole body hit a stone pillar.

But unfortunately, he was the only one injured, and the stone pillar did not move at all.

There wasn't even a trace left on it.

Ren Changze still doesn't know who did it just now.

Only Lin

Yun could see clearly at that moment.

The moment the stone pillar turned into white sand, a very small stone flew out at an extremely fast speed.

His original target was Lin Yun, but unfortunately Lin Yun had already avoided him in the flash of lightning.

Although he can dodge the attack of stones very easily.

But Ren Changze behind him did not have such good luck. The stone hit Ren Changze directly. At that moment, Ren Changze almost had his hair raised.

Being able to survive now can be regarded as good luck for him.

Lin Yun's mood became even heavier. In that moment, this stone man could display such terrifying strength.

If they really took action, it would be difficult for them to have any chance of winning now.

"Be careful, there is something wrong with this white sand."

Lin Yun did not hesitate to remind him, although he, Ren Changze and others had not yet reached the point of sharing life and death.

But anyway, to Lin Yun, these guys are more like exploring the path ahead.

It's all a relationship of mutual use.

Gu Santong and Zhou Damao also took out their weapons.

At this time, the sand and gravel that were originally scattered on the ground began to gather again.

Lin Yun thought that this was going to return to the original appearance of the stone pillar, but as the sand and stone gradually took shape, he unexpectedly discovered that this was not what the stone pillar looked like at all.

But a human form.

An extremely tall warrior wearing armor!

The white sand gradually took shape, and the soldier's cold face gradually emerged.

At the same time, the cold murderous aura made Lin Yun instantly feel like he was falling into an ice cellar.

"Holy crap, do we have to fight all the way through?"

He looked at the warrior in front of him, and his mood instantly changed.

It's so beautiful.

Isn’t this too deceptive?

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