Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 770 Sandman? Mercenary?

Lin Yun didn't know what he should say for a moment.

They really encountered a lot of trouble along the way, and often the only way to solve the trouble was to rely on their own fists.

But just based on the strength just now, it can be determined that if they fight against each other, they will never gain the slightest advantage.

It is even very likely that Lin Yun will be instantly killed by this guy.

Don't doubt the authenticity of this statement.

After experiencing so many things, Lin Yun was almost certain that he really had no chance of winning in front of these guys.

Next to them, Gu Santong and Zhou Damao also focused their attention on the soldiers.

Although the warriors were condensed and formed, they were not in a hurry to attack, but they were filled with murderous intent.

"Senior, we are just passing through here."

"I'm just trying to find a good way to leave here. I don't mean to offend my seniors."

Ren Changze struggled to stand up from the ground, then looked at the warrior in front of him and muttered softly.

I thought that after saying this, the soldiers would let them go.

At least there will be some reaction.

Unexpectedly, the warrior made no movement at all. Instead, he stabbed the heavy sword in his hand directly to the ground.


Lin Yun witnessed with his own eyes that the ground where he could not cause any damage was stabbed open by this guy with a sword.

However, although this warrior was powerful, he was not in a hurry to attack.

Lin Yun took this opportunity to observe around.

Finally, a decayed Tetanus Sword was discovered in the corner.

In addition, Lin Yun also saw a flag.

It was a black flag.

There is a word written on it in small seal script.



Because Lin Yun liked watching this type of TV series before, he recognized this flag immediately.

At this time, when he looked at the soldier in front of him, he immediately realized, good guy, this looks like an Iron Eagle Warrior!

Iron Eagle Switzerland was the most famous special forces unit in the Qin Dynasty.

Each one is selected from among the veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles.

Not only must you be young, but you must also have extremely high understanding.

And looking at the murderous aura released by the warrior in front of him, it's no wonder it's so terrifying.

Lin Yun took a look and saw that there was a gate behind the soldier.

If they want to move forward, they may have to defeat the warrior in front of them.

He glanced at Gu Santong and Zhou Damao beside him.

"There should be no choice. This guy may not take the initiative until we take the initiative to attack."

Zhou Damao glanced at Lin Yun.

"Then how do you explain that Ren Changze was dealt with just now?"

Lin Yun scratched his head.

"It's most likely that Ren Changze is showing some hostility like the female ghost before."

"And the person in front of me also noticed the hostility he showed, and naturally he would kill him without mercy."

What Lin Yun said was reasonable and well-founded, which made everyone very happy.

However, only Ren Changze looked speechless.

Sure enough, the moment Lin Yun was about to pass through, the soldier in front of him immediately pulled out the heavy sword on the ground.

At the same time, Lin Yun only saw this guy turning into an afterimage in front of him. When he came to his senses again, the person had already appeared in front of him.

The heavy sword in his hand also hit Lin Yun.

In a hurry, Lin Yun also immediately summoned his own Cold Flame Sword.


At the moment when the two swords collided.

Lin Yun felt that endless power was impacting his body.

But what surprised him the most was that the Iron Eagle Rui Shi was not that powerful.

He originally thought that the warrior in front of him would be enough to defeat so many of them.

But now it seems that is not the case.

The power of the Iron Eagle Warrior lies in his extremely sharp murderous aura.

After so many years, the murderous aura in him has almost condensed into shape.

I'm afraid no one can withstand such pressure in front of him.

Even Lin Yun is the same now.

It is enough to show how far this terrifying murderous intention can be achieved.

But even so, Lin Yun is still unwavering.

Instead, he gradually became serious after fighting against the Iron Eagle Ruiz.

After ten rounds of fighting like this, Lin Yun was still kicked out by the Iron Eagle warrior.

Now even Gu Santong was very curious. When they started, they could feel that Iron Eagle Rui's cultivation level was not very high.

But precisely because he was born on the battlefield, the use of his own tricks is terrifying.

Lin Yun's combat experience is already quite rich.

But compared with the Iron Eagle Warriors based on his ability, it pales into insignificance.

Wiping away the blood from the corner of his mouth, Lin Yun stood up unsteadily.

"Damn it, this guy is really difficult to deal with."

As for the battle between Lin Yun and Tie Ying Rui just now, Ren Changze did not dare to participate.

Gu Santong, on the other hand, had itchy hands on the side.

"Let me come, let me come."

Lin Yun sat aside and thought quietly.

Although just now he was still

He was defeated by the Iron Eagle Warriors, but the short period of fighting was extremely useful to Lin Yun.

Although he still lost the battle in the end, he learned a lot from it.

This is an extremely rare opportunity for Lin Yun.

As the saying goes, it is hard to find a good teacher and a helpful friend.

It is not easy for Lin Yun to find such an opponent now.

On the other side, Gu Santong also quickly fought with the Iron Eagle Warrior.

With Gu Santong's means, it is naturally a piece of cake to suppress an Iron Eagle Warrior.

But the result is not much different between Gu Santong and Lin Yun, although he has rich combat experience.

But compared with the Iron Eagle Warrior, he is still a level lower.

However, he persisted a little longer than Lin Yun, and was defeated only after fifteen rounds.

After defeating them, the Iron Eagle Warrior did not continue to attack.

It seems that this guy is more like giving them some tests, rather than killing them here.

Gu Santong glanced at Lin Yun.

"Good guy, the strength of this thing is much more terrifying than you and I thought."

"It seems that it is not so easy to get out of here today."

He couldn't help but sighed.

Even though he had made the worst plan before, he had to sigh that he was still a little behind the Iron Eagle Warrior.

In the following days, Lin Yun and Gu Santong took turns fighting the Iron Eagle Warriors.

During the process, Zhou Damao would occasionally take action.

The three of them also learned a lot during the battle, but every battle would inevitably leave some injuries on their bodies.

As for Ren Changze and others,

they watched coldly from the sidelines.

For them, it was obviously irrational to keep fighting like this and get hurt. Who knew what troubles would be waiting for them later?

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