Over the years, Lin Yun's strength has not changed much.

On the contrary, during the few years that Qin Xiyan got along with Lin Yun, the two confirmed their relationship and became Taoist couples.

Now, with Lin Yun's help, he has reached the Yin and Yang realm.

Not to mention that the panel was indeed of great help to Lin Yun, allowing him to easily find a way to help Qin Xiyan break through the situation.

So with the help of the panel, Lin Yun quickly allowed Qin Xiyan to break through to the yin and yang realm.

Jiang Zhengqing was in charge of all affairs of the coalition after they left.

He knew that it was difficult for him to improve his cultivation level any further.

After all, if you are at this age and have not yet made a breakthrough in the future, it will be difficult for you to have any chance.

But when he saw Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan coming back, he was quite relieved.

Unexpectedly, Qin Xiyan successfully broke through at this time, which is good news.

Whether it is Lin Yun or Qin Xiyan, their personal talents are quite powerful.

Their increased strength will be of no harm to Qianlong Continent.

"Okay, that's great."

"At this juncture, all the powerful people in Qianlong Continent exploded like a blowout."

"It will naturally be of great help to us in facing these so-called powerful opponents in the future."

Lin Yun nodded: "The enemy is indeed powerful, but we people are not so easy to mess with."

"If they really take action, they may not have much chance of winning."

Regarding the upcoming challenge, Lin Yun was very calm.

He has also had some dealings with those guys in the Shenhua world.

It’s just that I don’t know yet how many people my action will cause.

Big variables.

But the arrow was on the string and had to be fired.

To be sure, Lin Yun left Qin Xiyan in charge of the coalition camp.

He took three Yin-Yang realm experts and three saints from the ancient relics to the southern end of the Qianlong Continent.

According to previous understanding, this should be the place for sealing.

Sure enough, when they arrived here, they felt a great pressure, as if there was an invisible force trying to drive them out of here.

Lin Yun was certain that this was the power of the seal.

There was chaos in front of them, and they couldn't see clearly what was inside.

"Guys, this is it."

Lin Yun first conducted a survey.

After confirming that it was correct, preparations began here to completely break the seal.

At the same time, the ancient relics and the human race also united, and an army of nearly one million practitioners gathered at the southern border.

This will be the most extensive war in the entire Qianlong Continent cultivation world.

I don’t know what those sanctimonious guys in the Shenhua world will think when they see this scene.

Lin Yun was here early and had already set up a formation.

The next step is to open the seal and then march south.

It can be said that Lin Yun is in a very excited mood now.

Even he never thought that one day he would return to the world of Shenhua in this way.

Shenhua Realm.

Night Watch Division Headquarters:

Ye Xuanming, who had just finished a meeting, walked out with a tired face.

He ran into a panicked young man head-on.

"General Manager, something serious has happened."

The young man looked very flustered and frightened, as if something terrible had happened. ,

Ye Xuanming frowned.

"What happened?

What happened? "

"Don't be nervous, speak slowly."

Seeing the young man behaving like this, Ye Xuanming had a bad feeling.

Judging from the boy's clothes, this boy should be an extremely rare disciple of the Tianxing Department.

Ministry of Starry Stars.

This is one of the most special departments within the Night Watch Department.

And their only function is to survey the stars, skillfully seize destiny, and know the future.

"The Astrology Department's Star Dipper just completely collapsed."

"Master burns longevity energy and calculates that the entire Shenhua world will encounter a catastrophe."

As soon as these words came out

Ye Xuanming's face became increasingly ugly.

The old leader of the Tianxing Department?

Ye Xuanming knew how strong that blind person was, and even when he saw someone, he would call him "Senior".

But it was such a big boss who said that the entire Shenhua world was about to enter a catastrophe.

Can Ye Xuanming not believe it?

He turned around and returned to the meeting.

The bosses who had just stood up sat down at the same time, looking confused.

"I just got the news."

"The Tianxing Ministry has a secret, and a catastrophe will come to the entire Shenhua Realm."

"Jiang Taihua, how is the situation of Shitian Alliance?"

Over the years, Ye Xuanming has been paying attention to the development of Shi Tianmeng.

And Jiang Taihua is one of the core.

"For the record, Chief, those members who originally left the Shitian Alliance a year ago are returning."

"Thousands of people have gathered so far."

"But so far, we have not found any further whereabouts of theirs."

Hearing the news, Ye Xuanming looked a little ugly.

Ten years is enough time for these geniuses to become stronger.

You must know that for these people, everything they suffered in Heavenly Prison was just experience.

Once out of jail

, the strength will inevitably advance by leaps and bounds.

I thought these guys would be peaceful for a while, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this.

Now, even Ye Xuanming knew that he would be in big trouble next.

"Where's that guy named Lin Yun? There's no news yet?"

Jiang Taihua nodded.

"The last news about him was found in Tiangu City, and everything calmed down after that."

Tiangu City?

Ye Xuanming's face became increasingly ugly.

A few years ago, a big disaster occurred in Manzang Valley.

Forcing a powerful man at the level of a saint to come and suppress them with great power.

They can't resist the rules there, so all they can do is forcefully suppress the seal.

I didn't expect that this place was actually related to Lin Yun.

"In any case, since it is a secret that Burning Shouyuan is investigating, we can't help but take it seriously."

"The Night Watch Division has entered Level 1 combat readiness. From now on, everyone should be prepared for the war."

When hearing Ye Xuanming's words, everyone present looked solemn.

The Shenhua Realm has been stable for so many years, and they really can't imagine that there is someone who is not short-sighted and dares to run into their territory and act so recklessly.

What's more, the Night Watch Division's strength over the years should be enough to suppress all those with ulterior motives.

After everyone left, Ye Xuanming leaned back on his chair.

I hope my guess is not true.

For some reason, he always had a strong hunch that everything he had foreseen so far was related to Lin Yun.

It's a pity that everything is just my own guess now, without complete evidence.

Otherwise, he will definitely lead the team immediately and must

Kill Lin Yun before the disaster occurs.

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