Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 819 Creation of the World

Endless Sky Island:

Guan Yuanming looked at the people present.

The ten-year period has arrived.

And almost all the people who came out of Heavenly Prison returned to Sky Island.

Except for a small number of people, due to family matters, it will still come later.

The remaining people are already ready.

In the past ten years, Guan Yuanming has not given up on what he wants to do.

Today's Shitian Alliance has already become the leading group in the entire Shenhua world.

Not just in the Eastern Region.

Its sphere of influence has even radiated to the Central Region and the more distant Wuwu Sea.

This was Guan Yuanming's secret arrangement while deliberately keeping a low profile.

Otherwise, the influence of the entire Shitian Alliance will become even more terrifying.

And in this state.

Shi Tianmeng has naturally become the focus of the Night Watch Division.

King Fubo stepped forward at this time.

"Guan Yuanming, now that everyone has gathered here, it's time for us to make a big fuss."

"According to what Big Brother said before, ten years is enough time for us to prepare everything."

Guan Yuanming just glanced at Fubo Tianwang lightly.

"The King of Heaven has no idea that things have reached this stage, and we need to deal with every detail that follows carefully."

Unlike King Fubo, Guan Yuanming behaved extremely calmly.

He knows better than anyone else what accidents may happen under the current situation.

The Night Watch Division has been keeping an eye on them, so any next move by Shi Tianmeng may affect the Night Watch Division.

It's just that Guan Yuanming knew all this a long time ago, so he set up the formation on the empty island early.

Now any actions inside Sky Island are beyond the control of the Night Watch Division.

controlled by law.

"Until now, we have had no news from Big Brother."

"I don't know what big brother has been doing in the past ten years. I heard that the last time he appeared was in Tianduan Prairie."

"I heard that he might be involved in the Manzang Valley incident."

Manzang Valley.

This is definitely something that no one in the entire Shenhua world wants to mention.

What happened a few years ago is still vivid in people's minds to this day.

No one knows what exactly happened in this process.

But they understood that being able to keep such a large organization like the Night Watch Division silent only proved that the seriousness of the matter this time was completely beyond their imagination.

As for other situations that follow, no one can explain clearly.

"Everything the master does, he naturally has his considerations in mind."

"In ten years, he will naturally not forget that everyone can rest assured."

Over the years, Guan Yuanming not only expanded the size of the entire Shitian Alliance, but also secretly followed Lin Yun's every move.

In fact, at this time, he probably already knew that Lin Yun had returned to Bailuo Domain.

After all, there have been no clues since Tianduan Prairie disappeared.

There is only one possibility to return to Bailuo Domain.

However, Guan Yuanming is still unclear about the situation after this.

Under the current situation, they are full of confidence in the future war.

If Lin Yun could prepare well in Bailuo Domain, then there would be almost no possibility of failure in this war.

"Guan Yuanming, what are you going to do next?"

"If Big Brother is really planning to launch a counterattack at this time, then we must also prepare in advance.

That's it. "

Guan Yuanming glanced at several people present.

"Don't worry, I've made all the arrangements."

"This time will definitely make the entire Shenhua world focus on us..."

This is also the first time that the Shitian League has acted in a high-profile manner since its establishment.

No matter what, everyone must know how strong their foundation is.

And the other side.

Lin Yun's formation to break the seal has been arranged.

This time, in order to break the formation more smoothly, a lot of precious materials were used, and several Yin-Yang realm experts were involved.

This ensures nothing goes wrong.

It can be said that in order to achieve this goal, they also expended a lot of effort in the process.

At this time, Lin Yun stood in front of the hazy fog.

As long as the fog is cut open, they can see the road to Bailuo Domain.

The Holy Son was also standing next to Lin Yun at this moment.

"You'd better tell the truth, otherwise we won't be able to let it go even if there is a slight deviation."

"Even if we use all the heritage of the ancient relics, you humans must pay the price!"

He glanced at Lin Yun. Anyway, what he promised before did sound a bit unscientific.

Therefore, it is reasonable for the Holy Son to be like this now.

"Don't worry, Holy Son, you will definitely thank me when I break the seal of this world."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yun summoned the Chaoyang Sword.

Perhaps it was because he had cut off the barrier once before, so now he was a little ready to move.

The Holy Son took a look.

Good guy, it was only then that I realized that this was my natal magic weapon.

A weapon that can become more terrifying as the owner's strength increases.

, that is an existence that can surpass the imperial soldiers.

No wonder he is not as good as Lin Yun.

This kid himself is a huge mystery, and there are many treasures that can be found in him that you can't even imagine.

"Everything is ready."

"When I break the seal, I may be attacked."

Although the Tianduan Prairie is the next stop, Lin Yun is not sure whether the Tianduan Prairie is safe.

If there is a night watchman guarding here, they may face a fierce battle when they rush out.

But at this point, Lin Yun is much calmer.

Everyone is ready. He took a deep breath, then closed his eyes and looked at the sealed mist in the distance.

With an order, the formation started to operate at a very fast speed.

The endless energy hit the mist like a tide.

And the attacked mist immediately launched a counterattack like a living creature.

It is because of this that the true appearance of the mist appeared in front of Lin Yun.

"It is at this moment."

He raised the Chaoyang Sword in his hand high and chopped it down suddenly.

"Breaking the Void Sword Technique!"

Accompanied by a deafening roar.

At this moment, someone seemed to hear a tragic wail.

Then, the fog dispersed at a very fast speed like an electric shock.

But how could Lin Yun really give him this chance to escape at this time?

The endless sword energy engulfed all the fog from all directions.

If you look closely, you can find that the Xuanming Strange Fire is attached to Lin Yun.

At this moment, he has already used the Xuanming Strange Fire like a fish in water.

Such power, naturally, not everyone can withstand it.

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