Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 893: Refining the Inner Demon

Situ Yunjing continued to lead the way for the rest of the journey.

Since Lin Yun had just broken through to the Return to True Realm, he naturally had to carefully observe his own changes.

After reaching the state of returning to true nature, many things are different from before.

The most obvious one is Lin Yun's sense of the aura of the surrounding environment.

If the previous aura was like water vapor.

So in Lin Yun's eyes, the aura at this time seemed like a veil.

The advantage of this is that they can choose more easily during the cultivation process.

Among this mixed spiritual energy, which part is the purest and can be easily absorbed by yourself.

At the same time, during the battle, he can also naturally capture the spiritual energy between heaven and earth and transform it into his own power.

This is the strong man who returns to his true state.

In the realm of Wanfa, practitioners begin to understand the rules between heaven and earth. At this time, they may also be able to imitate the rules between heaven and earth and use some methods.

But just that, it doesn’t mean anything at all.

And after reaching the realm of Yin and Yang, one can probably touch part of the rules between heaven and earth.

So in this realm, many people usually create their own fields.

Returning to the true state is from the very beginning, relying on and touching the rules between heaven and earth.

Directly transformed into the rules that control the world.

In this state, the use of one's own power is naturally more demanding.

However, it can be said that there is a huge difference in strength between the Yin-Yang Mirror and the Yin-Yang Mirror after reaching the Return to True Realm.

Because of this, Lin Yun now even has confidence that he might not be able to kill Ye Xuanming.

But what really makes Lin

What Yun found unbelievable was his Xinghai Dantian.

The entire universe has begun to take shape, and many special realms have even been formed within it.

However, so far, no intelligent creatures have appeared in his dantian, so Lin Yun does not have to worry about other changes in the entire Xinghai dantian for the time being.

Situ Yunjing held a compass in one hand, looking at six directions and listening in all directions.

After what happened before, Situ Yunjing realized that the wilderness was full of dangers.

Even if you are prepared in advance, you are very likely to fall into trouble designed by others.

So after coming here, the best thing is to always be vigilant and be ready to fight to the death if you encounter any problems.

"We are getting closer and this guy is not aware of our presence."

Situ Yunjing has now realized the location of his inner demon.

The inner demon at the level of a saint is naturally quite powerful. Even Situ Yunjing was able to suppress the inner demon by helping Lin Yun by his side.

But Lin Yun wanted to completely refine it, which was a very difficult and time-consuming process.

"Senior, do you want to take a good rest for a while?"

"Refining the inner demon is not as simple as we thought before. It's better to let your body recover for a while now."

After hearing what Lin Yun said, Situ Yunjing shook his head decisively.

"If I can't personally control the internal affairs of the Situ family, I will feel a little uneasy about each of them."

Situ Yunjing also knew that the entire Situ family was now being coerced by various forces.

At this time, even the choices they made themselves cannot be easily trusted.

So how could he just let the Situ family continue to develop like this? No matter what, he had to keep it firmly in his hands.

Lin Yun looked at Situ Yunjing's serious look and could only nod his head without saying anything more.

Looking at Situ Yunjing's look, he knew that the current internal situation of the Four Heads family must be very complicated, and there was no point in blabbering on him.

The two people soon arrived somewhere in the forest.

The strange thing is that there once seemed to be a small town here, but for some unknown reason, it was buried in such a forest.

"This guy is in there."

"Little friend Lin, just come in with me."

Situ Yunjing glanced at Lin Yun, and the two of them walked in boldly.

At this time, they don't have to worry about being discovered by the inner demon at such a close distance. As long as the inner demon dares to take control, Situ Yunjing will instantly capture it.

But just as the two of them continued to move forward, some ferocious-looking monsters suddenly appeared around them, surrounding them.

When Situ Yunjing saw these monsters, he just sneered.

"When did you start dealing with Luo Chuan?"

Soon Lin Yun saw a white-haired old man appear in his sight.

When the other party faced Situ Yunjing, he just smiled.

"I don't need to cooperate with Luo Chuan yet, let alone deal with you, just relying on my own strength is enough."

I have to say that this old man can be said to be quite arrogant.


Even at this moment, he still didn't take Lin Yun and Situ Yunjing to heart.

The moment Lin Yun saw this guy, he knew that it was Situ Yunjing's inner demon.

I just didn't expect that the inner demon and Situ Yunjing took two completely different paths.

"It's full of nonsense. I really don't understand today that I am already on the verge of death."

Seeing that the inner demon was still so ignorant, Situ Yunjing sneered from the side.

For such a reckless guy, there is only one option left now, which is to send him out of this world as soon as possible.

"I will temporarily control this guy later, and I can only leave the rest to Xiaoyou Lin."

"We must control this guy no matter what. At least we can't let him slip away from our hands easily."

Situ Yunjing looked serious and did not dare to take it lightly at this moment.

Lin Yun had already grasped the hilt of the Chaoyang Sword with one hand.

Seeing that the two sides had no chance to negotiate, the demon roared angrily at this moment.

"Since you are sincerely seeking death, I will destroy you here today."

"When I kill your true form, I will be the ancestor of the Situ family. At that time, everyone will surrender to me."

The inner demon immediately opened his arms, and the next moment the surrounding aura began to become manic.

And those ferocious-looking monsters also rushed towards them at this time.

Situ Yunjing didn't care at all about the looks of the monsters around him. He stared at the demon in his heart at the moment when this guy was about to steal away.

His body seemed to be frozen in place.

Sure enough, this guy won't stay here honestly.


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