Unable to escape from this battlefield, he is naturally very angry.

He glanced at Situ Yunjing in the distance.

"It was my negligence at the beginning, so I let you live outside. It was only a disaster. But now I must completely resolve the matter back then."

"So no matter what means you have, don't try to steal it from me today."

Situ Yunjing stared at the angry inner demon in front of him. He knew that the inner demon must be very unhappy now.

But so what, under the current situation, all he could do was cooperate with Situ Yunjing.

At this time, Lin Yun slowly moved towards his inner demon.

The moment these ferocious-looking monsters rushed up to Lin Yun, they would be released from behind, ranging from rat hunting to sword energy.

So far, no monster has been able to get close. Most of them will be directly devoured by this terrifying sword energy the moment they are about to approach them.

This is Lin Yun's current strength. Dealing with these guys is simply a simple matter.

And the inner demon also felt an aura about Lin Yun that he was very afraid of.

He instinctively began to retreat, and at the same time he kept calling on these ferocious monsters to surround Lin Yun.

No matter what, you must kill this man here. Only in this way can you ensure your own safety and prevent the subsequent situation from changing.

But it's a pity that Lin Yun doesn't need to take any action at all. When these monsters rush up, he can just swing his sword to kill them.

No matter how many times, Lin Yun never frowned.

Slowly, the inner demon realized that although this young man was not as powerful as Situ Yunjing, he was more threatening than Situ.

The cloudscape is even higher.

"Situ Yunjing, you are my own body after all. Shouldn't you be the one to deal with me personally?"

"I think you are a complete coward."

The inner demon was still irritating Situ Yunjing at this time.

However, Situ Yunjing just smiled contemptuously at what he said.

"Do you think such a provoking method will have any effect on me? The reason why I called Xiaoyou Lin here this time is to completely refine you, and all I have to do is trap you here."

The two parties divided their labors and cooperated, so it was impossible for Situ Yunjing to give this inner demon an opportunity.

Looking at Situ Yunjing with such a resolute attitude, Lonely knew that he would have no other choice, and he never thought that these guys' methods were so clever.

At this moment, there was no chance for him to breathe.

"As long as you are willing to let me go, I can even sign a contract with you and bring you even more power."

"You and I are from the same origin, so why do you have to force me to death?"

Lin Yun was getting closer and closer, and the inner demon finally became afraid.

No matter how strong he is, when facing Lin Yun, he seems to be restrained by nature and can't do anything at all.

"Guys like you will never change your ways. After letting you go this time, you will cause a lot of trouble."

"So I cannot let you continue to act recklessly in this world under any circumstances, but you can rest assured."

"After I refine you, your power will also become part of me. At that time, I will

It can be done, and I will reach the same destination with you. "

Situ Yunjing smiled and said that he had demonstrated many times in his mind how to completely refine this guy and master part of his power.

The inner demon originally thought that he could still get Situ Yunjing to forgive him. After all, after this guy separated himself from his heart through special means, he became a completely good person.

His successful escape so many times was closely related to this aspect.

But this time it was different. Situ Yunjing also knew that it was precisely because of his previous softness that he was able to create danger opportunities for this guy again and again.

The reason why I called Lin Yun here now is that I hope Lin Yun can cooperate with me.

In this way, no matter what means this guy has, it will be impossible to do anything to him in a short time.

Obviously, the inner demon had never thought about it so much before, and now in this situation, the overall situation is even more incredible.

But he had no other choice but to control at this moment. More and more monsters rushed towards Lin Yun, hoping to completely repel Lin Yun before he got close.

"It's nothing more than a group of guys who don't care about life and death. Since they dare to take the initiative, don't blame me for being rude."

Lin Yun squinted his eyes to look at the inner demon, and the next moment, he snapped his fingers with his right hand.

The inner demon saw Lin Yun's body burning with blazing flames.

The moment the inner demon saw this flame, he was almost frightened to death.

It turned out to be the rumored mysterious fire.

This kind of flame is a fatal threat to inner demons

, if he is not careful, he will fall into a situation of eternal disaster. He did not expect that Lin Yun could master such a powerful power.

But it was too late to resist at this time.

"How can you let me go?"

"For such a long time, I have finally managed to cultivate myself bit by bit to where I am now."

"Do I really want all my hard work for so long to be in vain?"

The inner demon didn't understand what was going to happen next, so he tried to postpone it as much as possible.

But Lin Yun didn't give him this chance at all. He waved his right hand lightly, and the moment balls of flames were thrown down, all these monsters screamed on the ground.

For these monsters, the Xuanming Fire is simply a dimensionality reduction to attack them, and it is impossible to resist such terrifying energy.

After a while, Lin Yun saw these monsters escaping in all directions.

But because the inner demons had been controlling them just now, they were gathering towards Lin Yun.

The monsters are all stuck together.

But this time Lin Yun directly threw a ball of mysterious fire, just like a prairie fire, which instantly turned the entire situation upside down.

For a time, the situation became extremely complicated.

At this time, Lin Yun had already arrived in front of the inner demon.

"I'm sorry, I can't give you what you want this time. Guys like you must solve it in advance, otherwise it will definitely bring a lot of trouble to the world in the future."

Lin Yun ignored the resentful eyes of his inner demon.

At this time, the inner demon was looking at Situ Yunjing in the distance.

"now that

If so, don't blame me for being rude. "

"Don't forget, this is a wild land, not your human race's territory."

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