Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 895 Do you dare to challenge me in single combat?

Situ Yunjing's own calculation methods are also quite clever.

As the inner demon separated by Situ Yunjing, of course the same is true.

This guy also has super intelligence and is absolutely sure of everything that happens next.

Although Lin Yun came suddenly this time, the inner demon reacted quickly. Just when Lin Yun was about to approach, he stamped on the ground.

I saw a six-pointed star appearing under his original feet.

Teleportation formation?

When they saw the teleportation formation, Lin Yun and Situ Yunjing were both a little surprised. They thought that the overall form was under their control.

Unexpectedly, this cunning inner demon also secretly set up various traps, just waiting for them to step into this place.

Now the inner demon has left here directly through the teleportation formation, leaving behind a huge tide of beasts.

"It's interesting that he can forcefully move in such a short period of time. It seems that he has not widened the distance from us."

Lin Yun murmured quietly, already having a very bold idea in his mind.

It seems that the inner demon is not ready to leave so easily this time.

On the contrary, he wanted to set up a dragnet here, and then catch Lin Yun and others in one catch.

Situ Yunjing's face darkened: "This guy wants to take this opportunity to kill us all here."

You could feel how cunning this guy was before, but now it seems even worse.

"This guy should have arrived here a long time ago, so he has a lot of plans here."

"If he leads us by the nose this time, I'm afraid we will all shed a layer of our skin."


Yun glanced around and understood that the current situation was not a good thing for him.

So now I have to make a choice with Situ Yunjing.

No matter what, we cannot let this matter continue to deteriorate like this, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

"It's not easy to find him now."

Situ Yunjing also frowned.

He knew how strong the inner demon he had separated was, if this guy was willing to hide.

Then all the dangerous factors in the entire forest may become part of what he can exploit, which is a huge trouble for him and Lin Yun now.

In desperation, Lin Yun later placed his hope on his own panel.

"There is no other choice now. Let's go and see what surprises they can bring us."

What surprised Lin Yun was that any possible dangers were clearly written on the panel.

At this time, Situ Yunjing's inner demon was in a secret cave.

Over the years, he has been hiding in this forest, waiting for this day.

He knew that he was just a part of the evil thoughts that had been differentiated.

But the inner demon never thought of giving up the idea of ​​​​survival.

He knew that Situ Yunjing would find him one day.

So he started planning in advance, and now all the situations have been arranged by him. As long as Situ Yunjing dares to come, he has full confidence that he can kill Situ Yunjing here.

When Situ Yunjing dies, he can legitimately ascend to the throne and become the true ancestor of the Situ family.

Now he can see through the image crystal here

conditions in the forest.

According to the original plan, the two people would continue to move forward according to his instructions, but in the end they would step into his trap step by step.

Even if he doesn't die, he will definitely be seriously injured.

When the time comes, all he needs to do is take action to reap the fruits of victory.

But his inner demon soon became so big-eyed, because everything he saw in front of him was a completely different concept from what he had thought before.

According to the original plan, it was impossible for Situ Yunjing and Lin Yun to break through his defense line, and they would soon be played around by him.

But what he didn't expect was that under the leadership of Lin Yun, Situ Yunjing actually escaped several dangers and came closer step by step.

This also made the inner demon realize that this boy had a big problem, so he immediately began to adjust his plan.

Since you can see through my trap, then if I make timely changes based on your reaction, can you still dodge?

According to the inner demon's thoughts, Lin Yun would definitely not be able to do anything in this situation.

But in the end, no matter what the inner demon arranged, Lin Yun was always able to know all the thoughts in his heart in advance, and avoided all dangerous routes time and time again.

Not to mention the inner demon, even Situ Yunjing found it incredible. It was the same when he entered this forest before.

Lin Yun found the entrance here, otherwise they wouldn't know how long they would have to stay outside.

This time, although the inner demon arranged many traps here, Lin Yun destroyed them all one by one.

At this moment, everything was of no use. Even Situ Yunjing, who was following Lin Yun, felt uncomfortable.


I'm afraid there are some unknown secrets in this process.

"I know you can see us and hear what we are saying, so I advise you to give up these unrealistic ideas. If you want to hit us hard in this way to increase your chances of winning, it will be a big mistake. So wrong.”

"Unless you can really control all the creatures in this forest, but from what I can see now, you probably don't have that ability."

Lin Yun looked around and said loudly. He knew that the inner demon could observe his every move, so now he wanted to use this method to stimulate the inner demon to show up.

"This guy is as timid as a mouse, and at the same time, he hates to be at a disadvantage."

"This time you have completely scared him, I'm afraid he has already escaped."

Situ Yunjing said in a low voice.

But at this moment, the voice of the inner demon appeared in front of him again.

"You are really capable, you can break my traps one after another."

"Well, even without these traps, I can still deal with you two little brats. Do you have the courage to fight me alone?"

The inner demon looked at Lin Yun coldly. As long as this kid died, the remaining Situ Yunjing would be easy to deal with.

After all, the reason why his plan failed so far was because Lin Yun was messing around.

Lin Yun looked at the inner demon slowly at this time, and could feel how complicated the inner demon's mood was now. Everything in the original plan could be implemented smoothly and properly.

But because of Lin Yun's appearance, he was forced to delay his plan.

"It seems that you can't hold it back now."


you want to kill me in a one-on-one fight, I can give you this opportunity."

Situ Yunjing glanced at Lin Yun, obviously not wanting to take up this issue.

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