Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 896 Do you really think I'm a pushover?

Even the inner demon was quite surprised when he saw Lin Yun. When he said this just now, he just said it casually and did not expect that Lin Yun would actually agree.

At this time, looking at the young man standing in front of him, he could also feel the confidence in Lin Yun.

"Is this necessary? Now that we have seen him, we can only go all out. As long as we catch him, we still have the final say on what to do next."

Situ Yunjing asked in a low voice.

"Senior, it's not like I didn't see that this guy knows all about this. If he is using the formation to escape, can we still catch him with the help of us now?"

Lin Yun smiled calmly and had some understanding of the situation at hand.

Just like said before.

This guy is very cunning. No matter how clever their methods are, they will still expose some flaws. As long as they are caught by the inner demon, they will still be able to escape.

But if Lin Yun chooses to challenge his inner demon, he will have enough time to lay out his tactics here.

Now the inner demon does not regard Lin Yun as an opponent at all.

I just felt that Lin Yun's appearance had completely affected the implementation of his plan.

And what Lin Yun wants is this kind of effect. As long as he fails to take this battle seriously, there must be ways to immobilize him.

Situ Yunjing was still a little skeptical at first, but after thinking about it after seeing Lin Yun like this, he agreed.

"Okay, since you are confident, I will leave it to you to do this. But judging from the methods you just used, it should be difficult to deal with it."

Lin Yun was not saying anything, but taking steps

came forward.

"Since you want to challenge me to a duel, we have to make an agreement."

"But I don't have that many demands. I just hope that after you see how powerful I am, you will not think about running away, but will continue to fight with me firmly."

I originally thought that Lin Yun would make some more excessive demands.

Unexpectedly, this kid actually thought that he would lose this battle.

The expression on the inner demon's face became quite astonished, and there was a trace of disdain in Lin Yun's eyes.

"Young people are still young people after all, and their views on this matter are still too simple."

"With your level of cultivation, you actually dare to say that you can defeat the old man?"

"Aren't you afraid of bragging too much and exposing your waist?"

The inner demon is very unhappy.

Obviously, the boy in front of him was still somewhat different from what he had guessed before. At least Lin Yun had no intention of admitting defeat in a short period of time.

A small person who has returned to the true state actually dares to confront a strong man of his own holy level head-on.

He really didn't understand where Lin Yun's confidence came from?

Not to mention that it has been a long time since I entered the realm of the Holy Lord.

And Lin Yun had just stepped into the realm of returning to his true nature.

How could a young man like Lin Yun understand the difference between the two?

Lin Yun wasn't angry either. Seeing the self-righteous look on his inner demon's face, he realized that his plan was successful.

As long as this guy naively thinks that he can suppress himself with this ability.

Then everything that follows will slowly be controlled by Lin Yun.

Situ Yunjing next to him was also quietly waiting for the opportunity.

It seems like nothing

This behavior looks like it is actually according to what Lin Yun said before.

When the two of them were about to take action, Situ Yunjing would set up a formation here to ensure that the inner demons could not escape.

He is a very evil person, so he cannot tolerate Lin Yun being so arrogant.

So the inner demon still has its own flaws after all.

Lin Yun seized this opportunity and let the inner demons expose his flaws.

After the agreement was completed, Lin Yun directly summoned his Chaoyang Sword.

But the inner demon still stood there, unmoved.

"Why don't you even prepare to summon your own weapons?"

Seeing that the inner demon was still standing there stupidly, with no movement, Lin Yun asked curiously.

I saw the inner demon crossing his arms and looking at Lin Yun proudly.

"I don't need any weapons to deal with you. Even these hands are enough to defeat you."

Sure enough, this kid was really crazy, but Lin Yun didn't bother to say anything more to him.

The moment the inner demon finished speaking, Lin Yun had already rushed forward, like a stream of light.

"Well done!"

When he saw Lin Yun rushing over, the inner demon also clapped his hands suddenly, with a proud smile on his face.

For such a long time, no one could be so arrogant in front of him.

"Break it for me!"

The inner demon immediately stepped down from his horse and punched straight with both hands.

The terrifying Yuan Power mixed with the explosive power of the body instantly attacked Lin Yun. The speed was extremely fast, and he was in front of him almost in the blink of an eye.

Lin Yun's face darkened at this time, but he quickly calmed down.

This guy really has some skills.

But if you still follow

If you underestimated Lin Yun's ability just like before, you are destined to have no other good results.

In the meantime, Lin Yun performed a false move in mid-air and easily avoided the attack of these fists.

At the same time, the long sword in his hand drew an arc in mid-air.


A sword energy attacked the inner demon at an extremely fast speed.

I thought the inner demon would still dodge.

But what Lin Yun didn't expect was that this guy just stood there without any reaction.

As blood flowed out, the inner demon frowned, probably because he didn't expect Lin Yun's sword energy to hurt him.

"It's actually a sword cultivator? It's really rare."

"I thought that sword cultivators had completely disappeared in the Shenhua Realm. Now it seems that they still don't understand this matter thoroughly enough."

Even if he was injured, the inner demon was still able to talk freely.

And Lin Yun tightly grasped the Chaoyang Sword and glanced at Situ Yunjing behind him.

This battle was too arrogant after all, and he didn't dare to relax too much.

In the next battle, he must concentrate on it, so that he may find a little flaw.

But at present, this difficulty should still be not small.

And Situ Yunjing has already started to set up the formation at this time. Lin Yun only needs to keep the attention of the inner demon, and then he can trap this guy here.

As for refining, it is a simple matter.

Lin Yun succeeded in his attack and immediately rushed forward, suppressing the inner demon, not giving him any time to react.

This also made the inner demon become impatient.

I was suppressed?

How could I bear this?

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