Jiang Taihua is impatient. Of course, he cannot wait until the enemy comes to the door before thinking of other ways to solve the problem.

What's more, after Lin Yun took over the entire Eastern Region, he didn't have much time to prepare before launching an attack on them again. This was obviously to completely wipe them out of the Shenhua Realm.

In this case, there is no choice between the two sides, and it must be a dead end.

It was only when Jiang Taihua learned about it that he realized that Shi Tianmeng's counterattack this time was unexpected.

The strength of Shi Tianmeng is far more powerful than they imagined, and these guys perfectly demonstrated their own advantages in this battle.

Especially when Jiang Taihua knew that since Shi Tianmeng could train countless powerful Tongyou Realm practitioners in a short period of time, he immediately fell silent.

You must know that although practitioners in this realm are not top-notch, they are indeed the mainstay on the battlefield.

And the higher realm of Wanfa plays a key role.

Originally, even the strength accumulated by the Night Patrol Division over the years was enough to deal with the Shitian Alliance.

But he had no idea that Shi Tianmeng had such a terrifying quick fix.

If they were really allowed to create a large number of such practitioners in a short period of time, it would be quite detrimental to the Night Watch Division.

Everyone thought they were sure of victory, but now it seems that they are the real joke. Their enemies are more powerful than they imagined.

And the treacherous methods of these people are beyond what ordinary people can handle.

Every time I think of this

time, it made Jiang Taihua feel even more desperate.

The changes in the Shitian League have quickly spread throughout the Shenhua world.

At the beginning, few people thought that Shi Tianmeng could really defeat the Night Watch Division.

But after Lin Yun took action, the Night Patrol Division was retreating steadily, and people's views on Shitian League changed a little bit.

But even so, I still think that the war between Shitian League and Night Watch Division is definitely not a problem that can be solved in a few years.

But what they didn't expect was that Lin Yun took action at this time, quite decisively.

The Shitian League is actually able to train strong men above the Nether Realm in batches at an extremely fast speed.

There is no doubt that this has turned the balance of the entire battle.

There is absolutely no way for the Night Watch Division to achieve the same mobilization as the Shitian Alliance.

You must know that most of the people who participated in the Shitian Alliance war this time were doing it to reward a small number of people, and also to exact revenge on the Night Watch Division.

After all, the Night Watch Division squeezed them in the first place, but it was squeezed too hard.

Once these guys seize the opportunity, of course they will not let the Night Watch Division go.

All this was within Lin Yun's expectation.

For a time, the various strongholds of the Night Patrol Division could be said to be bustling with activity.

How many people have come to cause trouble for them, but it is certain that the number of people is more terrifying than they imagined, but the most troublesome thing is the methods of these guys.

Although I had known for a long time that this matter would eventually evolve into what it is now.

For Jiang Taihua at this moment, he was still a little speechless.

It has been some time since he came to the frontline battlefield, but during this time he has been tired of running around, appearing in various places just to defend himself.

Stop the night watch department's sneak attack.

These guys were so cunning that they ran away immediately after finding that they couldn't deal with them.

When Jiang Taihua chased after them, he found that these guys had already fled and could not be found at all.

And the place he originally guarded will be attacked again. It can be said that the establishment of these people is very imperfect.

So much so that Jiang Taihua had nothing to do with them.

This situation once disappointed Jiang Taihua, so he directly abandoned several of his bases.

"I have to see what you guys can do."

Since Lin Yun dared to act so recklessly in their place, it was enough to prove that Lin Yun at this moment probably had a stronghold nearby.

As long as he can find this stronghold of Shitian League and destroy it, it will definitely be a big loss for Shitian League.

After thinking of this, Jiang Taihua immediately took action.

After being beaten for such a long time, I can't keep being beaten, and I always have to think of every way to stop it.

Jiang Taihua thought exactly this way, so he made this series of arrangements to attack his enemies in this way.

He didn't think Lin Yun had any tricks on his side, but he understood that he had no escape route this time.

Even Jiang Taihua had to admit that these guys were too cautious, and it would be extremely difficult for him to find any clues about them.

But even in this situation, Jiang Taihua still did not give up.

Instead, he calmed down and quietly observed every move around him. He was sure that he could always learn from this.

Find some flaws in these things.

In fact, it is indeed what Jiang Taihua guessed before.

Although these people in Shitian League are very smart, they still have things that they can ignore.

In this way, Jiang Taihua followed the group of people from the Shitian League to the entrance of the Shitian League's stronghold.

A mine that has been abandoned for who knows how long.

"It's really a bunch of rats hiding in a place like this. No wonder they can't be caught."

"It's a pity that none of you guys can escape today."

Jiang Taihua did not rush in, but first arranged formations around him.

He didn't know if there was any other exit, but it didn't matter to Jiang Taihua.

If these guys are determined to steal, Jiang Taihua really has no way to stop them.

But for now, the overall situation is still under Jiang Taihua's control, so he doesn't need to take it too seriously, as these guys can't help him at all.

Soon Jiang Taihua arranged the formation and then walked into the mine cautiously.

He saw many traces of man-made activities here, which further strengthened his previous idea. It seemed that these guys had indeed established a base here.

Otherwise, they would not be able to provide such swift support.

It's just that these guys still underestimated their abilities and appeared in such a place, which was equivalent to asking for death.

Jiang Taihua knew that those who took action during this period were all small minions, and he came here just to catch a big fish.

The people who can guard this stronghold must be quite powerful people.

Mrs. Jiang

With this thought in his mind, Hua continued to cross forward, and he walked into an empty cave.

This place is as huge as a basketball court.

However, there is a large amount of ore accumulated here.

at the same time.

There are also some weird symbols around.

When seeing all this, Jiang Taihua's expression changed slightly.

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