This war will affect many people.

Even some innocent people will be involved.

Lin Yun certainly didn't want to see this happen.

But sometimes they simply don't have the qualifications to influence these things.

Since preparations have been made for the war, the only thing that can be done now is to use as much of one's remaining heat as possible during this process.

Only by truly defeating all these enemies and eradicating them can we gain true freedom and return the world to peace.

Otherwise, this false peace can only frame more people and make countless people live in unknown situations worse than death in the process.

The storm is about to come, and now both sides probably realize that the real war will come next.

Time came again one month later.

During this month, Lin Yun and others have been shrinking their front, which also made the Night Watch Division think that they were going to win.

"Director General, you really turned the tide this time. If you hadn't taken action, you would have really..."

Ji Binning said excitedly.

This time, it was indeed because of Ye Xuanming that the war could be reversed in an instant.

Otherwise, even if the Night Watch Division can hold on, it won't be able to hold on for long.

Looking again, now it is the Shitian Alliance who are retreating steadily. It seems that there is no way to continue waiting.

"Don't worry so much, this kid is at the end of his tether."

"But after only a few years of development, they naively thought they were qualified to do right by us. In that case, this time, I will teach them a lesson."

Ye Xuanming too

He sneered triumphantly and said, Lin Yun's ability may indeed be good.

But he chose the wrong opponent after all.

Under this situation, even if he is so good, there is no way he can be his opponent.

And in this war, with the strength he currently possesses, he can quickly turn this war around.

"What are we going to do next? Is it to directly launch a general attack on these guys and let them know how powerful we are?"

Ye Xuanming shook his head.

"When things have reached this stage, we are not ready to make a final decision with the other party in this way, but for now, the overall situation is still under our control."

"Assemble our elite troops and prepare to attack the Eastern Region."

The war between the Night Watch Division and the Shitian Alliance has reached a fever pitch at this moment.

No one knows what will happen next.

But I just understand that both sides have invested a lot of troops in this war.

Unlike the Night Watch Division, the Shitian League has a large number of people supporting it.

At the same time, it is far superior to the Night Watch Division in terms of material supplies and other aspects.

It is precisely for this reason that they were able to persevere in the long war.

Otherwise, the Night Watch Division might actually be able to suppress them with its strength.

Lin Yun also understood what they were thinking the moment the Night Watch Division took action.

It seems that the time for the decisive battle has to be moved forward. Fortunately, Lin Yun has been well prepared beforehand.

Otherwise, I would really be caught off guard this time.

It's just that those big shots seem to be unable to control Ye Xuanming after all.

this home

This time, everyone will be threatened by Ye Xuanming.

I'm afraid it will happen again next time. Lin Yun has been investigating what kind of leverage Ye Xuanming has in his hands.

But so far, there are no clues.

So at this time, Lin Yun could only put this matter behind him for the time being and choose to fight Ye Xuanming until the last moment.

This time there is no clone, it is just a true battle of life and death.

Lin Yun was also fully prepared for this process.

The last time he dealt with Jiang Taihua, there were still many ways to suppress the situation.

But even like that, Lin Yun still felt a lot of pressure.

And this time if we want to defeat Ye Xuanming.

That is to display all the scrolls at the bottom of the box.

At the risk of his own life, he might be able to seriously injure Ye Xuanming or kill him.

This is what Lin Yun must do.

Otherwise, with Ye Xuanming's strong combat power, he is likely to sweep across the entire battlefield.

I don't know how many people will die from this by then, and Lin Yun doesn't want to see this happen.

After the decisive battle between the Night Watch Division and the Shitian Alliance began, countless families immediately became involved.

Some of them set their targets directly on the Night Watch Division.

All the strongholds of the Night Watch Division were completely destroyed under their attack.

And some people have turned their attention to Shi Tianmeng.

But it was obvious that both the Night Watch Division and the Shitian League were completely ignoring these people.

They understand that this war is crucial and no one else has anything to do with it at this time.

All you need to do now is do him a good job

Just do our own thing.

The two sides fought fierce and anxious battles in many places, and there were even countless battles in this life.

Broken Soul Valley:

Lin Yun looked at the battle in front of him coldly. Just now they had invested tens of millions of Dharma realm practitioners here.

Such a team, if placed in Nanjing, could go sideways.

But it still couldn't stir up any waves here, and the Night Patrol also invested a large number of practitioners.

The sky was colorful, and the energy fluctuations generated by the collision and explosion of various treasures were overwhelming.

But even so, there was still no result in this short time.

The canyon in front of us is a crucial way of care. Both sides are unwilling to give up easily, so they continue to invest a large number of soldiers here.

War is cruel, and this canyon is more like a meat grinder.

I don't know how many strong men in the Wanfa realm have died here.

And their souls after death have turned into endless resentment here.

Perhaps hundreds of years later, this place will become a rare place of resentment for living beings.

"It has been so long, and they still have no intention of retreating. They are going to fight us to the last moment!"

Guan Yuanming frowned and said in a low voice.

Lin Yun smiled calmly: "It doesn't matter. If these guys think they have the ability, let them try!"

"This is the best channel to attack the East Region. We can't let them go so easily!"

"We must stop these guys!"

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