Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 935 Do you understand that the lips and teeth are interdependent?


"This is not the place you should come. You'd better go back quickly."

The other party's indifferent reply also surprised Lin Yun.

But of course he couldn't choose to retreat so easily. Instead, he took a step forward at this time.

"I came here today because I have something very important to negotiate with your master. Now please go back and make it clear to your director."

"Just say I'm here and he'll soon know what's going on."

The other party was silent for a while, probably not expecting that Lin Yun would suddenly answer him in this way.

However, under the current situation, Lin Yun really didn't take it too seriously.

Looking at it like this, they must have been frustrated, so they didn't dare to act rashly. They could only wait for a suitable opportunity before taking action, and Lin Yun's appearance this time was more like an opportunity for them. .

As long as they can firmly seize this opportunity, everything in the future can be solved smoothly, but for now, the difficulty should still be quite high.

"I don't know you, and I don't want to do anything more for you. You'd better hurry up and disappear from my presence."

"We humans are not the same as you. If you don't want to get into trouble, it's best not to cause trouble for yourself now."

The voice continued, and there was a bit more murderous intent in its tone. It seemed that it wanted to scare Lin Yun away in this way.

If it had been before, there might have been some possibilities, but Lin Yun had already experienced it a long time ago, and Lin Yun, who was in strong winds and waves, certainly

Wouldn't take this situation to heart.

"You can choose not to inform me, but you will have to bear all the consequences of this matter, and you may even lose your life. Are you really willing to take this gamble?"

Lin Yun was still standing there with a smile on his face.

His understatement finally made the other party start to be cautious.

There were too many unknowns written on this young man, and they did not dare to act rashly. Now they were also very curious, what other methods did Lin Yun have to solve this problem?

The other party did not continue to answer. It seemed that he should go back to report, but Lin Yun was waiting patiently here. He knew that reaching cooperation with the other party this time was not as simple as he said.

Any mistake in any detail during the process may make their situation more difficult later. For Lin Yun, he did not want to see this happen.

A quarter of an hour passed like this, and Lin Yun heard an old voice.

"It turns out that you, little guy, came here, but you should know that your strength is completely unable to stop us now."

After Lin Yun heard this voice, he did not rush to ask the other party's identity, but asked with a smile.

"What do you mean by hiding here? Is it because you can't defeat those guys?"

"Although those high-ranking guys are quite capable, they won't scare you to this extent, right?"

It can be said that Lin Yun's strength is not the strongest, but his ability to make people angry is definitely unprecedented and unprecedented.

Just by saying this, I almost gave up

The other party vomited blood for a long time and couldn't figure out how to answer. It seemed that the other party's current situation was indeed very bad.

"Sharp-tongued brat, what's your purpose of coming here this time? I don't know yet, but if this is your attitude, I don't think we need to continue talking."

After he finished speaking, his voice gradually drifted into the distance.

Lin Yun was not in a hurry at all, he just sat in his seat and continued speaking lightly.

"It seems that what I guessed before is correct. If you don't wait for the right time, you will not be the opponent of those guys at all."

"Now it's just a matter of lingering here, waiting for a suitable opportunity, and then doing everything possible to change my situation."

Lin Yun already knew what these guys were going to do, and he had even seen this guy's faceplate just now.

Although the other party carefully concealed his identity, he never imagined that Lin Yun could easily see his every move, including what he was going to do next.

It was not much different from what he had guessed before. After the ancient relics came to this world, they began to fight everywhere. For a time, many family forces were no longer their opponents, and many territories even fell to them. On hand.

At that time, the ancient remnants started to feel a little arrogant, and even thought that they were invincible in the world. Everyone here would not be their opponent, and everything could be easily solved.

For a master, there is nothing wrong with such an idea, but their current situation itself

It's a big problem. Being so arrogant will of course increase the possibility of backlash.

The final result can be imagined. It was precisely because their arrogant actions brought trouble to them that they were suppressed until here, and then they reluctantly fell silent.

It's just that the ancient relics are not ready to die down. They are just waiting for a suitable opportunity. At present, all the attention of the entire cultivation world has been attracted by Lin Yun.

And all they need to do now is just wait for time to pass, and then take action, and they can successfully reverse all this.

This plan could have been implemented smoothly, but no one expected that Lin Yun would come to the door at the critical moment, and if this young man came to the door, it would definitely not be a good thing.

"What's our current situation? It's not your turn to worry here yet. I advise you to think about what you should do."

"Compared to us, your situation is more dangerous. Do you know that many people want to kill you now, and you are at a critical moment when you are not able to protect yourself well."

Lin Yun was not worried about such an arrogant guy. He just smiled in an easy-going way.

"Want to kill me? There were indeed people who had such an idea before."

"But it's a pity that these guys didn't last long before I easily solved them, so it's safe to say that they are not qualified."

"I'm here today to give you a chance. As long as you are willing to cooperate with me, you will soon be able to return to the ruling place.

Bit. "

Lin Yun's words should not silence the other party completely.

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