Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 940 The Great Emperor? Retreat three thousand miles!

The ancient three links are dead.

Although he was famous throughout the Shenhua world before his death, no one in the Shitian League could laugh out loud.

Although Senior He Wei only has the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, his method of immortality is extremely difficult to deal with.

I don’t know how many people were saved in this way on the battlefield.

But no one thought that this senior would really die one day.

He is an immortal and strong man, how could he really sacrifice himself?

Qin Xiyan stood outside a cave, next to Guan Yuanming.

"It still doesn't work?"

Guan Yuanming shook his head: "It will take some time!"

The time came half a month later.

The death of Gu Santong brought a brief end to the entire war in Broken Soul Valley.

The night watchman did not dare to step forward easily due to the force of cause and effect.

At this time, in the big tent, Ye Xuanming also looked melancholy.

It was precisely because they knew that Shitian League needed support before that they chose to attack by force.

I originally thought that a great emperor would take action, which would be enough to deal with the opponent.

Who knew that there would be someone on the opposite side who could use the swordsmanship of the power of cause and effect.

Isn't this a joke?

Jiang Kuaiyu looked at Ye Xuanming who kept pacing and said, "Director Ye, you'd better stop for a while."

"At this point, even being anxious can't have any impact on this matter."

Ye Xuanming glanced at Jiang Kuaiyu: "I felt a little uneasy. That boy seemed to be doing something terrible."

"It might even be possible to reverse the outcome of this war."

Jiang Kuaiyu smiled: "Are you kidding? He is a boy who has returned to the True Realm. You don't really think that he can use the power of cause and effect like that old man, do you?"

Immortal body,

Looking at the entire cultivator, it is quite rare.

It just so happened that this old man didn't practice law and was concentrating on practicing swordsmanship.

In this way, even with a long life, there is no way to reach their height.

Ye Xuanming did not continue to say anything.


But he believed that this thing was really likely to happen, based on this boy's previous performance.

No miracle is impossible for this guy.

A practitioner in the Return to True Realm killed a powerful man at the level of a saint.

Isn't this shocking enough?

At this moment, someone walked out from behind them.

It was none other than Roaring Emperor Han Renfeng.

However, at this time, Han Renfeng looked more than dozens of years older than before, and his energy and energy were also sluggish.

He looked at a few people and smiled bitterly.

"I really didn't expect that I would be forced to this point by an old man in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm!"

"However, today is the time to take action."

"The power of cause and effect that destroyed the place has ended. Now it is no longer a war between your Night Watch Division and the Shitian Alliance!"

"It's also a war between me and that brat!"

Han Renfeng was really angry. He always followed his words. When had he ever encountered such a situation?

To be forced to stay here for so long?

The dark and damp cave was filled with a strange smell of decay and blood.

A huge blood-red crack lay across the center.

"You brat, are you really ready for this?"

"Once you take this step, there is no possibility of turning back!"

A tired voice sounded.

"I've already learned how to do it, can it still be done?"

"Come, I've

It's ready! "

The next moment, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling in the cave, as if something was being tortured...

At the same time, the Night Watch Division, which had retreated for many days, attacked again.

After many days of respite, the Shitian League already had sufficient combat power.

But, still not working!

Their opponent was the Roaring Emperor, whose power of words and spells directly bombarded the Shitian Alliance's front.

"Thunder from heaven, fire from earth!"

"Mountain wind turns into rain!"

The monks from the Shitian League who had just come up could not even last a few minutes in this battle before they were instantly killed.

Ye Xuanming followed Han Renfeng: "You bastards of the Shitian Alliance, I'm here!"

"Don't you want to overthrow the Night Watch Division? Come on, I'm right here, come and kill me!"

Under the leadership of Han Renfeng, the Night Watch Division was successful.

One after another, the monks of the Shitian Alliance fell. Facing the powerful men at the level of the Great Emperor, they were unable to resist at all.

Even so, they didn't give up.



Even the war machines in the sky turned into a ball of fire and fell towards Han Renfeng.

But the effect is small.

This emperor rushed to the front, with long hair flying and an arrogant look on his face.

"Shi Tianmeng? Today is your death day!"

He roared angrily and was about to kill a monk.

At this moment, streaks of macro light fell.

Fubo King.

In vain the Tiger King.

The King of Chechi.

The King of Danghun.

They stood at the front, with Guan Yuanming's voice ringing in their ears.

"Guys, this is a life and death battle, you may die!"

The four of them shouted in unison.

"For big brother, for Shi Tianmeng."

"For the freedom of the Shenhua Realm, we will die without regrets!"

Han Renfeng looks

Looking at a few people, he sneered: "How dare the light of fireflies compete with the bright moon?"

King Fubo did not respond: "Array!"

Four people lined up in formation.

At the same time, a beautiful figure fell down, holding a sword in one hand, and his body was burning with red flames.

"There's me too!"

Qin Xiyan's eyes were determined.

"Sister-in-law, if something happens to you, we have no way to explain it to my eldest brother!"

Wu Hu frowned.

Qin Xiyan smiled: "Then fight with me until the last moment, no one can die!"

"It's just an emperor. What are you afraid of? I'm still the reincarnation of the empress!"

He looked proud and fearless.

Han Renfeng sneered: "Go to hell!"

The energy of both sides exploded and collided instantly.

The scattered energy almost engulfed the canyon.

Figures flew out of the light.

The four heavenly kings were seriously injured and defeated miserably!

Even Qin Xiyan turned pale and spurted blood.

Behind her was Han Renfeng, who was chasing after her: "With your little ability, you still want to stop me?"

"Killing you is as easy as crushing an ant, you know? Huh?"

He was very angry, why were all these rubbish blocked in front of him.

Are you worthy?


Follow your words.

But at this moment, Han Renfeng's expression changed.

I saw a sword energy falling from the sky.


It actually blocked the power of his own invisible rules.

Qin Xiyan's face changed slightly, and then she looked surprised.

Is it him, is he here?

On the battlefield, everyone raised their heads and looked at the figure in the sky.

Then, the sound of vicissitudes of life resounded through the battlefield like thunder.

"Great Emperor? Retreat, three thousand miles!"

"Otherwise, we will kill you without mercy!


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