After getting the news, Qiu Shengze seemed very happy.

After all, he had said before that Lin Yun was definitely not a good person.

But at that time, Su Yening still had a lot of tolerance for Lin Yun, so no matter what Qiu Shengze said, it was meaningless.

In order for the entire team to set off as soon as possible and solve various things that happened at sea, Su Yening never wanted to hold Lin Yun accountable.

But forget it once, this happened twice in succession, and even Su Yening felt helpless now.

"I've said it before, this guy had impure intentions from the first moment he got on the ship."

"The area we are going to this time is very dangerous. Taking such a person with us will definitely cause a lot of trouble."

Qiu Shengze looked at Su Yening and said in a very serious tone: "This kid has been spreading the idea that we will encounter trouble on our warship."

"If he doesn't deal with it this time, what can he do next time? I really can't imagine."

Su Yening fell silent. To be honest, all this was beyond her expectation.

At first, I didn't think about holding Lin Yun accountable.

But he didn't expect that Lin Yun would say the same thing again the second time.

The most terrifying thing is that Lin Yun is very familiar with many people on the ship, so the things he said will soon spread from one to ten, and from one to another.

By that time, everyone on the entire warship knew.

How should they handle the situation?

It was obviously quite difficult, and it was for this reason that Su Yening showed such a headache.

Now it's because Lin Yun is alone

The reason has caused this matter to cause quite a stir.

"I know what I should do."

"Qiu Shengze, you should do your best at this time. There is no need to stare at such a person and bite him to death."

Qiu Shengze only sneered when he heard what Su Yening said.

"Miss Su, this kid offended me before he knew his life or death."

"This time I just got the handle. I took this opportunity to send him to prison and then find a way to kill him. Only in this way can I relieve the hatred in my heart."

Su Yening also knew that Qiu Shengze and Lin Yun had always been very difficult to deal with, and the conflict between the two was not so easy to reconcile.

But she didn't expect that Qiu Shengze's attitude would be so determined this time.

Su Yening has always believed in her own perception.

Since she believed that Lin Yun's identity was not simple, of course she would not put this man in danger easily.

Just looking at Qiu Shengze's current state, he didn't know how to explain it.

"I know Miss Su is in a very difficult situation right now, but from the perspective of the entire fleet, what he is doing now has indeed affected us to a great extent."

Of course Qiu Shengze knew what Su Yening was thinking, but in his opinion, Lin Yun had no ability worthy of their attention.

But it's just that Su Yening is too cautious. In fact, these problems can only be solved easily.

At this moment, Su Yening also raised his head and looked at Qiu Shengze.

"Of course I know what you're saying, but you have to understand that since this man appears here, what's wrong with him?

The secret is definitely not as simple as we think. "

"If he really has any powerful abilities and we offend him at this time, that would definitely be a very bad thing."

Su Yening is just worried that Lin Yun really hides some huge secret, which will definitely be very troublesome for them.

However, Qiu Shengze just smiled contemptuously.

"If this kid really has such a big secret, why would he do this to us?"

"What's more, his previous guesses failed to get to the crux of the problem."

The negotiation between Su Yening and Qiu Shengze lasted for a while, and at this moment, Lin Yunshang didn't know that he had gotten into big trouble.

But to Lin Yun, all this is insignificant.

Lin Yun was worried that it might be delayed again this time, but he didn't expect that when he looked at the panel, he found that the beast wave was really coming.

This shows that everything I saw before is true.

Lin Yun knew that there was no point in continuing to talk to Su Yening now.

The only thing we can do is to let all the boatmen on the deck seize the opportunity to hide first, otherwise it will be too late when the beast tide attacks.

For Lin Yun, he may not be able to successfully control the subsequent situation.

But in this process, we must also go all out to stop the enemy.

At the beginning, there were still some teachings, but he didn't believe what Lin Yun said and thought that the beast tide was just Lin Yun's nonsense.

But when they saw Lin Yun's extremely serious eyes, they slowly began to waver.

Then the entire fleet stopped.

The crewmen on the warship are also here

Hide quickly.

If this situation continues, Lin Yun will be able to save many people on this warship.

But at this critical moment, Qiu Shengze led the law enforcement team to Lin Yun.

"I knew you kid had absolutely no good intentions."

Qiu Shengze looked at Lin Yun coldly, and at the same time, the law enforcement team around him also surrounded Lin Yun.

Lin Yun frowned.

"what do you want to do?"

In fact, even if he didn't say it, Lin Yun knew through this guy's panel that they wanted to attack him.

Qiu Shengze was full of hostility towards Lin Yun from the very beginning, but for some reasons, he couldn't take action against Lin Yun.

But this time, Lin Yun made a mistake and was seized by Qiu Shengze. Of course, this guy couldn't just turn a blind eye.

That's why he took action directly and decisively this time, trying every means to kill Lin Yun here.

"You should know that our deadline is limited, so we should move forward at full speed in this process."

"But because of you, you have slowed us down time and time again."

"This is likely to delay the time we originally promised for a long time, so we must find someone to solve this problem."

Qiu Shengze sneered, looking at Lin Yun with murderous intent in his eyes.

"You guys call all the boatmen who are hiding back to me. The situation is tense now. We must seize the time and take action. There must be no slacking off."

Qiu Shengze was right, and Lin Yun also knew what this guy's purpose was.

But unfortunately, under the current situation, Lin Yun has no time to waste with him.


"The beast tide is coming soon. At this time, everyone should hide to ensure their safety."

"If you really want to get there on time, then understand that these people's lives and deaths are very important to you."

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