Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 953 Sorry, you are going to die

Seeing Lin Yun's serious look, Qiu Shengze didn't take it to heart at all. Instead, he raised his head and laughed.

"As of now, you are still unrepentant and dare to talk nonsense here. Do you think we will really believe what you say?"

"What a beast tide, it's just your own idea."

Qiu Shengze said contemptuously, the sea was surrounded by silence, and no Poland could be seen at all. In this situation, how could the so-called beast tide be seen.

The law enforcement teams surrounding Lin Yun also laughed, thinking that Lin Yun was simply crazy.

At this time, he didn't even want to ask for mercy and explanation, but he still instilled wrong ideas here.

It's no wonder that Qiu Shengze must kill Lin Yun, if what this guy does is not controlled.

The future is indeed a big trouble.

"I want to see Miss Su. The beast tide will start soon. At this time, we must solve the problem as soon as possible."

Lin Yun said as he prepared to walk out of the siege.

But the law enforcement team stopped him.

Qiu Shengze looked at Lin Yun with a proud expression.

"Although I don't understand why Miss Su valued you so much before, I can tell you clearly now that Miss Su has no thoughts about you anymore."

"This time I am here to arrest you on behalf of Miss Su."

When he heard this answer, Lin Yun frowned, then smiled helplessly.

I wanted to solve some problems, but I didn't expect that the final result would be like this.

"In that case, I have nothing to say, but what I want to tell you has been made very clear before."


Tides only delay time, not disappear. Soon they will come again. "

At this time, Lin Yun was too lazy to say anything more.

In fact, Su Yening had been secretly observing him. She originally thought that Lin Yun would be very nervous, and then try every means to make excuses for what she had done before.

But I didn't expect that even at this time today, Lin Yun's attitude would still be very firm.

Beast tide?

Could there really be some so-called beast tide coming here?

This idea only flashed through Su Yening's mind for a moment, but she finally gave up.

Even if this is possible, they have no way of waiting for confirmation here.

The current situation is very tense, and there is already a shortage of time. The top priority is to do everything possible to get out of here as soon as possible.

Su Yening's idea is naturally no problem, after all, they have a time limit.

If the problem cannot be solved within a short period of time, no one will be able to bear the responsibility.

Lin Yun didn't say anything more, he just watched quietly. When the beast tide came, these people would naturally understand that what he said before was not a joke.

To this day, there are still people who are still laughing at Lin Yun in a low voice.

The boatmen who believed in Lin Yun before also walked out of the cabin with annoyed faces.

"Is this kid crazy? What he said before also has a nose and eyes. We really thought it was true, but we didn't expect it to be just nonsense."

"Fortunately, there are Miss Su and Senior Qiu this time, otherwise I really don't know what will happen next."

Listening to these people muttering in low voices, there was no expression on Lin Yun's face.

Any mood swings are the most normal thing in his opinion.

These people are full of doubts about what they are doing, thinking that these things cannot happen at all.

But by the time the truth happens in front of them, I believe it is too late for these people to regret it.

Qiu Shengze walked up to Lin Yun in a swaggering manner.

"You're just a mortal, yet you dare to be so arrogant in front of me. Because of Miss Su, I couldn't take action against you before."

"But now you are looking for death. Even Miss Su can't protect you. I want to see what other methods you have."

Qiu Shengze was quite proud, but Lin Yun looked at Qiu Shengze with cold eyes.

"I'm sorry, you're going to die soon."

Yes, Qiu Shengze's panel shows that he is not far from death.

Of course Qiu Shengze couldn't believe it, he just laughed loudly, raised his hand and slapped Lin Yun on the face.

Unfortunately, just when the slap was about to hit Lin Yun's face, the latter actually took a step back.

Qiu Shengze slapped him in the air and looked at Lin Yun with a look of resentment in his eyes.

"Don't think you can slip away from me. I tell you, even if the King of Heaven comes, I won't let you go back alive."

Qiu Shengze actually pulled out the scimitar from his waist as he spoke. It seemed that these guys were really determined to kill Lin Yun here.

Su Yening watched from a distance, thinking that Lin Yun should finally show his true strength at this time.

But what she didn't expect was that Lin Yun still stood there indifferently.

And Qiu Shengze also had some surprises.

When Lin Yun was surrounded by law enforcement teams, he really had no chance of winning.

But he didn't expect that the man in front of him would directly choose to give up resistance and stand here without any movement.

This actually makes Qiu Shengze curious. Is there anything else he has missed?

"I don't know why you hate me so much."

"But all this is your own choice, so you have to bear the consequences yourself."

Lin Yun just said lightly, and then sat cross-legged on the ground.

"If you want to kill me, just come up, anyway, I'm sitting here."

"But I tell you, you're going to die soon. If you don't want to die, you should think about how to change your fate."

Lin Yun looked like an old charlatan, which made Qiu Shengze even more angry. You, a mortal, dared to predict my life and death here.

You really think of yourself as a person.

"You are a bastard. Until today, you still have no intention of repenting. Instead, you are still here to confuse the public. If I don't kill you today, I'm afraid that everyone on the warship will not obey the discipline!"

Qiu Shengze roared, and then drew his sword and rushed forward.

But at this moment, a terrible roar came from the sea, and the sound spread like ripples. In an instant, everyone affected by the sound wailed in pain.

They knelt on the ground, covering their ears with their hands, trying to isolate the sound.

But the final result can be imagined, and they were completely unable to avoid the attack of the sound.

Even Su Ye Ning, who was far away, changed his expression and came to the bow in an instant.

Only Lin Yun seemed calm and indifferent during this process, just sitting in his seat

without any reaction.

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