Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 954 If you don't listen to me, you will suffer.

At the beginning, Qiu Shengze thought that Lin Yun was indeed joking.

But at the moment when this strange voice sounded, Qiu Shengze suddenly realized that he seemed to have thought things a little too simply. The guy in front of him might not be talking nonsense.

He soon remembered that Lin Yun had just said that he would die. This matter was quite serious, and Qiu Shengze did not dare to hesitate at all.

He turned around and prepared to hide in the cabin first.

"Everyone enter the mission city immediately and do not stay on the deck any longer."

Su Yening could only hope that these boatmen could hide at the most critical moment, otherwise they would really die here and the consequences would be disastrous.

She also felt a little regretful at this time.

Why didn't I firmly believe what Lin Yun said before? Otherwise, I wouldn't have let the situation become what it is now.

Qiu Shengze glanced over, and a ferocious smile appeared on Lin Yun's face.

"I didn't expect you. This idiot is really capable."

"You did predict these things, but you probably didn't predict that you would die here."

Qiu Shengze looked at Lin Yun and said proudly.

He thought that as long as he moved here in time, he wouldn't get into any trouble.

Now that everything Lin Yun said before has come true, even Qiu Shengze has to admit that this kid does have some tricks.

But so what if all this is true?

As long as he leaves this damn place early, there is nothing to worry about, and everything Lin Yun said will still not happen.

When Qiu Shengze thought of this, he felt proud

He laughed triumphantly.

Lin Yun was still maintaining a calm attitude as before.

All prompts on the panel remain unchanged.

This means that none of Qiu Shengze's actions could change his own destiny, and would most likely make him die sooner.

Lin Yun had no sympathy for this arrogant man.

On the contrary, in his opinion, this man probably should have ended up like this.

After all, if he had any brains, he wouldn't have ended up in this situation.

Qiu Shengze laughed loudly and was about to leave Lin Yun.

Su Yening, who was in the distance, also saw Lin Yun being left here alone. She felt a little regretful and wanted to step forward to help.

But it's a pity that the distance between them is too far.

In this situation, even if Qiu Shengze wanted to rush over, it would be easy to accomplish it?

Seeing the situation is critical.

Under this situation, no one knows what will be waiting for them in the future.

Just when Qiu Shengze thought he could escape, an accident happened.

On this sea, a huge octopus monster appeared at some point.

This guy had appeared and immediately targeted Qiu Shengze at this time.

At this time, Qiu Shengze had no idea what would happen next.

Then he saw this huge monster sprinting towards him at an extremely fast speed, with no intention of stopping.

Qiu Shengze also immediately summoned his treasure.

The monster in front of me turned out to be a powerful one in the True Realm.


For Qiu Shengze now, this is definitely an unbeatable opponent.

So when facing this behemoth in front of him, all he could think of was to evacuate from this damn place as soon as possible.

Lin Yun looked at all this coldly, without even the slightest emotional fluctuation.

Others may not know what is going on, but to Lin Yun, it is normal.

Just when Qiu Shengze thought he could suppress this octopus monster.

And when he was escaping from the battle, he saw the tentacles on the octopus monster coming over quickly.

I have to say that the octopus monster in front of me not only moves very quickly, but is also incredibly powerful.

The tentacle was extremely terrifying, like a sickle, tearing Qiu Shengze's body apart instantly.

Originally, Qiu Shengze thought that he could escape from here unharmed, but he didn't expect this thought to cross his mind for a moment.

But he found that he could no longer resist at all.

The fatal injuries on his body made Qiu Shengze silent.

He looked at Lin Yun in the distance and couldn't believe that all this was actually said by this boy.

Lin Yun also let out a long sigh at this time. He slowly stood up and looked at the octopus monster in front of him.

At this time they had arrived at the endless abyss.

This place is dangerous though.

But this was indeed Lin Yun's original destination.

So when facing this behemoth in front of him, instead of being nervous at all, he actually smiled.

"Xiao Bai, after being silent for so long, it's time for you to take action to deal with these guys."

But the moment Lin Yun's voice fell, everyone

A very terrifying roar was heard.

Su Yening originally thought that Lin Yun must have advanced in cultivation and had extremely terrifying methods, but she did not expect that Lin Yun's real trump card turned out to be his spiritual pet.

When he saw Xiao Bai suddenly appearing next to Lin Yun, he finally understood why this man had acted so fearlessly before.

A spiritual pet who has returned to the True Realm?

And it’s still at its peak?

So it can be seen that Xiaobai's current fighting power is quite strong, and he is not inferior to this octopus monster.

After the octopus monster killed Qiu Shengze, he was quite proud at first, but when he turned around, he saw a huge furry monkey rushing over.

I saw Xiaobai clenching his right hand and smashing a huge stick directly towards the octopus monster.

There was a hint of panic in the giant octopus's eyes. It could feel that the monkey in front of it was extremely powerful.

If this stick hits me, I'm afraid it will kill me.

So the octopus monster naturally wanted to evacuate from this place temporarily.

But it's a pity that Lin Yun, Xiaobai and others here certainly can't give this guy a chance.

The offensive is still fierce, and as if there is no money, various methods are emerging one after another.

Originally wanting to help, Su Yening was stunned when she saw this, and finally understood why Lin Yun didn't care about these things at all.

With such a powerful spiritual pet helping him, even if the King of Heaven comes, he can escape from here.

Not to mention that the spiritual pet is already so powerful, and how powerful Lin Yun's body must be.

At this time, the screams coming from all around finally made Su Yening come back to his senses and look at this Shura scene.

I don’t know how many people died

In this attack by the beast tide.

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