Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 955: Fierce Beast Tide Attack

Lin Yun looked helpless at the tragic situation around him. He had already told these people in advance what would happen next.

As long as they act according to their own requirements, this matter is not irreversible.

But in the end, it all happened.

Now all Lin Yun can do is protect himself. Apart from that, he has no other options.

As soon as Xiaobai appeared, he immediately suppressed the octopus monster, leaving the opponent completely unable to take advantage of it.

Although he has many tentacles, Xiaobai's movements are faster.

Moreover, the strange methods he uses from time to time also give the octopus monster a headache.

Not only are they completely crushed in terms of realm, but they are also completely different from each other in terms of tactics. The battle between the two sides is more like a joke.

At this time, Lin Yun looked around. The beast wave was coming fiercely, and the movement this time was also quite large.

Judging from the current trend, how easy is it for these people to avoid this disaster?

Even though he had prepared for the worst in advance, Lin Yun couldn't help but feel worried at this moment.

"Even if you people are prepared in advance, it will still be difficult to deal with it, let alone if you meet the enemy in a hurry."

The beast tide came very suddenly at the beginning, so many people on the warship were not prepared in advance.

But after the battle lasted for a while, they finally came to their senses and were able to cooperate with each other.

Using formations and various powerful protections, the offensive on the damp side will be suppressed for the time being.

At this time, Lin Yun's eyes suddenly looked towards the depths of the sea.

There was actually a breath coming from there that made him feel trembling.


"Sure enough, there is a big problem with these guys. They must be hiding something."

Lin Yun murmured in a low voice. Of course, he also knew that such large-scale operations as the beast tide had stopped happening in Wuwu Sea a long time ago.

After the monsters were wiped out in large numbers, they have always been honest.

I'm afraid that one of my actions will trigger a wave of liquidation, which will cause trouble at that time.

But this time, this group of guys went against the norm. Not only did they take the initiative, but they also took action in such large numbers.

Even a fool can understand that something unexpected and uncontrollable must have happened in this matter.

"It seems that they have other purposes for escorting these people on the warship this time."

"It's just that I didn't tell you my true thoughts. It seems that I also doubt you."

Chong Qingniao said with a sneer. At the same time, he also appeared next to Lin Yun, protecting Lin Yun.

The scariest thing about the beast tide is not the offensive they launch.

But because of such a large number of outstanding people, they are able to cause turbulence and influence on the souls of human monks.

That is to say, Lin Yun's spiritual power is strong enough.

In this case, it can easily withstand the waves of attacks.

Otherwise he would have become a madman long ago.

Look around, there are many poor people like this. If those boatmen had been hiding in the cabin earlier,

Maybe they can still survive, but now that a large number of shipwrights are exposed on the deck, you can imagine what their consequences will be.

It's a pity that Lin Yun was already prepared to deal with it, but in the end he was successfully destroyed by Qiu Shengze.

Right now he doesn't have any

There is nothing to say, but I can only watch this happen and hope that they can find a solution as soon as possible.

And Su Yening is also having a headache now. She had known that things would turn out like this.

Before, he should have stood unswervingly on Lin Yun's side and believed everything he said.

It's a pity that no matter what you say now, it is meaningless.

Under the current situation, even Su Yening knew that he was unable to change the shape of this war.

On the other side, Xiaobai has successfully eliminated the octopus monster, although this guy is huge.

But in front of Xiaobai, he was naturally suppressed.

No matter how hard it struggles, it can never change its destiny.

After Xiaobai killed the huge octopus monster, he did not retreat. Instead, he stood on the deck and looked into the depths of the sea.

Obviously, like Lin Yun, he felt the unusual atmosphere there.

At this moment, Lin Yun suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

A huge golden-winged firebird appeared directly there.

This guy's whole body was burning with red flames, but his overall hair was golden.

This feeling still had a strong sensory impact, and even Lin Yun couldn't help but be moved by it at this moment.

Sure enough, in this Wuwu Sea Area, you can really see many monsters that you rarely see, and this guy in front of you is one of them.

However, from Lin Yun's eyes, there was no trace of nervousness at all.

On the contrary, he could still laugh calmly at this moment.

The Golden-winged Firebird was originally full of confidence and wanted to frighten the resistance on the warship.

of practitioners.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly jumped up from the deck, and instantly became extremely huge in the air.

The golden stick was chopped down on the head.

The Golden-winged Firebird didn't even have the slightest chance to react.


The stick hit it directly on the head instantly.

The Golden-winged Firebird felt dizzy and heavy, and it might faint the next moment.

Seeing that Xiaobai was about to kill this guy, Lin Yun hurriedly raised his hand and scolded him.

"Don't kill this guy first, control it, we still have to leave here."

Hearing what Lin Yun said, Xiaobai naturally had some measure of measure, but it was still easy to suppress the Golden-winged Firebird.

The Golden-winged Firebird almost cried out. Originally, it wanted to blend in with the big team this time to get some benefits for itself.

But it didn't expect such a monster to appear suddenly and almost kill it.

The most terrifying thing is that there is really no way to deal with Xiaobai. This guy in front of him seems to be naturally restrained. All his fire-attributed attacks can't have any effect on Xiaobai at all.

And the stick in Xiaobai's hand can easily suppress his offensive.

When the Golden-winged Firebird thought of this, he was so depressed.

The situation on the warship was still getting worse. Facing the surging beast tide, there was really not much they could do.

The reason why Lin Yun is not in a hurry to leave now is because the monsters in the deep sea have not appeared.

These are very complicated for Lin Yun.

Before confirming the strength of these guys, rash actions are likely to make him the target of public criticism.

So he naturally

has to wait carefully.

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