“What? Is it actually the ‘earth elixir’ of the earth’s highest quality? ”

“It is worthy of the Murong family, which is well-known in the southern region for ‘Danshu’, and the shot is indeed generous!”

“Compared with other people’s dowries, our dowry can’t be taken out of our hands!”

When the crowd heard the name of “Earth Spirit Elixir”, they couldn’t help but turn their heads and ears again!

“Satisfied, so satisfied!” Xu Fu praised it and made a gesture to Murong Father’s son.

“Murong Family Lord, Murong Gongzi, my old master has been waiting in the palace for a long time, please come inside the two quickly!”

“Then there’s Lau Xu in charge.” Murong Aotian smiled slightly, and was planning to enter the Mo Mansion.

Just at this moment, a strange voice of yin and yang suddenly came over!

“Ahem! A mere ‘earth elixir’ counts as a fart, look at you proud! ”

“Who?” Murong Aotian’s brow frowned, and he followed the prestige, only to see that not far behind, another huge convoy was coming.

And a middle-aged man who was the first, also with a teenager, calmly walked to the gate of the Mo family!

“What? Even the people of the first family of ‘Ten Thousand Miles and Hundred Cities’ and the Xiao family came! ”

“It seems that there is a good drama to watch this time!”

The crowd turned their heads and ears again, looking at the people with shocked faces!

“Xiao Wanli? What are you doing here? Murong Aotian looked at the comer and couldn’t help but look down!

“Why, you can come, why can’t I?”

Xiao Wanli smiled, and then pushed the teenager behind him down in front of him, and said in a loud voice, “This is my son Xiao Wuxi, Murong Aotian, I am not afraid to tell you, this time the Mo family’s dragon riding fast son-in-law, it is not my son without a trace!” ”

“You!” Murong Aotian’s teeth clenched, and he stared at Xiao Wanli deadly!

Xiao Wanli was not willing to show weakness, and also stared at Murong Aotian!

As for the two little guys behind the two, although their minds are not yet mature, they also know that they are competitors to each other, and they are also staring at each other deadly, gritting their teeth and fighting each other!

“Father, what are they?”

At this time, Ye Mo suddenly whispered in Ye Tianxing’s ear.

“These two families are the veritable overlord families of our Southern Domain’s ‘Ten Thousand Miles and Hundred Cities’, of which the Murong family is famous for alchemy, with many masters under its command, and even a strong person from the Heavenly Martial Realm, who commands more than twenty cities and pools, and the family power is extremely huge!”

“And the Xiao family is the first to sit firmly in the ‘Ten Thousand Miles Hundred Cities’, according to legend, the Xiao family has two Heavenly Martial Realm strongmen, and they command more than thirty cities!”

Ye Tianxing patiently explained, after saying nothing, he did not forget to add: “I did not expect that the Mo family’s recruitment meeting this time, even these two giant families have led out, it seems that we are going to return this time in vain!” ”

“The Big Mac family?” Ye Mo smiled dismissively.

Although the Ye family only had one Qingzhou city under their command, in terms of power, it was far from being comparable to the Murong family and the Xiao family!

Can we talk about the master, the Heavenly Martial Realm strongman, is it very powerful?

In Ye Mo’s view, that’s all!

At the same time, Xu Fu saw Murong Aotian and Xiao Wanli confronting each other, fearing that the two would wipe their guns and go off the rail, and hurriedly stood up to be peacemakers.

“Two masters, you should first dissipate your qi, so why not drink a cup of tea in the house first?”

“No rush!” Xiao Wanli waved his hand, and suddenly reached into his arms and took out a palm-sized pure gold gift box with a beautiful shape.

“Xu Guanshi, this is a dowry sent by our Xiao family, you can open it and see.” Xiao Wanli casually threw the gold box in his hand to Xu Fu.

Xu Fu did not dare to be sluggish, and hurriedly opened it according to his words!

The next moment, a furious and fierce aura spread out from inside the golden box, and a terrifying hurricane rolled up all around!

“This is… Neidan of the Heavenly Order Demon Beast! ”

After Xu Fu saw the objects in the box, he almost didn’t faint!

The Heavenly Order Demon Beast, but it is equivalent to the powerful existence of the Heavenly Martial Realm Martial Cultivation!

And their Inner Dan has a rare benefit to the cultivation of martial artists, and it is definitely a rare treasure!

Xu Fu didn’t expect that the Xiao family had made such a big deal this time!

“What? It turned out to be the Neidan of the Heavenly Order Demon Beast! ”

“Heavenly Order Demon Beast! My God, that kind of existence, with just a finger, can crush our family into powder! ”

“It seems that this time, it should be the old ancestor of the Xiao family who personally intervened!”

The crowd was full of discussion, all of them looked at Xu Fu’s Neidan with great envy!

“You actually got the Inner Dan of the Heavenly Order Demon Beast?”

Even Murong Aotian was stunned, looking at Xiao Wanli in disbelief!

“Haha, I said long ago that this time the Mo family’s dragon-riding son-in-law is none other than my son, Murong Aotian, do you believe it now?” Xiao Wanli said triumphantly!

“Shaw… Lord Xiao, this gift is really too valuable, so I will go to the old man and ask him to personally come out to greet the two! ”

Xu Fu’s body trembled with excitement, and his voice fell, and he wanted to run to the mansion to report!

But I don’t know if it was intentional or unintentional!

At the moment when he turned around, he actually knocked down the table, the mahogany box containing Ye Mo’s self-created secret book!

Not only that, when the wooden box fell to the ground, Xu Fu also stepped on it twice, leaving several ugly footprints!

Seeing their martial arts cheats being so badly ruined!

Finally, Ye Mo couldn’t bear it anymore and ran away on the spot!

“Dog slave, kneel down for me!”


A terrifying murderous breath descended from the sky!

Xu Fu didn’t even react to what was going on, he only felt a tightness, and an irresistible force pressed him to his knees on the ground with a “poof”!

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