“Mo’er, don’t!”

Ye Tianxing was startled and hurriedly spoke up!

But Ye Mo was not moved at all, still staring at Xu Fu deadly!

“You… What have you done to me? Xu Fu was shocked and looked at Ye Mo’s eyes full of trepidation!

But no matter how hard he tried, he could never get up from the ground, as if there was a mountain pressed on his shoulders, so that he could only kneel on the ground and kneel down in front of Ye Mo!

“Huh? How did Xu Fu kneel down on his own? ”

The surrounding crowd, including Murong Aotian, Xiao Wanli and others, looked at Xu Fu who was kneeling on the ground, all confused and full of confusion.

Because they don’t feel the slightest bit of pressure at all!

It was true that Ye Mo’s momentum had reached the supreme realm of receiving and sending freely, and his goal was only for Xu Fu alone, and there was no half-overflow from beginning to end!

“Dog-eyed slaves who look down on people!” Only when my father sent the dowry gift, not only did you not look at it, but you also dared to sneer at him! ”

“Now, the Murong family and the Xiao family have sent dowry gifts, but you are all kinds of flattery, and you hate to kneel down and lick their toes!”

“You did this because their family was powerful, and my Ye family was in decline!”

“But you obviously don’t know your identity, what are you?” A watchdog of the Mo family, a lowliest dog slave, also dared to be rude to my father! ”

“You say, should you fight?”

When the words fell, Ye Mo directly raised his palm and slapped it mercilessly!


The loud slapping sound lingers in mid-air, and it lasts forever!

As soon as he slapped it, half of Xu Fu’s face immediately swollen into a pig’s head, and his mouth spewed out a mouthful of bruises!

And inside that bruise, there were still a dozen white dangling teeth!

“You… Do you dare to hit me? ”

Xu Fu touched his own painful cheek and looked at Ye Mo in disbelief!


The surrounding crowd saw the situation and also took a breath of cool air!

No one expected that this teenager, who looked only five or six years old, would actually shoot so crisply and neatly, saying that he would fight without ambiguity!

And this is still on the doorstep of the Mo family!

As the saying goes, beating a dog depends on the owner, but this teenager doesn’t care about the face of the Mo family at all!

Who the hell is he?

Where’s the confidence?

One question after another arose in the hearts of the crowd!

“Who is this boy who can suppress Xu Fu with his momentum alone?”

Xiao Wanli frowned and asked Murong Aotian, who was beside him, puzzled.

“I don’t know!” Murong Aotian smiled bitterly and shook his head, he had only come from behind, and he did not know what had happened to Ye Tianxing’s father and son before.

At the same time, after Ye Mo listened to Xu Fu’s words, he immediately laughed at Yang Tian, laughing wildly and laughing madly!

“Not only do I dare to hit you, but I also dare to kill you, do you believe it?”


Another terrifying killing qi roared out from Ye Mo’s body, shaking Xu Fu’s face and shaking like chaff!

Poor him, he was just a household slave of the Mo Family, only the Xuanwu Realm Fourfold Heavenly Cultivation, how could he withstand Ye Mo’s terrifying momentum?

At this moment, Xu Fu had a feeling that this unamazing looking teenager in front of him was not just talking, he really dared to kill himself!

Thinking of this, Xu Fu was even more frightened and scattered, only to feel that his lower abdomen was cold, and a stream of fishy urine flowed down the crotch of his pants!

“Gongzi spares his life, Gongzi spares his life…” Xu Fu roared in horror!

“What? Xu Fu, the big steward of the Mo family, was actually scared by this little guy? ”

The crowd saw the situation and was shocked to almost dislocate the jaw!

“Dog slave, do you want to live?”

At this time, Ye Mo suddenly asked!

“Think, of course you do!”

Xu Fu’s forehead sweated like rain, and he trembled: “Fang is a small one who does not know Taishan, please ask the prince to be merciful, let the small one have a way of life!” ”

“Ahem! Want to live? Okay, now, climb over, lick the dust off the dowry box, open it, and read out loud the name of the cheat inside! ”

Ye Mo reached out and pointed to the mahogany gift box that had fallen to the ground, and his eyes flashed with a killing chance!

“Otherwise, die!”

“The prince is angry, and the little one will do it!”

Under the unbelievable gaze of everyone, I saw Xu Fu landing on all fours, crawling to the side of the mahogany gift box with a rolling belt, and really sticking out his tongue to lick the dust off the gift box!

After doing all this, he opened the gift box in a hurry and opened it with the secret book!

“This is… Heavenly Order Martial Arts? ”

Xu Fu’s hands trembled, and he almost didn’t die on the spot!

“What? Heavenly Order Martial Arts? ”

“It’s impossible!”

Suddenly, two loud shouts suddenly came out, and it was Xiao Wanli and Murong Aotian, who were close at hand!

“But this… It seems that it is really a Heavenly Order martial art…” Xu Fu murmured in his mouth, even forgetting his situation at this time!

Just at this moment, a majestic voice suddenly came from Mo Mansion!

“What kind of person dares to make trouble in front of my Mo family’s door?”

When the words fell, I saw a middle-aged man with a square face striding forward!

When Xu Fu saw the comer, he seemed to grasp the last straw to save his life, and he quickly shouted: “Old Master save me, this little beast indiscriminately wants to take my life, please ask Old Master to be the lord for me!” ”

“Find Death!”

Ye Mo’s pupils shrank when he heard this, and he almost didn’t even think about it, and punched out violently!

The next moment, just listening to the sound of “boo”, Xu Fu’s whole person was hit by a punch, directly turning into a piece of broken flesh, “crackling” fell to the ground!


At this moment, not only Murong Aotian and Xiao Wanli stayed, but even those martial artists from all sides who came to participate in the Mo Family Recruitment Conference outside the venue also stayed where they were!

No one thought that Ye Mo really dared to kill the killer, and it was still in full view of everyone!

“Mole… You…… Kill him? Ye Tianxing’s unbelievable trembling voice still thought he was dreaming!

“Ahem! This dog slave still dares to sue the wicked first, and it is simply too much to lose! ”

Ye Mo was unmoved, and even the bottom of his heart did not have a single ripple!

“Mo’er, you are still too impulsive, but this time you have run into a big disaster!”

Ye Tianxing finally recognized the reality, knowing that things were irretrievable, and couldn’t help but smile bitterly!

“Oh, the father does not need to worry, the child has his own measure!”

Ye Mo smiled lightly, not paying any attention to his heart!

He just killed a dog slave of the Mo family, even if the Mo family really blamed him and wanted to seek revenge on him, why should he be afraid?

It is said that my generation was born with proud bones, and did not respect the heavens and did not worship God!

A word from a person is nothing more than a stroke!

Skim apart in order to stand up to the sky!

Since Ye Mo had revived his life, he had also chosen to learn martial arts!

Then he will never allow anyone to step on his head again!

No one can!

PS: 10,000 words updated to complete, to ensure that not eunuchs, not bad ends, please everyone more support, newcomer authors, do not understand what data achievements, only with a cavity of blood, to ensure daily updates until the end, I hope to dedicate to everyone the best article, the coolest plot!

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