As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked!

Ignoring the expressions of everyone in the auction hall, Ye Mo said to himself, “Xianrong to introduce himself, despised Ye Mo, is the suzerainty of the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ of the Lianyun Mountains, you can call me Gongzi, of course, you can also call me the suzerain!” ”

“You… What did you say? ”

“Establish a sectarian power in the ‘Land of Riots’?”

“Here I go! I’m afraid this kid is not a brain-dead! ”

The crowd heard the words and almost fainted!

But Ye Mo still ignored the question and said aloud again: “Don’t misunderstand, the reason why I killed Qi Ziwen, a dog slave, is because I am not used to what this ‘Hon Hai Shang Alliance’ is doing, I think that those who can sit here today are all famous and surnamed people in the ‘Land of Riots’, everyone has such a distinguished status, and they have taken time out of their busy schedules to participate in the auction of this ‘Hon Hai Business Alliance’, but let’s see, what are the things they auctioned?” ”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo grabbed the Qingxiao Sword on the table, and immediately exerted force in his hand, “clicking” and breaking it into two pieces!

“This kind of garbage, also with the auction table?” This is simply an insult to the identity of all the VIPs! ”


Ye Mo seemed to throw garbage, shaking his hand and throwing the long sword that had broken his hand into two pieces on the ground!

“Crazy, this boy must be crazy!”

“How bold is this boy to kill people’s big treasurers and ruin other people’s auction items?”

“Isn’t he looking for death?”

There was a commotion below, and everyone looked at Ye Mo with a look of schadenfreude!

At this moment, the crowd had already treated Ye Mo as a complete madman, brain-dead!

There is no way, these things he does are not something that normal people can do!

But Ye Mo didn’t think anything of it, but finally said his original intention!

“Next, I will let everyone open their eyes and see what is the auction that is qualified to be on the auction stage!”

“What is the most precious treasure that is qualified for the VIP to bid for auction?”

As the words fell, Ye Mo reached out and gently touched his own Sumiya bag, and a “Nine Turning Star Dan” with a round body and a flickering glow was directly exposed to the air!

The next moment, the rich danxiang roared out, almost instantly covering the entire auction hall, making people feel like they were mesmerized and couldn’t help themselves!

“This… What is this elixir? ”


The crowd below completely exploded, and one by one they all stood up and stared dead at the “Nine Turning Star Dan” in Ye Mo’s hand!

It is no exaggeration to say that if they did not have Ye Mo’s guts, they would not dare to easily challenge the rules of the Hon Hai Business Alliance!

At this moment, the crowd was afraid that they would have to go up and grab it!

At this moment, at the entrance of the auction hall, two figures came together, wasn’t it Yuwen Zhi and Lu Fansha?

But as soon as the two of them stepped into the auction hall, they smelled this amazing Dan Xiang and saw the Peerless Dan Medicine that Ye Mo was holding in his hand!

The two powerful men immediately followed and were stunned in place, even forgetting the real purpose of the trip!

At this time, Ye Mo saw that the atmosphere in the field was almost mobilized, and finally said, “This is the ‘Nine Turns Star Dan’, which is the Dan Medicine that Ben Gongzi personally refined, ranking among the Star Grade Divine Products, as for the efficacy…”

Ye Mo learned from Qi Ziwen and deliberately sold a guanzi!

In fact, with his temper, as early as the moment when Qi Ziwen insulted Pang Tu, he should have killed this dog slave on the spot!

But the reason why he didn’t kill Qi Ziwen was to figure out the specific process of this auction house, so that he could auction it himself, without fake the hands of others!

This is the most fundamental reason why Qi Ziwen was able to live for half an hour!

Seeing that the atmosphere in the field was getting hotter and hotter, Ye Mo knew that the fire had arrived, and he immediately said that he was not surprised to die!

“The effect of this Dan can not only enable the Star Meteor Realm Martial Cultivation to unconditionally enhance the cultivation of a heavy heaven, but also add to the martial artist’s perception of heaven and earth, that is to say, taking this Dan can not only break through, but also break the bottleneck in one fell swoop, and from then on, the heavens and the earth are big, and the emperor can soar!”


“In this world, there is such an anti-heavenly elixir?”

This epic bombshell fell into the crowd, and the people who successfully exploded were stunned and dazzled!

However, not everyone directly listened to Ye Mo’s introduction, and there were still many sober-minded people in the audience who raised their own questions!

“Boy, although your elixir is fragrant and not like an ordinary product, who knows if the effect is as anti-heavenly as you say?”

“Yes, the elixir that can unconditionally enhance the Star Meteor Realm Martial Practitioner’s Heavy Heaven Cultivation is the first time in my life that I have heard of it!”

“Not to mention that you can also add to the martial artist’s perception of heaven and earth, where is this or what is the supreme treasure?” It’s priceless, who knows if what you say is true? ”

As soon as these words came out, the crowd reacted to them all, all waiting for Ye Mo’s follow-up, wanting to see how he could prove it!

“Haha, I already knew that all the VIPs would have such questions, since I Ye Mo dared to come to the auction, how could I not make some preparations?” Ye Mo grinned.

The words fell, only to see him violently reach out his hand!

At the auction hall, a big man flew up in a daze and landed straight next to Ye Mo, and was choked by his neck!

“Sleeper! What are you doing? ”

The big man struggled, but found that he couldn’t break free of Ye Mo’s clamp no matter what!

“Don’t move, this prince is going to give you a great creation!”

Ye Mo said a word, and no matter what the big man’s reaction was, he directly grabbed the elixir in his hand and stuffed it into the big man’s mouth without saying a word!

The next moment, just listen to the sound of “bang”, and the majestic starlight falls from the sky! _

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