The stars are shining brightly, and the ripples are in the huge auction hall!

Under the horrified gaze of everyone, the big man who was being grabbed by Ye Mo and originally only had the Star Meteor Realm Triple Heaven Cultivation actually broke through the cultivation in a short moment and stepped into the Star Meteor Realm Fourth Heaven in one fell swoop!

“He actually … Breaking through? ”

“It’s impossible!”

The crowd was shaken to the east and west!

And Ye Mo also released the big man in his hand at the right time, and asked lightly, “Tell everyone about it, how do you feel now?” ”

“This… This elixir turned out to be true! He really let me break through the cultivation and deepened my understanding of heaven and earth! ”

The big man’s tears of excitement filled his eyes, and he actually knelt down to Ye Mo with a loud thud, and prostrated his head on the ground one after another!

“Thank you Gongzi for being perfect, thank you Gongzi for your success!”


“Oh my God! Is there really such an anti-heavenly elixir in this world? ”

“I’m not dreaming!”

“A good ‘Nine Turns Star Dan’!”

“Ye Gongzi, do you still have this ‘Nine Turns Star Dan’?” No matter how much it costs, I will buy it in my hand! ”

“Yes, Ye Gongzi, you won’t just have this ‘Nine Turning Star Dan’!”

At this moment, the entire auction hall was suddenly a complete mess, the crowd stood up from their seats, and the bee chrysalis surrounded Ye Mo, one by one, holding his neck and scrambling to ask, afraid that Ye Mo really only had that one inventory!

“Oh, don’t worry, of course, I won’t have only one of these ‘Nine Turns of Stars Dan’!”

Ye Mo smiled slightly, and his eyes scanned the entrance of the auction hall, Yu Wenzhi and Lü Fansha, who were still stunned in place, then withdrew their gaze, and shouted at the surrounding crowd: “Please abide by the order of the auction house, you are so surrounded by me, even if I have Dan Medicine, I can’t auction it!” ”

“Ye Gongzi is right, everyone should not gather here!”

“Let the prince auction it, and the one who pays the high price will get it!”


With another chaotic footsteps, a group of big men who were usually unruly in the scattered seats obediently sat back in their seats again with Ye Mo’s words!

Not only that, with Ye Mo’s words, the entire auction hall was instantly smashed, and the needle could be heard!

Everyone was excited, their eyes were hot and inky, and even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe!

Ye Mo smiled slightly, and knew that if he hung people’s appetite again, it would definitely cause public indignation, and without delay, he directly took out a “Nine Turning Star Dan” from his arms again

“The efficacy of this elixir must have just been seen by everyone, just as the so-called ‘sword with hero’, only this supreme treasure can be worthy of the identity of everyone here, I don’t know if Ye Mo is wrong?”

“Ye Gongzi has won the prize, and compared with your Dan Medicine, those things that the ‘Hon Hai Shang Meng’ just auctioned are simply spicy chicken!”

“Yeah, yeah, what’s the big deal to put up for auction, when we’re all fools?”

“Ye Gongzi, don’t sell Guanzi, let’s talk about the price of this ‘Nine Turns Star Dan’?”

The crowd rushed to echo again, and even the “Hon Hai Business Alliance” followed suit…

It is true that the effect of the “Nine Turning Star Dan” is too anti-heavenly, in order to get it, this group of people have been desperate!

“Oh, it’s rare that everyone is so loving, this ‘nine-turn star Dan’, I don’t set any low price, everyone can bid at will, the highest price gets!”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo did not forget to add a sentence!

“Oh yes, this is the last ‘Nine Turning Star Dan’, please be sure to seize the opportunity, if you miss it, there will be no yo!”

Ye Mo smiled, simply didn’t even bother to report the reserve price, because he believed that after everyone knew the true effect of the “Nine Turns Star Dan”, the price of this Dan Medicine would definitely not be low!

Sure enough, in the instant his voice just fell!

“I produce 10,000 ‘Star Crystals’!” This ‘Nine Turns of the Stars’ is none other than me!! ”

A big man stood up in a hurry, and the asking price was ten thousand!

“Twenty thousand ‘Star Crystals’!” I’m out of twenty thousand! ”

“Fifty thousand ‘star crystals’!”

“One hundred thousand ‘star crystals’!”



“Who the hell is this boy?”

Seeing that this price had soared to such a terrifying point in an instant, even the Ninth Elder Yuwen Zhi of the Hall of “Hon Hai Shang Alliance” could not sit still, and asked with his mouth open!

“Brother Yuwen, isn’t this boy a member of your business alliance?” Lu Fansha’s eyes widened and he asked in disbelief!

Yuwen Ji shook his head and suddenly shouted into the corridor behind him, “Come! ”

A maid heard the news and trotted all the way over!

“Nine… Nine Elders! The maid stood in front of Yuwen Zhi, trembling with fear and trembling by the terrifying breath on his body!

“Tell me, who is this boy?” Yuwen Zhi stretched out his hand and pointed to Ye Mo on the stage!

A moment later!

“What? Are you saying that this boy is the culprit who killed Lü Feng in my Hon Hai Business Alliance? “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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