As soon as the words stopped, the first one immediately rang out!

“I’m out of five hundred ‘Moon Huajing’!”

“Seven Hundred ‘Moon Huajing’!”

“Nine hundred pieces!”

“A thousand pieces!”

The chaotic sound sounded from the auction hall again, but compared with the previous auction “Nine Turns Star Dan”, the atmosphere in the field was obviously relaxed a lot, because those who could afford to buy the “Nine Turns Moon Hua Dan” were all the strong people in the box.

At this time, the group of martial practitioners scattered below were all reduced to spectators, listening to the terrifying quotations that swept across the sky, all of them were dizzy and dizzy by the shock, unable to help themselves!

Soon, the price of “Nine Turns of Moon Huadan” soared all the way to 4,800 pieces of “Moon Huajing”!

What is surprising is that after this elixir soared to this price, no one bid for the auction anymore, and it was not as high as the previous “Nine Turns Star Dan” price!

Of course, for such a result, Ye Mo was not surprised at all!

After all, before, there was a “bloodthirsty Dan God” Ouyang Xiu who came out to stir up trouble, otherwise in terms of the value of the “Nine Turning Star Dan” itself, it would definitely not be able to sell for the sky-high price of five thousand “Moon Huajing”!

And this time, the “Nine Turns Moon Huadan” he sold was not stirred up, and it was only logical to sell at this price.

“Deal, this private room guest, ‘Nine Turning Moon Huadan’ is yours!”

Ye Mo snapped the auction hammer in his hand, and then bent his fingers to flick the “Nine Turning Moon Huadan” towards a box in the hall!

After the guests of the box got the elixir, they turned to throw a bulging bag of Meru at him.

After Ye Mo got the Sumire bag, he slightly checked the “Moon Hua Jing” inside and confirmed that the number was correct, and then he was satisfied and placed it in his arms.

With the completion of the successive auctions of “Nine Turns of the Star Dan” and “Nine Turns of the Moon Huadan”, three extreme disorder and extremely majestic horror momentum suddenly appeared in the field, which frightened everyone present and changed their faces, was it not Ouyang Xiu, Yu Wenzhi and Lü Fansha?

The three Nine Yang Realm strongmen saw that Ye Mo had sold out the “Yuehua Grade” Dan Medicine, and finally they could no longer hold back the throbbing in their hearts, and even the momentum on their bodies unconsciously spread out, which showed how nervous the three of them had been!

But Ye Mo was not panicked at all, after filming the “Nine Turning Moon Huadan”, he directly turned around and shouted at the backstage: “Come people, move a chair for Ben Gongzi to come over, good tea, oh yes, it is best to find a maid to come and pound my legs, standing for so long, Ben Gongzi is about to fall apart!” ”

“This… This bastard! ”

The three Nine Yang Realm Strongmen almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood!

But seeing that Ye Mo had no intention of stepping down, he obviously planned to continue the auction!

In desperation, Yuwen Zhi could only wave his hand at the maid behind him, asking him to do as Ye Mo commanded!

Soon, several subordinates of the Hon Hai Shang Alliance moved a luxurious Taishi chair, put on a pot of good tea, and even sent two maids to pinch his back and beat his legs!

Ye Mo was also unambiguous, sitting directly on a chair, two feet on the auction table, just so you can rest up, straight to the crowd below shocked!

Just at this moment, Ye Mo suddenly reached into his arms and groped in his arms!

Under the nervous gaze of thousands of people in the audience, suddenly, Ye Mo seemed to feel something, and his hand protruded from his arms!

The next moment, I saw that he somehow found a pocket version of the folding fan from nowhere, and unfolded it with a “bang”, and fanned himself up at ease!


The crowd saw the situation and couldn’t help but fall for it!

“Boy, you’ve had enough, this is an ‘auction’, and you personally presided over it, what is your intention in making us wait so much?”

Finally, Ouyang Xiu couldn’t bear it any longer, stood up and opened his mouth to drink!

“Oh, as a powerful person in the Nine Yang Realm, you don’t even have this patience?”

Ye Mo smiled, but he did not continue to delay, but once again reached into his arms!

Not long after, when Ye Mo’s hand reached out again, between his two fingers, there was already an extra golden elixir of gold, like the sun!


The majestic heat wave roared out and swept in, making some of the scattered cultivators closer to the auction table can’t help but retreat backwards in unison, and even the heat coming from this elixir can’t resist!

“What you want is coming, and this is the highlight of today’s auction, ‘Nine Turns Yang Yuandan’!” Ye Mo squeezed the elixir in his hand, and the words were not surprising!

“Boy, leave the elixir behind!”

“Get out, this elixir is mine!”

“I’d like to see who dares to shoot me!”

Suddenly, just listen to the “boom, boom, boom” three consecutive explosions!

Yu Wenzhi, Lü Fansha, and Ouyang Xiu were almost in no particular order, and at the same time, they unfolded their bodies and rushed towards Ye Mo, rolling up the monstrous wind!

And Ye Mo, still sitting on the Taishi chair, did not move his ass from beginning to end, but said lightly: “If the three of you dare to take a step closer, Ben Gongzi will crush this ‘Nine Turns Yang Yuandan’, which is a big deal!” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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