

Boom, boom, boom!

With three dull sounds, Ouyang Xiu, Yuwen Zhi and Lü Fansha almost invariably fell, standing less than three meters away from the auction table, looking at Ye Mo with a nervous face!

“Little brother, we can discuss anything, don’t crush this elixir!” Ouyang Xiu said anxiously!

“Yes, little brother, this elixir is so precious, if you destroy it like this, it will be too violent!” Yuwen Zhi also echoed the words on the side!

“Oh, now I know I’m afraid?”

Ye Mo still sat still on the Taishi chair and didn’t move, but he just sneered with disdain, “You three, as the powerful people of the Nine Yang Realm, actually want to rob the prince of the elixir in front of everyone’s eyes, and you really don’t want to be invincible in the world…”


When the three of them heard the news, they couldn’t help but blush!

“Do you want this elixir?”

At this time, Ye Mo stretched out his hand and gently shook the “Nine Turns True Yuandan” in his hand!

“Good value for money” The three of them nodded honestly!

“Well, please start your show!” Ye Mo grinned and stretched out comfortably on the Taishi chair!

“Table … Performance? The three Nine Yang Realm Strongmen were all confused when they heard this, and they didn’t understand what Ye Mo meant by this!

However, Yu Wenzhi was worthy of being the Ninth Elder of the Hon Hai Shang Alliance, and seeing the opportunity very quickly, he was the first to react and smiled at Ye Mo, “Little brother, the contemptible Yu Wenzhi is the ninth elder of the Hon Hai Shang Alliance!” ”

As the words fell, Yuwen Zhi looked at Ye Mo confidently, as if he wanted to see the look of admiration, admiration, awe, and so on on his face!

Unfortunately, he was soon disappointed, because Ye Mo didn’t even lift his eyelids all the time, just a faint “Oh”…

“Which corner of this bastard boy did he jump out of, and he hadn’t even heard of the name of this seat?”

When Yuwen Zhi saw this, he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart!

However, he did not show it on the surface, but continued to say: “I don’t know if this ‘Nine Turning Yang Yuandan’ in the hands of the little brother can bear the pain of cutting love for this alliance?” If you can, I’ve assured my little brother that you will be upgraded to a Purple Gold VIP immediately, and from now on, as long as you make a purchase, no matter what you buy, you can enjoy a 50% discount! ”

“What? 50% off? ”

“My God, this Yuwen Zhi is really bloody!”

“Anything can enjoy a 50% discount, then Ye Mo as long as he is not a fool, he will definitely agree to it!”

The crowd couldn’t help but whisper, all stunned by Yuwen Zhi’s big hand!

“50% off?”

Ye Mo’s face was stunned, and he hadn’t had time to speak yet!

At this time, Ouyang Xiu on the side couldn’t look at it anymore, as if he was afraid that Ye Mo would impulsively agree, and he scolded Yuwen Zhi with a broken mouth!

“Yuwenzhi, what the are you worried about, didn’t you see that the little brother held an auction?” The things auctioned at this auction, of course, are the highest bidders, so why should they be given to you ‘Hon Hai Business Alliance’, are you a big bully in the store? ”

“Ouyang Xiu, you bastard…” Yuwen Zhi was angry, and just wanted to say a few words back!

But after Ouyang Xiu said this, he didn’t even look at him, but turned to Ye Mo and smiled and squinted, “Little brother, old man Ouyang Xiu, I don’t know if you have heard of the old man’s name before?” ”

“Uh… No! ”

Ye Mo shook his head in confusion!

“What? You haven’t even heard of the old man’s name? ”

Ouyang Xiu looked at Ye Mo in disbelief, and even the crowd in the field looked at him in puzzlement!

Ouyang Xiu, the “bloodthirsty Dan God”, is a veritable first Dan Master worthy of the name of the “Land of Riots”, not only is his Dan technique superb, but also his cultivation is strong, his heart is fierce, he destroys people at every turn, and he kills and loots without evil, which can be described as a fierce reputation!

No matter what, everyone could not have imagined that Ye Mo, who was in the “Land of Riots”, had never even heard the name of such a supreme murderer as “Bloodthirsty Dan God”…

How big are the nerves of this kid?

“Is your old guy famous?”

At this time, Ye Mo suddenly spat out a sentence, almost killing Ouyang Xiu on the spot!

“You… I…”

Ouyang Xiu stuttered for a long time without uttering a complete sentence!

Heaven could see pity, if it weren’t for the worry that Ye Mo would have crushed the “Nine Turns Yang Yuandan” in his hand, he would have been afraid that he would have slapped Ye Mo into long ago!

“Well, since you haven’t heard of the old man’s name, then the old man will introduce himself!”

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Ouyang Xiu said proudly, “Old Husband Ouyang Xiu, the ‘Land of Riots’ is known as the ‘Bloodthirsty Dan God’, but he is a veritable ‘Nine Yang Level’ Dan Master, and also the highest Dan Master in the entire ‘Land of Riots’ Dan Technique!” ”

Speaking of this, Ouyang Xiu said lightly to Ye Mo again, “Boy, look at your appearance, you should also be a Danshi!” “_

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