“Good value for money”

Ye Mo nodded, but he didn’t hide it!

“Although you are also a Danshi, and your Danshu attainment is not even worse than that of your old husband, but your cultivation is too weak, only the peak of the Star Meteor Realm, this kind of cultivation is in the ‘land of riots’, and even has no self-protection power, the old man now gives you a heavenly creation, I wonder if you are interested?”

“Oh? Let’s hear it! Ye Mo asked pretending to be curious!

“Oh, as long as you are willing to offer the elixir in your hand to the old man, the old man will accept you as a closed disciple, what do you think?” Ouyang Xiu said confidently!

“What? Ouyang Xiu actually wanted to accept this boy as a disciple? ”

“This boy is simply walking luck, if he can be accepted as a disciple by Ouyang Xiu, then he can walk sideways in the land of riots after that!”

The crowd heard the words, and there was another cry of surprise!

“I’m sorry, I want to take this boy as an apprentice, you old guy is not qualified enough!” Ye Mo almost didn’t even think about it, and said with a disdainful face!

“What do you say?” Ouyang Xiu’s pupils shrank and he almost ran away on the spot!

But Ye Mo didn’t even bother to look at him, but directly shifted his gaze and landed on the last Lu Fansha!

“That’s all you’re left with, let’s talk about it, what benefits do you want to take in exchange for Ben Gongzi’s elixir?” Ye Mo asked for a long time!

“Benefits? Hehe! ”

Lu Fansha sneered and Senran said, “Don’t you want benefits?” OK! My good thing is to spare your dog’s life!” ”


Ye Mo smiled, in fact, as early as the moment when Lü Fansha and Yuwen Zhi had just stepped into the auction hall, he had guessed Lü Fansha’s identity!

Because since Lu Fansha saw him, the killing machine on his body had not been broken for almost a moment!

And such a killing machine, unless it is a deep hatred with oneself, such as… Kill the son’s revenge!

“You are the leader of the ‘Mad Shark Gang’, Lu Fansha!” Ye Mo asked lightly!

“Good value for money”

Lü Fansha nodded, and drank coldly: “You hand over the elixir in your hand, you killed my son Lü Fei, I can not blame the past!” ”

“Good value for money”

Ye Mo smiled proudly and finally stood up from the Taishi chair!

The next moment, I saw his gaze sweep over the three Nine Yang Realm strongmen, and then he didn’t say anything surprising!

“I’m not targeting you, I’m not targeting you, I’m not targeting you!”

“I mean all three of you, hot chicken!”

“What do you say?”


As soon as these words came out, the whole length was shocked!

No one expected that Ye Mo would dare to say such a great rebellion when facing the three Nine Yang Realm strongmen at the same time!

Even the three powerful people who were parties did not expect it!

But Ye Mo did not intend to have any affection with them at all, because in his opinion, these three people wanted to kill themselves and avenge their sons; And the other wants to be an accomplice to killing himself!

As for the last one more fucked, he actually wanted to crack his own Dan Fang!

Even if these things aside, just by virtue of the fact that the three of them just wanted to forcibly plunder their own elixir by strength, in Ye Mo’s view, these three people were all dead!

It’s just that his cultivation is not good now, and he can’t help the three of them!

However, if the three of them wanted to make Ye Mo bow his head with their identity strength, it was undoubtedly a fool’s dream!

“Oh, you three old things don’t do any fearless fantasies!” Ben Gongzi put his words here today, want my elixir? Yes, old rules, the highest price gets! ”

After the words fell, Ye Mo sat down on the Taishi chair again, and he didn’t even look at the three of them!

“Boy, are you really afraid to move you?”

Ouyang Xiu trembled with anger and looked at Ye Mo’s eyes to kill the machine!

“That’s right, I just don’t think you dare to move me, don’t you think you can move me to try?”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo properly raised the “Nine Turns Yang Yuandan” in his hand and made a gesture of two fingers and a pinch!

“Wait!” The three of them all changed their faces and hurriedly waved their hands to block it!

“What, aren’t you going to move me?” Let’s do it! Ye Mo skimmed his lips disdainfully!


“Little brother, we just played with you!”

The three strong men almost ran out of gas to blow up their lungs, but there was no way to take Ye Mo, they could only accompany the smiling face to pretend to be grandson!

No way, it was really the “Nine Turns Yang Yuandan” that was too important to them!

You must know that all three of them are strong in the Nine Yang Realm, but the combined ages of the three of them are almost three hundred years old, and each of them has been immersed in the current realm for at least decades, but they have never been able to break through the Fa!

Because the current cultivation realm has reached the limit of their talents!

And if Ye Mo was right, the “Nine Turns Yang Yuandan” could really break their shackles and expand their potential!

This is simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them, and no matter who the three of them are, they don’t want to miss it! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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