When the first pair of big men of the Wild Shark Gang “hold hands successfully”!

Next, the rest of the people followed suit, and it didn’t take long for the big men to regroup and find each other’s positions.

It is undeniable that Lu Fansha has once again made the right choice at present, he is worthy of being the leader of a gang, and this temporary response makes everyone admire!

“Brother Lü is indeed sharp-minded, Du admires, admires…” Du Yan pulled Lü Fansha’s small hand, and a shameless “shyness” flashed on his face!

“Hahahahaha, carving insect tricks, what foot hanging teeth?”

Lu Fansha couldn’t see Du Yan’s expression at all, heard the other party’s ass, and couldn’t help but laugh proudly!

But at this moment, a discordant voice suddenly sounded from the crowd behind!

“Huh? Whose arm is this, how long and thick and hot and straight! ”

“Bastard, that’s not an arm, that’s mine… Yes…… Don’t drag, stop, Butterfly! ”

This long and timid moan made Lu Fansha spit out a mouthful of old blood, and he almost fainted on the spot!

At the same time, on the wall of the “Invincible Battle Sect” mountain gate, Ye Mo and a group of disciples watched the wonderful live performances of the Wild Shark Gang big men below, and they were already laughing and leaning forward and backward, twisting from side to side!

“Son, I see that the people of this crazy shark gang have been whirling around in the same place, and if there are no eyes and no pearls, they should have been trapped in the legendary trap, right?” Ouyang Xiu couldn’t help but ask!

“Yes, this is the ‘Bagua Sleepy God Array’, and if the person who enters the formation does not have my permission, no matter who it is, he will not want to take a step within seven days and forty-nine days!” Ye Mo said triumphantly.

“Why would a prince even deploy a line?”

The other disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect couldn’t help but be surprised when they heard this!

They knew that Ye Mo could refine Dan, but they didn’t expect that he would also deploy the formation, and the formation they deployed could even trap the Nine Yang Realm masters of the Wild Shark Gang, which was simply beyond everyone’s understanding!

“Gongzi even cultivated the two auxiliary roads at a young age, and each one of them was very remarkable!”

Ouyang Xiu heard the words and let out a heartfelt sigh!

“Compared with you, I Ouyang Xiu have simply lived to the point of being a dog all these years!”

“Oh, the Great Elder doesn’t have to be arrogant, although your Dan Technique is not worth mentioning in my opinion, if you cultivate it a little, you can still barely get on the table!”

Ye Mo grinned widely, although it seemed to be persuading, listening to the meaning of his words, there was no hint of modesty at all, but it directly devalued the Danshu that Ouyang Xiu had been practicing for decades!

What was even more surprising was that as the “former” First Dan Master of the “Land of Riots”, Ouyang Xiu not only did not get angry after hearing this, but instead asked with a surprised face: “Gongzi means, you want to point out my Dan Shu?” ”

“As long as you do it wholeheartedly for Zongmen in the future. It is not impossible to give you a little guidance when you are idle! Ye Mo said lightly!

As soon as these words came out, Ouyang Xiu immediately fell to his knees in front of Ye Mo almost impatiently, and shouted loudly: “Please rest assured Gongzi, I Ouyang Xiu will definitely bow down for Zong from now on and die for the Sect of Worship!” ”

“Then it depends on your future.” Ye Mo smiled slightly, but he was not overwhelmed by his few words.

As the so-called watching people take medicine, Ouyang Xiu had studied Danshu for half a lifetime, and when it came to his obsession with Danshu, he was afraid that he would be far above Ye Mo!

And Ye Mo threw himself into his favor, with his terrifying understanding, if he was really willing to instruct Ouyang Xiu Yi Er, it could be predicted that the other party’s Dan Shu would definitely be able to achieve a substantial improvement in a short period of time!

This was definitely an irresistible temptation for Ouyang Xiu!

At this time, Ram Kun beside him suddenly threw up his hands and asked, “Gongzi, although the people of this crazy shark gang are trapped now, but we can’t help them, are we just watching them hang out in the formation?” ”

“Of course, I won’t let them be so relaxed, since I trapped them, how can I give up this opportunity to beat up the water dog?”

Ye Mohaha smiled, turned around again, and shouted at the group of Invincible War Sect disciples behind him: “The Invincible War Sect belongs to obey the order!” ”

“The disciple is here!”

A group of disciples of the “Invincible Battle Sect” fell to their knees on the ground without the slightest hesitation, which showed that they were already gradually impressed by Ye Mo’s earth-shattering ability, and they began to have a sense of belonging to the Sect Gate from the bottom of their hearts!

“I order you to stand on the city wall now and launch an indiscriminate attack on the group of enemies below who dare to violate my sect, regardless of life and death, and smash me hard!” Ye Mo waved a big hand!

“Yes, son!”

When the disciples heard this, they almost peed their pants excitedly!

You know, now a group of gangsters of the Wild Shark Gang are all trapped in Ye Mo’s formation, and there is no way to fight back, this is simply standing still to kill them!

Who would let go of such a good thing?

The next moment, I saw a total of five thousand disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect lined up on the city wall, and then they exhaled and opened their mouths, sending out one brilliant star element after another in the air, smashing towards the Wild Shark Gang in the trapped formation below!

Boom, boom, boom, boom…

With a series of violent explosions, where could the Wild Shark Gang in the formation expect the disaster to fall from the sky?

Almost instantaneously, the bombarded people were overturned on their horses, and hundreds of people died under one face!


“No, get out of the way!”

The gang of the Wild Shark Gang saw that the situation was not good, and they all dodged one after another, and the formation that had just been organized suddenly fell apart!

“Ye Mo Xiao’er! You must not die! ”

Lu Fansha screamed angrily, although he couldn’t see, he could tell what was happening just by the screams and bloody smells coming from around him, and the power of the “Star Yuan” that was constantly falling out of thin air!

Although most of the disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect only had the Star Meteor Realm cultivation, the “Star Yuan” attack issued could not hurt his protective body “Yang Yuan”!

But his helpers couldn’t hold back!

Under the large-scale attack of the entire five thousand Star Meteor Realm strongmen, even the Moon Hua Realm strong people had to drink a pot, plus they were trapped in the fog array, and they had eyes that were difficult to distinguish, and they could only rely on perception to dodge, which was undoubtedly worse for the entire Wild Shark Gang!

Cracking sound……

The ground shakes and the wind sweeps!

Half an hour later, under this uninterrupted and intensive attack, the plains under the mountain were almost smashed into a honeycomb, and all that came into sight was a bottomless crater of rubble, mixed with countless broken limbs and broken arms, a miserable apocalyptic scene! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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