Fortunately, at this time, the five thousand disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect had finally exhausted the Star Element, and all of them had retreated without continuing to maintain the attack!

And the original tens of thousands of people of the Wild Shark Gang also lost thousands of people under this ruthless and indiscriminate bombardment, which can be described as a heavy loss!

“Ye Mo Xiao’er! What kind of hero and good man are you using such a despicable means? There is a kind of battle with Lao Tzu head-on! Lu Fansha’s fists clenched, and his body trembled with anger!

Du Yan on the side was also gritting his teeth, how did not expect Ye Mo to play a hand!

“Haha, Lu Da Gang Lord, are you all poop in your head?” Even if Ben Gongzi sits still, he can easily play you to death, so why bother to go down and pick a fight with you? Just as the so-called king loses the king, you are just a dog that has fallen into the water, what qualifications do you have to negotiate with this prince now? ”

Ye Mo was not at all moved, and said lightly to Lu Fansha in the formation, “Wait, wait until the disciples of my sect have recovered their physical strength, and then continue to teach you to be human!” ”


Hearing this shameless remark, Lü Fansha almost bit his steel teeth and said sharply, “Even if you kill all the disciples in my gang?” Do you think that with those ants under your door, you are entitled to hurt Buddha-figures? ”

Speaking of this, Lu Fansha screamed maniacally: “I think you should wait, I don’t believe that your Fa can trap me for a lifetime, and when I get out of trouble, I don’t want you to have any Dan Fang, I must slash you with a thousand knives and scatter your bones to ashes!!!!” ”

“Ahem! You don’t have this chance! ”

Ye Mo’s pupils narrowed, and he once again ordered the disciples on the city wall: “The Invincible Battle Sect belongs to the order, and will first concentrate my firepower and force this second surnamed Lü to blast me into slag!” ”

“Yes, son!”

The disciples agreed one after another, but Ouyang Xiu, who was standing next to him, suddenly said, “Gongzi, it’s useless!” ”

“Huh? What doesn’t work? Ye Mo asked incomprehensibly!

“Gongzi, there are ‘Three Talents Purple Mansion’ in the body of the Nine Yang Realm Strongmen, and the Yang Yuan is endless, no matter how many Star Meteor Realm Martial Cultivators join forces, they will not want to break his protective body Yang Yuan!” Ouyang Xiu said in a deep voice!


Ye Mo raised an eyebrow and asked, “Great Elder, what is the ‘Three Talents Purple Mansion’?” “The prince doesn’t even know?” Ouyang Xiu looked at Ye Mo in disbelief, how could he not have imagined that Ye Mo did not even know such common sense that everyone in the Middle Martial Domain knew!

“This… Please also ask the Great Elder to solve my puzzles! ”

Ye Mo scratched his head in embarrassment, for these three talents of the Purple House, he was indeed the first time to hear about it, because he had just arrived in the Middle Martial Domain not long ago, plus his talent was amazing, there was no bottleneck in cultivation and promotion, it had always been a matter of course, so he knew very little about the secrets of these high-level martial arts!

“Well, then the old man will come and talk to the prince.”

Ouyang Xiu saw that Ye Mo didn’t want to pretend, and he shook his head with a bitter smile and patiently explained, “The so-called ‘Three Talents Purple House’ is the three talents of the Sun, the Moon, and the Star, respectively, the ‘One Hundred and Eight Heavenly Gangs’ of the Star Meteor Realm Strongman, the ‘Yuehua Heart’ of the Moon Realm Strongman, and the ‘Nine Yang Chaos’ of the Nine Yang Realm Strong, when these three forces are fused into one, they can form a small world prototype in the Nine Yang Realm Strong’s body!” ”

“What? The world takes shape? Ye’s eyes widened!

“Good value for money”

Ouyang Xiu nodded and continued. The prototype of this world, also known as the internal world and the small world, can provide a steady stream of power for the Nine Yang Realm strongmen, unless the internal world collapses, otherwise the Nine Yang Realm strong people do not have exhaustion at all, because they themselves are a heaven and earth! ”

“Gongzi can imagine how it is possible for the astral power of the Meteor Realm Strongman alone to destroy a world?”


When Ye Mo heard this, he was suddenly silent!

Although before, he had also subdued Ouyang Xiu, a powerful person of the Nine Yang Realm, through his self-created secret technique “Star Demon Demon”!

However, he had never dealt with the Nine Yang Realm Strongmen at all, and he didn’t know that the Nine Yang Realm Strongmen would have such a terrifying divine power!

“Gongzi, the Nine Yang Realm strong, non-Nine Yang Realm strong people can’t be dealt with, or let the old man personally take the shot!”

At this time, Ouyang Xiu arched his hand again and said his original intention.

“Ahem! As I said before, this battle will never let you help, and this prince has always said nothing, how can he break his word? Ye Mo frowned!

“Son, now is not the time to think about this!”

Ouyang Xiu exhorted bitterly, “If we can’t solve this Lü Fansha and Du Yan, when the two of them really get out of trouble, the two of them join forces, even I am not an opponent, not to mention that Yuwen Zhi is afraid that it will not be long before he comes, and at that time, our Invincible Battle Sect will be dangerous…”

“Isn’t there a way to break through the Nine Yang Realm’s powerful protective body True Yuan?” Ye Mo asked somewhat reluctantly.


Ouyang Xiu pondered a little, and said with some hesitation, “Yes, there is, but…”

“Oh? Tell me about any way! ”

Ye Mo didn’t seem to notice Ouyang Xiu’s hesitation at all, and couldn’t wait to ask!

“This… All right! ”

Ouyang Xiu nodded and suddenly asked, “I don’t know if Gongzi has ever heard of a kind of charm, the name of which is ‘Five Thunder Boom Top Charm’!” ”

“Charms?” Ye Mo’s eyes froze!

“Good value for money”

As Ouyang Xiu spoke, he gritted his teeth, and then he lightly touched the Sumire bag around his waist with a painful face.

The next moment, a magic paper that was less than the size of a palm, rectangular, purple all over, and flashing with terrifying electric streaks appeared in his hand!

“Gongzi, this is the ‘Five Thunder Booming Top Charm’, which is said to be able to ignore the defense and directly attack the Martial Cultivation Divine Soul!” Ouyang Xiuyu is not amazing!

“What? Ignoring defenses? ”

“Directly attacking people’s spirits?”

As soon as these words came out, not only Ye Mo, but even Ram Kun, Chu Laowei, and Pang Tu, who were standing by, were all surprised!

“Good value for money”

Ouyang Xiu nodded heavily, and said in a deep voice, “This ‘Five Thunder Boom Top Charm’ was also obtained by the old man when he traveled the world in his early years, and it is said that he can summon the ‘Five Colors Divine Thunder’ empowerment, and its value is immeasurable, it is the bottom card at the bottom of the old man’s pressure box!” ”

“It’s just a rune, so precious?”

Ye Mo curiously took the charm in Ouyang Xiu’s palm, grabbed it in his hand and played with it curiously, directly making Ouyang Xiu’s eyelids jump wildly!

“Gongzi be careful, this thing is not a joke, once the power in it is emitted, with your current cultivation behavior, I am afraid that I will immediately scatter my soul!” Ouyang Xiu even reminded!

“Rest assured, I’ll just see, not your baby!” Ye Mo waved his hand indifferently and continued to look at the rune in his hand.

At this time, Ouyang Xiu reminded him, “Gongzi, the reason why this ‘Five Thunder Booming Charm’ is precious is because the method of depicting this kind of charm has long been lost, and this one in your hand is estimated to be the only inventory in the entire ‘Zhongwu Domain’!” ”

Speaking of this, Ouyang Xiu added, “Moreover, in our ‘Zhongwu Domain’, the number of ‘Fu Masters’ is extremely rare, even much less than the ‘Formation Division’ and ‘Dan Division’, and the high-level ‘Fu Master’ is even rarer in the world, so this ‘Five Thunder Booming Top Charm’ is rare and precious, because no one can copy it at all!” ”

“No one can replicate it…”

Ye Mo heard the words, murmured unconsciously in his mouth, and then his eyes flashed!

“Oh, this prince still doesn’t believe in this evil!” _

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